This community is unable to recognize a good play(er)

It feels like whenever someone does something remarkable the opposition is quick to call them a tryhard,abusing a strong killer,toxic etc. I understand its an online game,and people aren't really happy to lose,but they are outright disrespectful and salty instead of keeping quiet. Commending an outplay feels like a foreign concept.
If you get slugged or lose the game at 5 gens i don't know what to tell you other than the fact that there was a massive gap in skill.Yeah the killer could have refrained a little bit,but there is no excuse to loosing a game where not even half the gens were repaired.
If you lose vs a blight/nurse/spirit etc recognize that they are playing a difficult killer,if they used their power well and ended chases quickly they are not carried by the killer,they are not abusing anything,just whipping your @.
A survivor getting a save(stun or blind) requires them to be in the right place at the right time,and not mess up the timing.
Getting stunned in a chase means losing a mindgame(however small)
Not getting a hit after engaging for more than a minute means you either made a wrong decision chasing in that area or you are just getting juiced.
Survivors getting gens done quickly means efficiency and coordination.
Getting value out of an off meta perks reeks of testosterone.
I feel like if we would be able to give praise to skillful endeavors we wouldn't be jumping at each other's throats, constantly trying to make the game as miserable as possible for our opponent. Right now i feel like the opposite is the case.I feel like the only killer who gives hatch to a survivor who was clearly above the rest and i only caught him after everyone else failed them. Tbagging the killer after a close and engaging game feels so tasteless. Pointing out a myriad of reasons for your defeat instead of taking the L is way to common.
I would love if more people praised each other or at the very least refrained from embarrassing themselves.
I praise the streamer who won a 1000 games in a row in pubs as Blight running the strongest build all while playing sweaty as possible against 4 survivors who all mostly have a combined total of under 1500hrs still trying to learn game mechanics 👌..
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I'm always honest and if the killer has done really well, I'll say ggs and good luck. However if they've played dirty/tried to slug/tunneled at 5 gens etc, they're never gonna get a gg.. they'll get a few bags before I leave though. 🙂
When playing killer, regardless of how toxic they've been I'll say ggs. I love survivors who play hard, otherwise it kinda feels easy.
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mike, your mmr goes up as you win games in a row. have you considered that they could just be a good player?
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MMR means nothing for matchmaking apparently.
Momo is very talented, but this has exposed a clear flaw in the matchmaker.
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There is no timing with flashlight saves anymore. Its so stupidly easy to hit a blind and you can't just keep looking around for the flashlighter as killer because time isn't on your side and you looking for the flashlighter still buys the team a little more time for them.
Map tile rng is so stupidly designed that even small maps like coal tower send you on minute long chases because they simply got good rng not to even mention cowshed which always spawns with 8 tiles connecting to each other. And it's not as simple "oh just leave chase" which just isn't viable on most of the killer roster.
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Getting value out of an off meta perks reeks of testosterone.
What does that even mean?
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The opposite is also true
Some people have such inflated egos because of this video game and think their opinions are sooo much better than everyone elses.
If you want to find those kinds of people, look on Twitter - it's infested with them.
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I met a classy Booba last night, and I praised him as such.
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Piggybacking off of this...
@imakepeoplehateme, I think many players' hesitancy to appreciate skillful play stems from poor matchmaking.
People rarely feel as if they are being outplayed by their opponents. It more often feels as though they've been outplayed by poor matchmaking, map RNG, and perk value disparity. When opposing sides are not standing on even ground, it is much harder to recognize, and thus acknowledge, when you've been bested by skillful play.
For example, if I'm up against a Huntress on Rotten Fields running Lethal, Bitter Murmur, BBQ, and I'm All Ears, with Glowing Concoction & Infantry Belt, I won't be particularly impressed when they steam roll through the match. The cross-map hits will seem impressive at the time, but it's not that skillful considering the Huntress had so much aura-reading.
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It's a function of zero matchmaking transparency and no ranking system. Players try to fill in the blanks with what they believe is skillful. But we don't really have any way to telling who the top players are, what playstyles are most effective in a high level match, etc. We genuinely don't know anything as it relates to public matches. It's really dumb, but goofy silly random party game I guess.
The closest we can get is DbDLeague, but that reduces the sample size to less than 100 players, tacks on a scoring system, as well as individual balancing for each killer. It's its own ecosystem.
Post edited by edgarpoop on7 -
Yeah that would be nice but it just easier to blame everything else. In dbd matches are rarely fair for both sides. People even coming in with broken addons like TS peice or u going against good 4 man swf who feel unstoppable. You just gotta accept this game will always struggle with balance and then you will be at peace.
●The map was survivor sided i couldn't do nothing mAnnnnn!!! :(:(
● "you only won cause u camp/tunnel"
● "The loops are to safe i couldn't do nothing"
● "You playing a S tier killer? u should win"
● "crutch perks!!!!!!!"
● "Gen rushing don't take skill.......yall just holding m1"
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I agree with you for the most part except this part:
"If you lose vs a blight/nurse/spirit etc recognize that they are playing a difficult killer,if they used their power well and ended chases quickly they are not carried by the killer,they are not abusing anything,just whipping your @."
I respect a good Blight and Spirit. They require skill. Nurse is brain dead, breaks the game and is straight up unfair.
The argument that she's a difficult killer to master is dead to me. Play 20 nurse games, you will figure her out and from then on its smooth sailing. No killer should have the power she has, even after her nerfs a good nurse still has the ability to wipe everyone out in 5ish minutes.
I'll be afk at hook
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I think what they're saying is running perks that aren't Meta is big D*** energy
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Ignoring how broken Blight is... I don't know how anyone can honestly believe this game has a matchmaking system that gives you strong opponents consistently. I see 50 hour players get matched with people who have 5000+ consistently in matches I play. There is so much evidence of this on streams as well. Yet people still go on about high MMR this and low MMR that.
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I refuse to admit that anyone is exceptional at this game, as long as BHVR refuses to let us see MMR numbers. I've watched so many killer streamers, where the survivors walk into walls, and have terrible pathing, that I just assume many of these streamers are dropping their MMR off stream to get easy games while they're on stream. And I've watched so many survivor streamers, where the killers whiff M1 attacks 5 times in a row, and we're supposed to believe the killers are anywhere near the same MMR as the streamer??????
We sometimes even have streamers publicly advertise that they are playing survivor games on a new account, and their viewers will cheer them on, as these streamers stomp all over the default MMR killers.
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Sorry I didn't know this wasTrials of Osiris I thought this was dbd my bad
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I switched to playing survivor after being a killer main since 2019. Being a good survivor is more celebrated than being a good killer.
Being a good survivor really relies on team communication because you must figure out the killer perks and add-ons and play around them.
Survivor is very difficult because you have to learn all killer’s weaknesses and what add-ons they use. Like If it’s Huntress and uses Glowing Concoction then she will definitely try to hit you as soon as you get on line of sight. Hillbilly with LoPro Chains will fake revving his chainsaw until you get past the pallet and then insta down you… there just so many things to learn as you play survivor ….
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Of course there are more skillful and less skillful players, but it's really hard to determine in a single game. I've stomped teams and got stomped by the same. It really depends on the loadouts and the RNG (maps, tiles etc). It's also hard for me to congratulate someone who's stomping public solo squads with Blight and Nurse, i don't see any skill in that with the current loose MMR system.
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Funny how you call them pubs, as if the comp scene for dbd even exists. Is winning that many games not a display of skill? Can you win 1000 games in a row under any conditions? Not mention the addons used weren't even blight strongest, no ring , no c33, no wallhacks not even adren just double speed. Is there anything shameful in running perks that give you value?
ok? How does facing bad opponents take away from the skill of the player. Would you call someone like lilith bad even though he is sweeping lobbies and clearly facing opponents worse then him?
Blight and nurse take skill to use, they are not the killers with the highest kill rate, and the average player piloting these killers is terrible. It takes time and dedication for these killers to show results. Its also not the players fault that the match maker sucks, different topic altogether .
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You're equating good mechanical skill with good game sense. I think when people talk about skill they mean the first one most of the time, like say a Huntress, she's considered skillful if she's hitting those hatchets. This killer has a lot of skill expression unlike some other killers like Trapper or Wraith, who are considered more one-dimensional.
Are there skillful Trappers and Wraiths? Yes, but they usually have to rely more on the knowledge and experience they've gained by playing long. They rely more on their game sense than raw mechanics.
So camping is not skillful, there's nothing mechanically intensive about staring a hooked survivor in the face, but knowing when to camp and where to hook the survivor for maximum benefit is great game-sense and understanding the benefit of it.
A person who started playing yesterday instinctually will camp when he gets a hook and gens are popping left and right. But he's not camping to build pressure and force survivors to make mistakes, he's camping to save face, to feel like he at least got one. He lacks the experience to understand the effect camping can have on the hooked survivors teammates.
Also removing skill from many games is desirable for people who want to win, because skill is a variable and people who play on a higher level want more guaranteed strategies that are safe to impement and not as dependent on skill. But that makes games boring, whereas having to engage with a skilled opponent, having to read them, having to react to them react to you, all those back to back is a lot more exciting. That's why people like the chase.
People really do like 1 v 1, from the chases of DBD, to fighting games, to top lane or mid lane in League of Legends. I'm sure there are way more examples, but those are the ones I could come up with. The problem with 1v1's though, is that losing in it is/feels a lot more personal, than say losing in a team. It's why killers hate extended chases and survivors love them even if the get hooked. They lost the war but won the battle (survivors). Same with LoL. Even if the most skillful top/mid laner loses because of his team, if he played well he has a score to show for it, a grade and sometimes even gets a little gift in the form of a chest you can open up (if your score was exceptionally good). It also feels easier to put the blame on the team if you did well but still lost. The killer can not do such a thing, that's why 3 genning is a preferred strategy than chasing one survivor, it was safer for the killer.
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Decision making is super important and a person with great mechanical skill but bad decision making/macroplay can only go so far.
It's just that out of all three mechanical play is the flashiest and perhaps easiest to to notice.
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People also seem dismissive of good players -- especially if it's on the survivor side. Always some excuse to say they aren't that good. It's a weird narrative that only killers can be good and survivors are braindead for pressing a button on a gen for 90 seconds.
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It is not that our community cannot recognize a good player, it is just that... they are not there.
In DBD, there aren't many good strategies developed over time. It is mostly a matter of "one-shot strategies", things that worked or did not work for one specific trial, under specific circumstances. That is as far as you can get.
Honestly, I can only think of 4 players I would genuinely say were excellent... and that was a group of survivors I've encountered long ago, during the good days of Old DBD. Those gals really took the survivor role to a whole new level, something I had never seen before and have yet to see again.
I did my damn best to get them, swear to ya I did, but to no avail. And that is the only example that I can confidently call "skill", rather than something that worked for one trial in particular.
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I mean it sucks when you're in a game trying your hardest and the first survivor downed DCs or kills themselves on hook. It happens all the time. The chances of escaping that match drops to almost zero unless you get the hatch or you get lucky with exit gate placement. Chances are though the killer isn't going to hook the 3rd survivor. They're gonna slug and hunt you down so you can't get hatch or gate.
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I don't think that was the intent. I read it like "Getting value out of an off meta perk is a gigachad move", but the OP defaulted to whatever quick way to express it they had, and often language tends to be sexist by default, so it may have come across as such.
He's just saying anyone getting value out of off meta perks isn't cheesing you and you shouldn't be mad at it, they just deserve that value because they reduced their overall chances of winning to have success in that one particular scenario.