Protection hits should be considered conspicuous actions

Sometimes recently unhooked survivors use their basekit BT or perks such as Off the Record to do protection hits when the purpose of these perks is to discourage tunelling, not being used to give other survivors better chances. Many times this is done to leave them on the ground so that they can use their DS too. If healing other survivors counts as a conspicuous action, and its purpose is also giving others a better chance against the killer, why isn't this, which has the exact same purpose, considered also a conspicuous action? Protection hits are done willingly by survivors, and since it is not considered a conspicuous action they have a fair chance of getting away with something that helps others survive (again, like healing other survivors).
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Arguments? As you see, I gave mine.
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Protection hits are part of the game, a good percentage of people (Including me) find it a frequent cause to use off the record in order to take a protection hit, not to mention, the perk completely negates you from completing generators / totems whilist it is active, sometimes have a few seconds left of it and want to get value from it even if you aren't being tunneled, What I'm saying is survivors should not only use perks like these ONLY for tunneling as it isn't that common, it would be quite a big nerf towards the perk
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But that is not its purpose, it is meant to discourage tunnelling, not being a shield for receiving protection hits. Their goal is the same as healing others yet healing others counts as a conspicuous action and this does not.
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a single perk doesn't need to have a single purpose, it's not like it's overpowered anyway. If it ain't broke don't fix it
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Ok, what if you have the endurance status effect activated when it happens but once you receive the hit and the effect is applied, you loose the things you loose with a conspicuous action? (DS for instance)
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Don't quite understand what you mean here.
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A protection hit occurs, you get the deep wound effect as usual but decisive strike deactivates.
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Can't killers just hit unhooked survivors straight away causing for ds to deactivate meaning it would be completely useless
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with how jank protection hits are this would only punish those who aren't the target of this suggestion. Being anywhere near another injured survivor usually procs it, it wouldn't be a good way of doing it.
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I would say there is two ways of looking at it:
sometimes it can be hard to define who is actively bodyblocking - especially off hook when everyone is trying to run away it can be a bit chaotic and the killer ends up hitting the unhooked anyway. I’d imagine it can be difficult for the game to judge what was done intentionally or not.
Second, although it may seem strong - it is a nature if the perk. You can consider it OP in the kind of way (although not the same thing) a survivor regarding a perk like franklins where one normal hit can make all survivors drop all their items each and every time and lose charges - some items which take a long time and cost to obtain; or NOED etc. Some will consider it OP and others find a way to work around it and others just think “it is what it is”.
Similarly someone who body blocks is doing so at a risk - they are now down able and in mend state. If killer now goes for them (and I don’t consider this tunnelling as the body blocker must understand that is the potential consequence for the risk they took).
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But it doesn't even work well against hard tunnel (because it's canceled when hit during basekit BT). If it does not do a good job at what it's designed to do, then what's the problem for it to do something even outside it's original purpose?
Also your premise is wrong. You can get protection hit even if you do not want to - in fact there's a high chance you get protection hit when you are hit during basekit BT (as that protection will be towards your unhooker if he didn't get far enough and was injured)
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This doesn’t work because if the survivor who unhooked you is injured and is still close by, the killer could just hit you and it’d be a protection hit even if you weren’t really intending to bodyblock for them. That would not be fair for survivors.
What I do think should be a conspicuous action though is rescuing a survivor from the killer’s grasp (flashlight, pallet, or Head On, but only if they’re used for a save, not otherwise).
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This wouldn't change anything besides DS and DS doesn't really need this specific nerf. Since the survivor still has endurance up to the point of being hit so they would still take the hit then lose DS.