Can Dying Light finally become a killers' perk? / Perks overhaul

Just remove Obsession condition already. As much i love this perk as much a hate it, because survivors get value from this perk way more often then me.
I really hope u have some huge overhaul for perks for anniversary ptb, because u just destroyed killers perks and gave nothing in return.
Any Means (my favourite survivor perk btw long before its last buff) need a cooldown, at least 30 sec.
CoH still broken af.
Dark Theory also increase vault speed.
Selfcare 45-50%.
Oppression could easily have 40 sec cd.
Grim Embrace 60 sec and works twice if you didn't hook someone twice in a row.
Hangman's Trick. I haven't seen this perk either in my matches or on anyone's streams for three years. Still untouched lmao.
Fire Up 5-5,5% per token?
Game Afoot 8-10% for 10 seconds
Thana 4+4+4+(4+4)
Predator shows scratch marks of survivors for 2 seconds after they stop running.
Should I continue? Or do the killers have to use Sloppy/Corrupt/Deadlock/No Way Out for another year until they are became "meta" and get nerfed?
And yes, if you are not going to do anything with the size of maps, then there should be 5 scourge hooks by default and +1 for every additional scourge hook perk. Current Pain Res is disgusting awful because of rng.
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I wouldn't say killers got nothing in return, survivor self healing got hurt pretty bad. Game is definitely rough right now though.
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Just remove Obsession condition already. As much i love this perk as much a hate it, because survivors get value from this perk way more often then me.
Just make it so that hooking someone is -4% and remove any buff the survivors would have.
I mean imagine if having Sprint Burst buffed the killer in some way lol.
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- self healing exists only with medkits for almost 5 years
- buff self healing by one extremely broken unlimited perk
- nerf this perk
Yeah, I've read this a thousand times already. Lame. Self healing should always be a very limited resource in a team game.
Hundred healing perks exist, but who cares until it's not a second chance perk.
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Self healing exists only with medkits for 5 years? Claudette launched with the game as one of the original survivors, it's literally always been in the game. I really don't understand why your response is so dramatic either, you seem like you might need a break from the game.
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I would like to see Dying light get a buff it's one of my favorite killer perks.
When you get your stacks and keep the Obsession grounded it's awesome, but when you can't it does nothing.
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I see dying light as one of the worst killer perks in the game strictly due to the obsession part. At most it will only be slowing down 2 survivors since one should be in chase and then the obsession is free to get unhooks and heal with a speed boost from the perk. No killer perk should buff survivors.
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I never understood the small percentage on Fire Up. Like it does not get full power until the survivor objective is complete and it's an overpowered 20%????????
I think each gen done should add 10% to kicking, picking up, vaulting, etc. That would put the perk at 40% with 1 gen remaining and 50% faster in endgame like it's the endgame how many kick are you going to do or bodies to pick up? Not enough for this perk to be OP. As for DL remove obsession buff and I would run or up the percentage enough to actually get some value.
Edit : Devs literally gave survivors infinite pallet pickups with no CD (AMN) and I find resetting pallets much stronger than a POSSIBLE missed skill check with Oppression. No CD on Oppression and the perk would still not be great as it does no extra regression and requires a kick. Skill checks are not very hard either.
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Yeah I know a lot of players hate it me I like running it.
Agree something need to be done about the obsession part and that perk will be amazing.
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I think if the Obsession part needs to start at 0%
Then gain 11% per hook to 33%
And 6% slower Gen speed and cap that at 6 so it'll end up at 36% slower Gen speeds
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Myer's perk really should have Obsession condition because of how his perks are to 'play with his obsession'.
Perhaps hitting Obsession by anymean will make other survivors get 10% debuff for 60sec, and have a cool down of 90sec? So the perk still encourage to keep Obsession alive, but will slowdown other survivors.
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I've been wanting a Dying Light buff forever. There is no reason whatsoever it should buff the obsession. So stupid.