Please Tell Me What We can Do Here?

Deactive her drone and she will put another.
When she catch you on gen she will just m1 you and then she will leave for checking other gens.
Ignore drones and she will get you down with one-hit.
Do not ignore drones and she will just put another.
After 30 minutes, one of us just give up and died. And at this point we just lost. But even at 3 v 1 , she still did not leave her 3 gens.
After 3 games against her in row, i really wanna remove this game for forever. I don't know is there any chance to rework her.
Go on youtube and watch some videos while eating doritos
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Search a save spot on the mapafter the game, go to the support form and write a ticket, make sure you choose feedback - character balance as contact reason and tell the developer that you dont enjoy this situation.9 -
I prefer munching on chocolate drizzled coconut macaroons.
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Probably i would enjoy more.
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I guess the unsympathetic thing to say is 'don't 3-gen yourself'. You were on one of the biggest and most Survivor-sided maps in the game against an m1 Killer with average mobility. Regression perks are generally much weaker now too, so the constant kicking strat is not nearly as useful. If you were facing a stronger killer, you'd all already be dead by the time you reached this stage. If you were facing a weaker one, you'd all alrady have escaped. While wearing a claw trap, she loses a drone, so she has at most 2 at the point you took the screenshot. If she downs someone, it takes her attention away from gens, potentially long enough to finish one if you've been chipping away at it gradually. I get that it's not fun to be stuck in a bad spot, but it may be better to accept that you've reached a point where you don't have any optimal moves left and to just try something knowing that it doesn't have a good chance of success, because it's better than doing nothing.
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And what's even worse Devs are actually not addressing the killer. It's as if they live in a complete denial, or hope that we will get used to her one day.
I just can't wait for Outlast: Trails to come out, because if this is considered normal in the current state of DBD, then i'll happily take another long break.
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Never tried them but would probably be better than playing vs the skum merchant
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The point is she never leaves 3 gen area. From start to end. She is ignoring all of gens.
And you can't do just gen while she is keep coming to gens. And you can't know which gen is not droned if you are not on SWF.
And i am waiting for TCM game. It looks much better than the current DbD. If this is the new meta of DbD, i think i am also taking another long break.
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Why is this ######### still even in the game? Like KS her and just go back to the drawing board with her kit already.
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What you do against the skull merchant?
Just die and move on with another match
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Well what I would do is try to buy as much time as possible, you have Lithe so I'm going to assume that when she saw you do that during this time she left? Because then I would keep repeating may not be much but at least your Guaranteeing time for teammates.
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What do you mean what to do? LOL do what we all do since this toilet killer came out, either fight 30 minutes for nothing and die or give up and move to the next game and pray for billy or something. nothing to do until this "killer" is killswitched and reworked.
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Knight put a "drone", effective at 3 Gens.
Whats can go wrong with another Knight with 4 drones?
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What I've been doing lately is counterplaying her from my desktop. Instead of double clicking Dead by Daylight, I double click another game, or play something else on my PS5. This 3 gen is easily avoidable by not loading up DbD in the first place. Or, if I do load up DbD, I play killer instead of survivor. But under no circumstances am I playing solo survivor until this awful killer is reworked.
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A solid counterplay indeed Edgar, GG.
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Go to the furthest corner of the map and start fast vaulting a window.
Or hop in and out of a locker.
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The "counterplay" is discord. Each one of you goes on a gen, ignores drones and calls out where she is at all times, and pre run from the gen every time she approaches. Do not run mindlessly but keep a safe distance between you and the killer, to run back to your gen ASAP when she leaves. Namethe gens as gen 1,2,3 and it makes communication easier. Make sure everything she does goes punished, second for second. (Every kick should be punished with gen progress on the other 2 gens, every movement towards gen x should be punished with progress on y and z.)
As you can see, this sweaty comp level of communication is just not possible in a pub game, and all it takes from the SM is 3 braincells, one for each gen, to make your life miserable. You can watch Hens's video where he invited comp players to break his 3 gen on dead dawg. They managed to do it (After many tries!) With just 3 people. You should have it easier on farm, but you are not a comp player, soooo....
Just pray lol
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Killswitch SM until reworked or we riot.
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This is why more people should play Artist. Just like Skull Merchant she has cross map multi-tasking but unlike Skull Merchant is actually fun.
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Exactly what you are doing right now. As annoying as it is to hear about SM all damn day the best way to get it fixed is to flood social media nonstop. Since it's not a survivor perk or Blight's add-ons I'm betting it will get fixed soon. Hang in there.
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I don't play survivor enough to know exactly how you break a 3-gen in situations like this, but I can't imagine it's much different for Skull Merchant versus any other killer?
At least not now, since they changed how her traps work. If you disable a drone she can't just place it back until the claw trap it's associated with is removed, so everyone takes a drone and plays the 3-gen normally.
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I'd rather suffer against a SM over hearing the constant screeching of bird lady. I dunno what it is though, I don't see SM much. Maybe it's just my region or MMR. Not complaining though, I don't want to experience what everyone is complaining about.
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I just afk or walk to the hook especially if they bring 2 story maps like rpd and the game. As I knew after wesker any killer after him would be brain dead and trash can knight and braindead mechant was a perfect success of failure. I lost interest on any new killer when I finally got my wish to have daddy wesker and ada.
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I just commit to a gen. Either gen gets done or I'm quickly killed and off to a new match, hopefully not against another SM.
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They aren't killswitching a killer to do a rework so you can go ahead and riot.
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They will eventually :D
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She is really poorly designed, even to the point her animation is terrible. She's a rush job. Oddly, the survivors are actually okay and with a better killer would have made a decent chapter.
However, Skull Merchant needs a rework badly.
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To make it worse, I am actually thinking of buying SM to spite all the SWFs who keep sending me to Garden of Poop and Borgo on the weekends. I'm getting so tired of it. I'm literally at the point to where I'm just going to face camp the first person I hook if there was a map offering to those places 👹
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If i see any map offering , i am playing harder. More proxy camp, more tunnel. If they are asking for it, i will give it.
But SM on other hand, this killer seriously should not exist. There is almost nothing you can do against her.
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This. I just stick to a gen, dgaf about being Exposed. Either the gen gets done or she hooks me and I get to move on. Win win.
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Only good, coordinated SWF who bring in the right perks and items can really do okay against her. I think it's intention by the devs to try and force players to vary their perk/item choices. It's not the way I would do it, but it is what it is. They're not going to remove her from the game, but they may pull a Freddy or Twins in the future and make her unattractive to play, after they make plenty of money off of her cosmetic sales.
And yes, if there is a map offering, I play harder, unless they potatoes. But for Borgo and Garden of Poop, I'm just gonna face camp and force hook trades. Chases are fun, but not when the entire map is against you and you're playing an M1 killer with no hope.
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That’s fair. If they want to make the other side miserable, then the receiving end can return the favor.
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The only way is to play agressive, all three survivors need to spread and don't care if they go down, just lead her away even if it means to go down, if you keep just doing the gen and forcing her to down you away from the other gens, there is a high chance to break the trigen but it requires all 3 survivors, some hooks stages to spare and good teammates...
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This game is on my wishlist, i don't know is it worth to get for full price or should i wait sale
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Hypothetically, I agree that that's what you would do but, in practice, I've never seen it happen. SM has 4 drones for 3 gens, and only ever one person seems to have a claw trap on. That person's getting chased and, by the time they're downed, only one person has a claw trap again.
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I wish I had some positive or constructive advice for you for this situation but I’ve tried multiple times to counter SM’s most optimal and frequent gameplay with no luck or enjoyment. Even if there was an optimal way to counter it, it’s not something you could communicate reliably with your other solo teammates.
She’s the only killer in the game where if someone’s warns they’ll dc if it’s sm in lobby, everyone else is in full agreement and understanding.
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Heavily agree. She’s so boring to play as, and play against, it’s so gross.
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I tried her and i felt so digusted with myself 10 games and all 4k no tunneling and used lightbirn no where to hide and corrupt. Didnt even make sense I had noed cause I just eventually kill all the survivors. A weak m1 killer how?
My first game I got her adept in one go.. lol. Corrupt + 4 drones literally only makes it 1 gen safe to do for the survivors since 3 block by corrupt has me lock up the other 4 gens with drones
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It's not about you, but what your team is supposed to do. Like any other killer, this is a 4v1.
1) Split her 3 gen asap with comms and/or certain gen aura perks or just gamesense. Might take a bit longer, but that's the important part.
2) After that your team needs to work on seperate gens. She only can chase 1, the other 3 need to be on gens. She can't teleport so the team just needs to jojo. If she's not commiting, she won't get another down. Always do the drones on gens. When you're already injured you don't need to, depends if the gen is in the open and you would see her comming anyway. Also use gamesense and keep track on the HUD, who was already hooked etc. With a good team you should see 3 ppl on gens at almost anytime, that's the difference.
Imo Skully is very boring to play and to verse, but it is what it is.
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Have you tried repairing generators?
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My hard counter to this recently has been to not play survivor, or usually just not play DBD at all.
Sometimes the only winning move is not to play the game.
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There is little to nothing you can do about it. With the right perks and items (Potential Energy, BNPs) and a bit of communication you could break this pretty easy in theory but other than that, you can only try to spread on all 3 gens at once and get back to it as soon as she leaves you. It will take a while but eventually you will get through.
I agree though, that SM is badly designed.
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Same. The fastest thing that makes me change from chill to kill is a map offering.
Wish they weren't in the game.
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95% of the time there's simply nothing you can do as solo queue against a 3-genning SM. This game's balancing still is a disaster after 7 years of existence, it's just how it is.
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I don't really expect to win against SM's in solo without a heavily coordinated team. BHVR's changes were meant to reduce camping but it just made her chase game stronger and she can just focus a survivor out and it's much harder for 3 or less survivors to deal with the drones at that point. Not worth the amount of unfun you get to put all the chips in.
I will mention you have to plan to break the three gen at the very start usually and it's why I started running Potential Energy. I specifically run this perk for Skull Merchant and it helps a lot but it's also just unpleasant having to run it just so I don't suffer a 30 minute plus match against SM.
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Sorry but running a perk that I don't wanna run, for the slight chance to get a killer I don't wanna face, just to beat that said killer that doesn't want to actually play the game, it's not a solution.
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Glad you see the problem with the killer.
I don't like running it either all the time but it saves me headaches when I face SM. Usually the first SM I get for the night is the game I call it and do something else because I don't feel like playing after. Amazingly even with this tome being about SM I rarely see her. No one enjoys playing her for the most part so that's the silver lining.
My entire build is pretty much meant to solve issues with the game.
I run Bond because it's helped me spot other survivors cheating such as flying, moving incredibly fast, teleporting for flashlight saves. I will absolutely rat out a cheater.
I run Potential Energy for SM.
I run two varying perks based on certain situations I just don't feel like handling on that particular day.
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Better go next to save the headace, I rather have fun against a killer who wants to chase, than try to have fun by a winning against a boring killer and player.