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recent influx of intentional throwers

Member Posts: 193

So has anyone else been having this issue where their teams consistently have people intentionally throwing games? Just over the last couple days. Things like at the start they will begin ra[idly jumping in and out of lockers or just DCing at the first sign of killers existing or killing themselves on hook consistently.

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  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I've only started giving up against Skully because I've experienced too many drawn out games against her, and I'd rather move onto the next game than wait a whole hour for a person who doesn't want to play the game to interact. The worst part is about these players they'll then slug you all for your full duration.

    I wish this kind of behaviour was bannable lol, I've tried reporting it to see if something can be done but I had my first experience with customer support the other day, the bot is so annoying, needing so much information and if you try to upload a clip it resets the whole form. This is just me venting though.

    I hope it gets dealth with, honestly she should be kill switched.

  • Member Posts: 322

    I've been getting matched with a lot of DC'ers and people giving up lately, yes. But that's nothing new, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 193

    yeah, I had a ton of issues uploading videos for their support tickets with bugs and cheaters. I had one group of folks keep getting up on their own so I had to bleed them all out on the floor. they would go down where I could not get them to a hook and I had all 4 down for a long time as they would just get up over and over again. They would also outrun me to hooks for sabbo attempts starting out behind me by feed and quickly pass me up in my agitation speed. It was a trapper I was playing so I was able to just trap the exits in the basement they kept going down in and keep em on the floor. The solution to the video issue is upload it to youtube and link the video in the ticket. Even a 23 second clip of a survivor hanging out in a piece of terrain I couldn't pick them up from in garden of joy back when that was just popping up kept resetting saying it took too long to upload.

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