Thumbs Up emote?

Was thinking it would be cool to have a ‘thumbs up’ animation when reassuring someone on hook then thought, why not make it a third emote lol? I’m not usually about emotes at all but could be cool?
Honestly, yeah; we need more emotes in general. Maybe stuff like...
- Thumbs down
- Wait
- Over here/Hello!
- Hush/Shh!
Being able to customize emotes (obviously not extremely silly things like dances and whatnot, just simple gestures), would be a cool idea.
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Adding more variety for the survivors to do that the exit gate or from across the pallet, I bet the Killers will love this, except not.
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I like the “Hush/Shh” one! Would fit perfect I reckon.
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Haha I did consider this but giving a thumbs up surely couldn’t be considered more rude that pointing? Then again, someone’s always mad at something in the world lol.
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BHVR so scared that some kids playing killer will cry about someone showing "thumbs up/down" or waving "hello" in the exit gates, we will hardly see any new emote. I'm afraid if they remove existing two (after they "nerf" flashlight clicking).
Really respect asian devs, which don't give a damn about hurted feelings of some emotional kids, and there are tons of emotes, half of which could be easily used in harassing way. Simple thing is: people will always find a way to taunt their opponents, so this careful and frightened path of limiting as much as possible is similar to banning kitchen knives to prevent killers.
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I really don’t see the problem when we already have our 2 emotes as well as teabagging..
i mean, sure, emotes that are directly related to mocking or are just stupid (like Fortnite dances) could be seen as problematic and aren’t really fitting to the game. But neutral emotes don’t really bring any new form of toxicity imo
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Yeah you have to be careful what feedback to take seriously because a lot of it is people just wanting to vent based on one bad experience or frustrating game. A thumbs up emote would be a pretty safe bet I’d think considering it’s a positive animation, if someone complains, it’s just a few compared to the many that would enjoy it .