What Locations Would You Like To See?

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

We get a lot of posts about what characters, bur what are some maps you'd like to see come to dead by daylight? This could be licensed or original areas.

Some licensed maps I'd like to see: The Stanley Hotel (The Shining), West Georgia Correctional Facility (The Walking Dead), The Baker Estate (Resident Evil 7)

Some original maps I'd like to see: An Abandoned Mall, A sewer system, Catacombs.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994

    Allways would like to see a mall, but the village from re4 remake or 8.

    really disappointed we did not get a second re map because of the rework

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,515

    Only thing i really want is a map for every remaining killer that doesn't have a map of their own.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    I'm not sure Baker Estate would make a good DBD map. Generic indoor map could still be played with enough for Hotel/Prison to work as maps though. I think RE4 village is probably large enough with decent routing to make a good map, but I'm not sure if you would also need the Farm portion connected too. I would def like a Mall/Hardware store potentially with Carl joining as Surv. I would really like a 3 story pirate ship, with 2 floors on each half.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238
    edited April 2023

    Space ship, on a huge boat/cruise ship at sea, inside an old mansion.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994

    a studio aflame like in the lore would be awesome, just imagine seeing the collapsed stage with the bodies of his group crushed underneath. gross

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,009
    edited April 2023

    Honestly it should be so easy, there are realms with only 2 variation, just make the 3rd for them (Red forest for Blight, Crotus for Twin), the only thing they have to make are main buildings that goes with them.

    Honestly only Trickster should have a new realm because I dont think other realm fits him.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,055

    I want the mall that the Russians had their secret base under in Stranger Things.

    I also want:

    • A floating map that's high in a blue sky above an ocean. If you fall of the edges you get teleported to the middle (or die maybe). I'd like it to have ancient Greek architecture.
    • Ancient Egyptian map that introduces Mummies as Legendary Cosmetics for Tentacle Daddies Zombies.
    • Dense and tall Bamboo forest with loud streams of water running through it.
    • Hawkins Laboratory.
    • Giant Pirates ship that is stuck on a beach.
    • Volcano map with lava that flows throughout the map.
    • I don't know how it would work with the games potato engine but an Underwater map would be cool.
    • Vegas map that includes a casino and when Whiskers throws someone into a slot machine, it starts to jingle and spews money.
  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,515
    edited April 2023

    Was also thinking of licensed killers without a map too, not having those famous locations to play on is an aspect that disappoints me greatly.

    As far as which realm goes to who, i think Blight should be given his own special variation of MacMillan Estate that has his lab from his lore along with the cankers and pustula flowers spread across the map with an orange skybox similar to the one seen in the hallowed blight cinematics.

    Agree with Twins and Red Forest.

    Trickster having his own realm is a no Brainer, question is just what his map should be. Imo, it should either be the place where he and Yun-jin got taken or the hotel where NO-SPIN burned to their deaths. Either way, the screams of Trickster's victims should definitely be a subtle part of the map's ambience that plays throughout it if one listens closely.

    Also they should have moved Temple of Purgation to the Eyrie of Crows realm

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994

    only problem with blights map is that it SHOULD include plenty of blighted plants and fauna. but the Blight makes the entity very weak.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994
    edited April 2023

    really like the idea of a sunken ghost ship, could of random bubbles of water floating above with fishies swimming in em. and maybe even a kraken easter egg. exit gates would just make all survivors Moses

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,974

    Bro I've got a ######### LIST

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,515
    edited April 2023

    Where does it say that the Blighting outright makes the Entity weak? As far as i can tell, blight purging to the entity is similar to that of when people take a dump.

    Also Blight's first tome demonstrates that the entity is capable of manifesting and demanifesting the flowers outside of the blighting seasons.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,009

    They can simply put blighted plants in the main buildings.

    Sactum of Wrath is just Yamaoka estate with a special hill in the middle, I mean, create new maps for them can be that easy.

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    Generic ideas:

    another snow map or two.

    Another bog map

    A rainy weather map

    Specific licensed locations

    AvP ice pyramid location

    Outworld from mortal kombat

    Resident evil Spencer mansion

    Resident evil 4 village

    13 ghosts labyrinth house

    Also a location for a every killer who doesn't have one

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    I would honestly love to see an Ancient Egyptian map, especially the interior of a pyramid. Lately I've been really wanting a game to channel the aesthetic of that old Courage The Cowardly dog flash game on the cartoon network website from back in the day.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    This is the probably the only game where I dread the release of new maps since they're bound to favor one side in particular.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,426

    Abandoned holiday resort a la „I still know what you did last summer“

    also town with docks a la „I know what you did last summer“

    abandoned mall preferably with new Stranger things chapter, and All-Kill map would definitely be great.

    abandoned aquarium with one of those tunnels

  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 592

    Oil rig. Prison.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    I still see the All-Kill lobby in my dreams. It haunts me.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Mall yeah, and something similar to the boat from r6s, i like this map so much.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    Recreating this in DBD would be pretty fun. I never would've though of a Yacht from a horror perspective, but from a gameplay perspective that would be super interesting, having a map with 4 different floor, with various access points from both inside and outside.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    Also now you've got me wondering what other R6S maps could work in DBD. Old Theme Park is the first map to come to mind. Hereford has decent atmosphere for it. I think Chalet could work really well if made a bit more bleak. Layout-wise, I can see Bank working pretty well too.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157

    giant toy box think about it

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,152

    If you want a mall, use the one from Dead Rising.

    Personally I'd like to see a beach. Not a pretty beach though, one of those overgrown beaches, maybe in like an abandoned seaside fishing village or at a shipwreck.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    A shipwreck could be a really cool location. I imagine some really cool things could be done with that lorewise too. Like what if The Entity straight up put giant walls of sand and drained out a section of the ocean in order to have a trial take place there? Could be some puddles of seawater throughout too to serve as an audio cue for the killer to listen out for?

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    All that. And:

    • space station
    • rocky mountain location (with elevations)
    • Hawkins Lab
    • Cyberpunk city (hopefully with proper cyberpunk killer design, not Skull Merchant)
    • Tropical island (ocean instead of walls)
    • Hawkins Lab

    did I mention Hawkins lab?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,055

    I'd love an Island map where if you go too far into the water, an Orca would grab on to you and fling you back into the map.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,296

    An outside map with stormy weather.

    More snowy maps.

    Actual fog...

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 715

    Abit Ambitious, but I like to see a Sci-Fi related map, more specifically.... Dead Space's USG Ishimura planet cracker space ship or Alien's Nostromo space tug.

    It would be nice to have sort of a indoor map with different parts of the huge ship; with brand new lockers, as well implemented new "Hazard mechanic" such as limted time Emergency Room Lockdown every time the generator is completed or even steam pipes that create smoke screen for either side. If it is possible to do, it will add new mechanic to stale gameplay and new ways to change the pace for either side, to implemented environmental hazards in any maps, stuff that be possible interact by the killer or Survivors by chance.

  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 592

    Prison, oil rig, amusement park, airport, campsite, cruise ship.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    More dynamic maps really would be awesome to see, and I feel like it's an aspect that's very rarely touched on. The only maps I can think of with dynamic elements are The Game, Hawkins (rip), Gas Heaven, Grim Pantry, and Temple of Purgation. And even then it's just doors opening when you repair a genearator. I really would love to see them go balls to the wall with dynamic map stuff.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 715

    The idea of Map Hazard is pretty self explanatory. You have extra obstacles in any average map that can slow down the Survivors or killer's efficiency, more then Breakable Walls and pallets/window spawn. Like the map Gideon Meat plant for example, when you power a generator, you open up the nearby doorway; but what if we have a reverse of that. Imagine if you were in a sci-fi themed map, you were powering the generator in that one room, the killer has enter the massive room; but you make the grave mistake of finishing in that room too quick and well... Now the Emergency Lockdown initiated and all the doors in that room is closed and stuck temporarily for like 30 to 60 seconds. It can create a "Oh snap, I am stuck in room with the killer" scenario, especially if multiple Survivors are outside the doors or worse case scenario, you are all stuck in that room for limited time.

    Other hazards, can be steam pipes explode and create visually Blindness fog; making it difficult to see between killer and survivors inside the smoke. Or broken floor boards that can make tripping hazards for survivors. It would be nice to dangerous obstacles that can make chase more exciting and any area in any map have elements of surprise and randomized danger whatever it is minor or major advantage/disadvantages for either side.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    A prison is something that I've really been wanting to see in the game for a long time. Either through the West Georgia Correctional Facility from TWD, or through the Hellshire Penitentiary in Deathslinger's lore. I know indoor maps are pretty divisive, but going to one every now and then keeps things fresh and interesting I think and I kinda wish we had more.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 671

    All-Kill themed map please and thank you

  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 140
    edited October 2023

    I would love to see Maps for already existing Characters that don't have one.

    For licenced ones:

    • The Hell from Hellraiser for Pinhead (It's almost a Crime that we didn't get the Map)
    • Elk Grove/Mountain Shack for Ash
    • Map based on a Left 4 Dead Campain for Bill
    • Roseville from the DbD Lore for Ghost Face (Or Woodsboro alongside Sidney Prescott if something fom Scream is possible)
    • Umbrella Underground Facility for Wesker (Wesker dosn't really have anything to do with the RPD)
    • The Sawyer House/Gas Station for Leatherface
    • The Downtown of Silent Hill
    • Sadako's Village/Well

    The DbD Map Designers really have a Talent when it comes to making licenced Maps. I would love to see these Maps made by them.


    • Recording Studio/Stage as Trickster Map
    • A Alchemist Laboratory as Blight Map
    • A extra Map for Skull Merchant, removing her Base from MacMillan's

    New Map Ideas:

    • Abandoded Mall
    • Destroyed Oil Tanker
    • Medieval Castle indoor Map
    • Amusement Park
    • A Restaurant (Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza *cough cough*, FNAF-DLC, Springtrap as Killer *cough cough*)
    • A modern Day City Downtown
    • West Georgia Correctional Facility (plus The Walking Dead Survivor(s) *cough*)

    Also new licenced Maps without any new Killer or Survivors would be cool. A Map based on the first Hostel Movie would come to my Mind.

    Post edited by HansLollos2 on