Crouch "Tech"

Apparently theres a new exploit out and about that I really hope gets fixed as it affects killers like billy, demo, blight and maybe a few others. Apparently if a survivor crouches while billy is doing a chainsaw sprint or demo with a shred(which depends on location for demo I think) all the survivor has to do is crouch and the killer will either bounce off or just act like they are hitting a wall. I really hope this gets fixed because we already dont have enough people playing demo or billy ;~;
Its not as simple as just crouching, but there needs to be an uneven floor as well. Shack is probably the most known one, but stairs also work
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Ah ok, I really hope it gets fixed considering that BHVR wants to make their terrain not as flat.
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Yeah it can be a little annoying at times but its also VERY situational.
I also feel like the same thing that allows this to happen is the same thing that allows for better curves and slides as Demo and Billy. Which would hurt them MUCH more
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It’s not new. Been around for awhile. But it only works in certain places and can be countered by looking down. (Atleast for blight)
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^. Only blight as far as I am aware. Really funny seeing people try it out against me not understanding it can be countered.
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This has been around for years.
It's kinda fun and it's not a big deal
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Fwiw, it doesn't work against Billy if he's very close to the survivor when he starts to sprint, because the game gradually sets his camera and chainsaw hitbox into place over, like, a quarter of a second or something, and during that time his chainsaw can still hit crouched survivors on lower terrain.
It's still pretty stupid imo, though, even if it is very situational.
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I'd honestly be scared of killer thinking I'm teabagging them and getting pissed at me. I'll pass, thank you very much.
Post edited by HugTheHag on1 -
It isn't new. It's been part of the game for as long as these killers were in the game.
Billy for example cannot get a chainsaw hit if he is moving down a hill and a survivor crouches. It is an incredibly dumb oversight.