jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

Yet again I’m calling for a well needed buff to DS as with its nerf came whole new wave of tunnelling a survivor out because it goes without punishment or counter play and new DS is just laughably bad and not even worth a perk slot now when will behaviour listen to us we accept tunnelling and camping will always be apart of the game but why remove the only counter we have when off the record is just bad


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,559
    edited May 2023

    I feel currently with decisive out of the meta, it's enabling perks like STBFL to be more prevalent in tunneling builds. With the basekit BT it's easy to farm a non obsession target for more stacks and get them out of the game faster, this doesn't need any killers with a power which curb the downfall to the perk.

    Why was DS important? It gave the user the obsession which punished the usage of STBFL in tunneling situations, right now it can be really easy to "Machine gun meta" your tunnel target, which with full stacks and the 6.1.0 base hit recovery change brings the perk into pre-rework Unrelenting + STBFL speeds.

    Yes it can still be used this way to avoid these playstyles, but the downside to it taking a perk slot for a chance to counter these playstyles is far too costly for a 3s stun once per trial, IF the killer is tunneling.

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    Exactly I don’t see why they nerfed it in the first place it was fine as is and was genuinely the only counter to tunnelling we had in solo a solo team isn’t really gonna come and take hits or anything like that and I notice so many killers camping with STBFL

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    The only bad thing that DS has is the 3 second stun... so if they made it 5 seconds would that be enough (probably)

    But that's only one specific situation

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2023

    survivors with DS before: use DS run to the tbug camera and only then start to run away

    DS survivors are now: I don't have enough time to be toxic please increase the time

    3 seconds is more than enough time to reach a window or palette can you stop crying at survivor perks just because they don't hand you the auto win ?

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    If any changes were to be implemented I'd day maybe move it to 5 second stun but even that doesn't seem needed to me. People used DS in ways it wasn't intended before (mostly as a weapon against the killer rather than a defensive option to prevent tunneling). Thing seeing used in ways not for their original purpose is why nerfs like DS needed to happen. I honestly think the built in BT is also not good because the unhooked person bodyblocks the unhooker when really its designed to be an option to prevent the unhooked person from being tunneled. I'd like that to be changed up a bit to discourage it being qeaponized against the killer and more encourage protection from tunneling like its intended

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    I play both sides be for real and stop being bait lol 2 seconds is the animation

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    I only want DS to be five seconds again nothing else is needed really

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    But 3 seconds with the 2 second animation doesn’t work and really Dstrike with five seconds isn’t gonna hurt the killer that much and if it does then that’s their problem really if you tunnel and you eat a DS you can’t sit and cry about it if you play in higher mmr survivor you would know current Dstrike does nothing like when killers complained about dead hard I doubt a single killer main would be able to go into a survivor game and get good use out of dead hard it’s one of them where killers think the role of survivor is easier when it’s just as hard maybe not in a swf but solo is more stressful than playing killer coming from someone who plays both

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I agree that it's not a very strong perk, but I don't think it ought to be because before it was used on every single survivor and there were situations where you didn't tunnel a survivor but they still got DS. You would just be forced to slug survivors and it just wasn't fun for either side. High mmr survivor is not stressful. You sometimes have to accept your team will sandbag you unfortunately

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    If they did do that then we will be back to DS and Unbreakable

    So on one hand it'll help out with all of the Tunneling but screw over the Killers that don't want to or accidentally do it

    Not to mention that bodyblocking with basekit BT is already a thing and it will be amplified by DS

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    5s is bit too much make it 4s then it's good enough for antitunneling but not too good where survivors use it offensively.

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    High mmr solo queue is stressful i play both usually iri 1 killer and survivor and I know that doesn’t mean much now a days but it shows I play both sides a lot and killer is not stressful at all because if you lose that is a skill issue and they were better now tell me how Hard tunnelling someone relentlessly all game makes you better no it doesn’t survivor is full of Bs that makes it unbearable at times and The simple fact is don’t tunnel and you won’t eat DS if you want to tunnel you eat the DS it’s that simple

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    And body blocking with basekit bt is just asking to get tunnelled

  • TonyXSplash
    TonyXSplash Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2023

    I recommend using SMASH HIT and Decisive Strike.

    If they killer is tunneling just drop by a pallet then use DS and Smash Hit to get huge distance.

    DS alone is not strong unless you are close to a window to use lithe or close to a pallet.

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    DS is there for a purpose I agree some people may have abused it but other than that it’s there to help you either way 3 seconds isn’t worth a perk slot and basekit Bt helps you a little bit it’s easily waited out

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    This makes no sense if you are wondering how I want it buffed just the 5 second stun returned end game even though I feel as so if you haven’t earned the kill all match you haven’t earned it by tunnelling end game removal was fair I guess but nerfing it to be this bad is ridiculous

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Some players ruined the perk for others.... go figure

    Also the Fact that Survivors can now bodyblock with BT and get away makes Tunneling worse not better

  • jayz666
    jayz666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 160

    Just makes me sad people can’t just play the game and ruin it for everyone else who just wants to play a normal match

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    It's just the difference between casuals and veterens

    The line is blurry cause people have different opinions on that