It seems to me that developers ignore the Arab community

Well, we have two chapters from Japan, and chapter from Brazil, and a chapter from Korea and others
But what about the Middle East chapter? Which Arabs or The majority are Arabs
Not only chapters But the Arab community wants the Arabic language in a game, and some even offered to volunteer to add the Arabic language, and this is not new because the Arab community has demanded this for years, and you can find some of them since 2017 asking or offering to volunteer to translate the game into Arabic
Isn't this strange for behavior that does not look at the Arab community?
The Arab community is a big community however, there is no response from the developers which is strange
You might say that Zerina is indeed an Arab
But I will say that Jake is from Korea and yet they made a chapter from Korea
What the Arab community wants is very clear (a complete Arabic chapter) and (the addition of the Arabic language)
Feng Min is Chinese, not Japanese
there are plenty of regions not (yet) represented in the game at all.
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Ah the classic "no chapter for my culture so must be ignoring us" tactic.
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done editing
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Of course, since 2017, and the Arab community wants that
Is this the first thing you thought of? the irony? You dazzle us
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You might say that Zerina is indeed an Arab
But I will say that Jake is from Korea and yet they made a chapter from Korea
now why would Arabic take priority over any region/culture that’s not represented at all? Eg Native American, (native) Australian, plenty of Africa, anything Asian but Japan/Korea, Scandinavian. Or what about other regions, where we have ‚only‘ a survivor? China, Germany, etc pp.
thing is, they actually have great diversity in this regard and are expanding on it ever more. The Korean chapter was more K-Pop which had nothing to do with jake..
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I'd love to play jinn as a killer, like put a lamp and then someone scratches it and you come etc etc
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There are many games that have been translated into Arabic, so it is not an insurmountable problem, and also the Gulf countries, the Arabian Peninsula, is the best place to quote things to make Arab characters
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There's plenty of cultures to be added to the game so you're not the only one. Just because you a "representative" have been asking for it for that long doesn't give you any higher priority other groups that have been asking for that long.
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Oh sorry for the confusion. I just meant chapters/in-game content.
for translation, I am with you.
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But there is no response, even those who offered to volunteer were not answered either
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Well for translation 100% but to ask for a chapter is a bit much.
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I know it is difficult, but the Arab region is full of myths and legends from which they can make 2 killers out of these ideas.
It is a pity that the developers did not pay attention to this treasure
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Well, Egypt and Turkey are from the Middle East, if you don't pay attention
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The game not being translated into Arabic likely means they don't have someone who can translate and they should be looking into that.
As for character representation, while it would be nice it's not like bhvr is favoring any one with the characters they release. So this is a non issue
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I'm with you on wanting to see a chapter based on stuff from that part of the world. I have my doubts that the devs are intentionally ignoring any demand for it, but it is something I'd like to see for sure. Definitely before we get another chapter based on Asian culture, since we've had 3 of those already.
Although you could make the argument they did delve into middle eastern culture a little bit with the Plague, since she hails from Babylon. Something from the middle east from more recent times would be nice though.
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Yep, I also agree a Djinn killer would be awesome (in fact, I have a chapter of my own creation dedicated to that), but as other have said, there are still many cultures unrepresented, so it's not like they are intentionally avoiding it, is it?
Now, the translation thing is another matter entirely, and yep, if people have even volunteered, I don't see the point why it's not getting done.
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Yeah, where is the german oktoberfest event?!
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Ugh. Now I remember the Oktoberfest collection 🫠 I guess Felix head is still his best at least.
Germany is not only just Bavaria.
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"A game I play doesn't have representation of a specific group of people. The developers must ignore them!"
If you want representation, then make a post in feedback and suggestions. Don't accuse the devs of ignoring that just because they have not added said representation yet.
I wear glasses and you don't see me accusing the devs of ignoring people that are visually impaired.
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As if no one did what you wrote
I will not repeat what I wrote earlier
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I'm sure they will include something to make more appealing to your community. I want to believe we haven't seen the best chapters of the game, yet.
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I didn't know that a woman's veil could scare you
Let's change the old saying (the man is afraid of the unknown) to (the man is afraid of the woman because he can only see her face or her head).
Presumably, the pig might hide you
But this is a popular and religious culture as well, so do not joke about these matters
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I mean at least Zarina is from Arabian country, there is a lot countries have not any character in game tho.
For example, i am from Turkey and there is no Turkish character in this game. Or Greek? Or Bulgarian. Or Persian. I can list more but i think you saw the point already.
At least they are trying to add different characters from different countries and cultures.
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A character of Arabic or other Middle Eastern ethnicity/culture could be cool. But just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean you're being discriminated against. There's no Polish characters either, it doesn't mean BHVR hates Poland.
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I did not say that the developers hate the Arab society, but if you failed to notice, I did not specify a specific Arab country, but I said the Arab region, because the ideas are very many and varied, and it is unfortunate that they miss this treasure
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The translation thing does seem weird (perhaps whatever BHVR's done has made it unable to render arabic characters?)
As for a chapter, as said before, not only are a lot of countries/regions not included, but I actually dont even know of any Arabic horror stories or inspiration for one. It makes sense that they havent tried to make one yet when you look at the big picture.
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A few replies in this thread have been rude when it wasn't warranted. I understand your desires, but I don't think they are going to happen for a variety of reasons (some good, some just BHVR decisions).
But there is no response, even those who offered to volunteer were not answered either
If I had to guess, there are concerns about private company taking volunteer work and then using it for profit. Additionally, as new content comes out it would also have to be translated. That's why I think they'd likely prefer to have a long term partner, not volunteers.
That said, I have nothing against the concept of a translation to any langue.
On the not responding: BHVR, like many companies, seems to have a policy of not commenting about possibilities. This is understandable, a simple 'we are considering something like this' can easily explode into a community thinking an idea which is just a possibility is guaranteed.
I know it is difficult, but the Arab region is full of myths and legends from which they can make 2 killers out of these ideas.
It is a pity that the developers did not pay attention to this treasure
So there are a few issues here on why it probably hasn't happened/is unlikely.
1: The games theme is western horror movies, especially with a focus on American/Canadian slashers. Western horror fans also tend to gravitate to east Asian horror pretty well (and vise versa). However, this same theme transition is not as easy with some other cultures. As the game trends more toward 'horror in general' though it likely will expand.
2: DbD tends to avoid just taking characters from mythos. There is no werewolf, vampire, frankenstein, etc per se, though they do play off those ideas. Whether that is a good idea or not is its own question, but that doesn't seem to be a well you want to dip into.
3: When you dip into mythos you are creating the possibility that you will upset people who believe the genre you are using are very much real (example: devils, djinn). Some cultures don't have much of a problem with this, Shinto believers in Japan for example don't seem to mind the use of Shinto religious concepts in fictional works. That isn't universally true. Given how broad the Arabic world is BHVR creates the possibility of backlash, which is the last thing a company wants.
Personally, I wish they used mythological creatures more from various cultures, but they really seemed focused on the idea of characters who at least have a human origin.
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No thanks.
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I think it is not fair to count licensed characters. We should count only original characters because BHVR has no decision race of licensed characters.
But i agree with that, we don't need any Japanese or American characters because we already have so much of them. I prefer to see different cultures as well.
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Most of the ancient myths, especially in the Arabian Peninsula, are not believed in by society, and no one mind if companies want to take any of these ideas.But the problems begin if the Arabs are abused and depicted in a bad way through the character or the abuse of the society's culture and religion.
I see that they borrowed the character the Spirit from Japanese mythology and then the developers composed her story and made her perks
They just borrowed the legend and then did the rest themselves and then added it into the game as an original chapter.
This is what I want the developers to do from the Arab legends and then do their creativity
If they are worried about whether this fits with the Arab culture or not, they can ask the Arab community
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What killer would you propose? A Djinn might be a bit too touchy, but a Ghoul could work, the original arab ones are pretty terrifying. Or maybe a Thugge or Hashashin? But these would be memed to death and would have to work had to differentiate themselves from the Legion.
Maybe some OG character like "The Desert Raider", who could be literally anything, mechanical, or "The Vizir", who is the first real black mage.
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Plague is from babylon so thats arabic isnt it? current day Iraq.
And yea Zarina is arabic too i think.
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The plague is from a very ancient civilization that does not even speak Arabic
And before the Arabs
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Game still doesn't have a single Australian devs must be ignoring us damn meanies >:(
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In fact, I was also wondering why arabic culture hasn't arrived in DBD yet. I'm from europe, but I'd really appreciate a survivor and killer from the arab world. Arabian mythology offers enough material that would fit in DBD.
Of course, we cannot represent every single culture at once. But I think a community of 350 million members where DBD is popular shouldn't be "left behind" ;) So it is totally fine to ask for it.
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There's no Slav survivor either.
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How do you find it
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My guess is that BHVR is worried about offending Islam. They probably think that if they make a killer based on arabic myth or a survivor that is actually like directly from an arabic country that people will complain about stereotypes or portraying them wrongly or portraying them in a way that offends them.
This is of course a potential issue with anything they release but there's no doubt that anything related to Islam tends to be much more of a controversial issue.
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the arab countries don't even get their own server location and they have to play with high ping on EU server, even there is AWS available.
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Geographically/ethnically, you have Zarina and Adiris (The Plague).
While I'm sure a Djinn would make a great killer concept, taking from modern day cultures can be problematic, we don't have any Christian-themed religious horror figures like the Nun for example. They probably wouldn't want to risk offending Islam. You could argue Djinn is technically pre-islamic, but then so is The Plague, so...
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All myths have nothing to do with the religion of Islam. These myths existed before the advent of Islam
Islam does not believe in myths and legends
However, there were myths that existed before smartphones became popular in homes, that is, in the period 1800-1950, and some of them were used to scare naughty children.
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Doesn't matter to me, just love a good chapter.
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Regarding the localization to Arabic it might just be a matter of costs. If BHVR does all translations and QA in-house they might not have an Arabic linguist and editor and they would have to hire them permanently since all new content would have to be translated as well. If they don't do it in-house the company that handles their localization might not have Arabic translators either and they would have to find a whole new partner only to be able to include this language.
Additionally, it could also pose an issue for special characters that might just not be able to be displayed. Sometimes when usernames contain certain characters they only display as squares or question marks in-game so they might not be currently supported. Again, they would have to spend money and resources to make that possible and they probably decided that it's not worth it for the company.
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I absolutely agree about needing a more diverse range of translations for the game, however it's honestly not very surprising BHVR doesn't reply about people offering to do it, bc them not having a translator for a specific language probably means they have anyone to check the offered translation (and even then, they'd probably play it safe and pay someone to do it instead).
As for an arab chapter, of course it'd be great to have one, but there's no reason why it should take priority over any other culture.
(Also, to the few people who say they don't want asian chapters anymore bc we already have korean, japanese and chinese characters: please look at a map and realize there's in fact more than 3 countries in Asia, Feng Min doesn't represent Kazakh, Indian, or any culture besides her own)
And although I'm sure BHVR wouldn't want to offend any culture, they could just make a human arab killer that isn't taken from any myth to be certain to avoid any trouble.
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You pointed out 2 examples as opposed the majority that actively refute your point. Interesting
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I'd like to see a ghul or ghulah based character myself especially if they could shape change into a hyena for fast movement or anything like that. Mega bonus points if their main power was shape-shifting into another survivor (preferably the last one hit).
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Sorry, you don't get to control the conversation.
Secondly, you stated that if BHVR are concerned about upsetting people "they can just ask the Arab community".
This assumes that the Arab community is a monolithic whole where everyone believes the same things exactly.
No group of human beings with more than one member has everyone believe the same things exactly.
So that's not really feasible.
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This is actually incorrect.
It's a well known fact that both the "killer main" and the "survivor main" communities of DBD work on a hive mind basis and all individuals in those communities share the same beliefs and are equitably responsible for the state of the game.
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Yes, the majority of Arab society knows what they want because we share culture and beliefs, but not exactl
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If you really want Arabian representation in the game all you need to do is convince bhvr that it will make them lots of money!
Good luck broski