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Can you stop designing boring killers?

Jace233 Member Posts: 20

Instead of teleport portals, detection, and exposed mechanics over and over...

Do a grey alien that can mind control survivors and force ur MCed survivor to grab another and hold them their.

Do a wizard that shoots fireballs or frost spells.

You guys need to start being original and make killers that change the status quo or this game is going to nosedive in population because it is getting rather boring.


  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,720

    The Knight as a summoner was pretty unique. Skully as an information gatherer/area denial was also new. Whether they were fun or not is a different question.

    Within any game there are only so many variations that can be introduced. Something totally unique that doesn't introduce new game elements would be a major surprise/probably impossible. Also, look at the Nurse, I'm not sure we want another killer who breaks the general rules of the game.

    On your suggestions

    Taking over a survivor would definitely be different, but I'm not sure how it would work against SWFs.

    Fireballs sounds like a different version of huntress. Ice spells are just a hindrance effect.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    Ok that first one sounds horrible. The ability to play is literially taken away from you for however long the mc lasts, once you are mc'd you can't do anything and skill doesn't matter. The wizard sounds neat but thematically doesn't work well in a game based around slasher horror, reflavoured to be a firebreater or a witch/warlock however sounds like it would work.

    Like someone else said the new killers are original. A knight itself is thematically old the power is defiently original and as much of a mess the skull mechant lore is the idea of a daughter who mimics her dad's art and then goes of the deep end when that art stops being produced is also every unique. Original is not the same as well designed and well designed is not the same as original.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is the game have very limited mechanics and to do something unique most often then not either breaks the game(nurse) or has to be overly weak or they will break the the game I think knight is a good example not in how he's played but how he was intended to be played.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,169

    I do feel there's more they can do, but they are limited by a number of factors: some legitinate, such as game mechanics, accessibility; whilst others simply due to either a job being rushed or simply a lack of imagination.

    To be honest, there's only a finite number of abilities they can do, although they can do variations of a theme.

    Some abilities I wouldn't mind seeing, if possible, include:

    1. As you mentioned, some sort of killer able to wield elemental powers - which really can be extended to each element belonging to a different killer.

    2. A killer who can change a survivor's pov to first person, thereby limiting their abilities and causing confusion.

    3. A killer who has a power which strengthens when a survivor looks at them (say, a gorgan who hinders you as you look at it).

    4. A killer who can crawl of walls or ceilings.

    5. A killer who can jump from hook to hook. Not teleport, but moreover using hooks to jump from/to, and pounce off.

    6. A killer who can create phantasms of itself (split into maybe 4 other phantoms) who walk all the the same direction during a chase, but the killer can switch into any of those phantasms, so the survivor doesn't know which phantasm is real.

    7. A killer who can "sight-jack" and view things from the survivor's viewpoint.

    8. A killer who can make every survivor and themself look exactly identical, which is like the mimic idea, but making it a bit tougher for swf.

    9. A killer who specialises in sonokinesis.

    10. Similar to your first idea, a killer who - whilst not necessarily controlling a survivir - but can manipulate movement or make it harder for them to go the direction they want.

    Also, Identity V had some interesting ideas. I can't remember the killers names sorry, but abilities such as creating a mirror image of itself at a distance away and can control both the image and them to attack; or the Clerk's(?) ability to record movements and then replay to block a survivor's direction (even record themselves taking a swing, so they can replay that and use that to take a hit).

    Finally, variants can be good if given a unique twist of sorts. Off the top of my head, perhaps a killer who traps pallets and walls with mini bombs to cause damage to survivors; various ranged attacka using different weapons such as a crossbow or bow n' arrow, but does not have m1, so purely reliant on stealthy shots; a killer who causes survivors to go mad but instead of the doctor, different effects happen.

    There's still a number of ideas they could do, depending on twhat the game mechanics allow.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    A mind control character would absolutely be hated. An unavoidable CC that then stuns other players? That would cause a flood of hate.

    As to your sorcerer idea how is that any different from. "Huntress but instead of a hatchet throws a red fireball".

    There are no "fun" killers because survivors want a killer that has a power that cant hurt them, reduce stealth, give away position, expose them, give the killer mobility, have side objective, be anti-loop, and it can't be used to camp gens. There is no power that fits that definition and you would be extremely hard pressed to come up with one that somehow does nothing but is also worth being called a power.

    Literally any killer power idea that anyone has can 100% be labelled boring/unfun/shouldn't exist If we followed forum rules.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    This topic was made shockingly close after a content creator uploaded a video bemoaning how boring dbd is. You would just wait for him to tell you what to think and come here and regurgitate streamer opinions. People here pointed out how your ideas are "unfun" and your response is to insult us and not expand upon how your ideas are in fact fun, which speaks volumes about how shallow the idea was in the first place.

    The fact is DBD has a huge amount of people playing it and what person A finds fun is not a guarantee person B will find it fun. Add in engine limitations and the like and you'll never be able to make a perfect power. The statement "stop making boring killers" loses all meaning with this in mind.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    Funny, that you think the cost of making a game has gone done

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,861
    edited May 2023

    I think lots of killers currently in game are fun to play as and against. And while your post weirdly turned into a whiny rant about survivors, I frankly don’t see how a killer that can hijack other players’ abilities to play the game at all (mind control) would be okay. That’s actually bat guano.