lets discuss why are some bullying aspects still in this game?

for killers hitting survivors on the hook...no purpose but to bully the hooked survivor

for survivors being able to tbag the killer...no purpose but to bully the killer (which is made even worse after a sweaty game)

no purpose in the game but to antagonize the other person...are their any others i am missing? flashlight macro clicking was removed because it was used as to antagonize the killer so why are these other aspects still allowed in the game?

what does the community think/feel about having these aspects still in the game?



  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean it wouldn't make much sense for the killer -not- to be able to hit someone on the hook. Like what would they just get some shield around them? Yeah it doesn't really add anything but it would just be weird if it was specifically removed.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138

    This just reminded me of a trial about 2-3 years back where a Huntress camped and I would wave my arms to show others what was happening. 3 gens got completed before my second stage. The Hunyress then proceeded to hit me continuously for most of the second stage before I was rescued and we all later on escaped. Nobody asked, but your topic reminded me. Anyway, to what you were saying:

    I feel the main reason for things existing that you have issues with is because the devs haven't acted upon this. They do a decent job in dealing with post-game chat that is the only real toxic element of the game, but others fall into grey areas.

    Teabagging at the exit gate I can see as being a dick, but it only works of someone is there to see it. If I'm not interested in seeing this (even though it's pretty rare for me) I just go smashing pallets and walls up or use my abilities if I can for a little extra BP. The only thing is teabagging during the trial is part of the tactics. If teabagging a killer to distract them from targetting others and helping others do gens, it's the equivalent of a horror movie where the protagonist talks ######### to the killer to lead them into a trap. It's not tosic in-game.

    Likewise, hitting on the hook is a grey area. Granted there are some who are just being a dick, but there are other reasons. A killer may hit someone on the hook once because it silences the scream, allowing them to look for others. They may hit because the survivor was using the aforementioned tactics in the previous paragraph, so they're balancing the books. It's not straight-cut.

    I do think teabagging when they're obviously just a step away from victory is dickish. However, again a survivor may do a quick teabag and go as a way of saying "ggwp". I've noted that and have done that too, although I prefer leaving a gift instead. It's all quite grey and down to interpretation. That's perhaps why it's too difficult to see as toxic. Even if they are teabagging disrespectfully, how do we know of the killer has camped or hit on the hook or played on a way thay some may see as unfair? It's too grey an area.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,467

    I mean sure it can get annoying after a bit, but its just generic ingame BM. Remove these things and people will just find other ways to annoy each other.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    I do a little t-bag when I'm desperate and I'm about to go down.

    I love moving left and right when on the ground disagreeing with what's going to happen. Sometimes killers nod.

    Some of these things are fun.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    At least hitting on hook gives an opening for someone to get the save without trading, and idk how tbagging could be changed without making huntress egregiously unfun to verse. I'd rather either of these than getting told nasty stuff in post game chat

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Real bullying is never ok, but this this not even close to real bullying. Every video game is going to contain elements of taunting that will trigger people. If you’re getting upset about this, then maybe re-think playing online games with other people.

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    Unfortunately there's no way to limit these actions without harming gameplay. If you can't swing near a hook, how do you stop a save? And if you can't crouch, how do you dodge hatchets, knives, tentacles, etc in certain situations? So you just kinda deal with it and move on to the next game.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    It's 2023 and survivors waiting until the last minute to leave still isn't reportable, nor do we have a concede button.

    I lose faith in the developers more and more every day.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    Certainly it's immature and pathetic to wait at the gate just to teabag (unless the killer was really toxic), but there are legit reasons to wait to leave. I will hang in as long as I can if I have teammates out in the map who may need help, I will sometimes wait to scrounge a few extra chase/escape chase points if the killer comes, do some healing for altruism points, etc.

    So waiting in and of itself isn't necessarily toxic behavior.

    Not to implicate myself, but I've been in the gates healing or something and I've seen an injured teammate start teabagging and blocked them from getting out (resulting in their death), which is kinda funny. And before anyone gets on my case about that, if you're teabagging just to teabag, you have it coming.

    And if it really just grinds you gears as a killer, run Blood Warden and you'd get satisfying revenge at some point for sure.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 612

    People are complaining about DC's and early hook suicides while also asking for a concede/surrender button, and I am really failing to see the difference.

  • Fawiola
    Fawiola Member Posts: 88

    I don't find that toxic, just funny. Survivor or Killer. Today I had a very fun match on Haddonfield against wraith. I had the longest chase with him. The other finished 2 gens. He left me and wanted chase other survivor. The other survivor... Easy downs. I think they didnt had much Game experience. I did gens. Then one gen left and one survivor dead. I wanted finish the last gen, the other survivor had fear. I went upstairs and the wraith surprised me. Got me down and he was happy to catch me finally. I saw that because he hit me few times at the hook and his head was nodded. I got unhooked and the wraith wanted me again. I looped him again very well. The other survivor still had fear and didnt want to fix the gen. so he had time for me. The end from the chase: runned into the house with three windows. He didnt follow me. I was thinking he maybe want surprise me. He was outside ( Main door). I waited for him 15 seconds and was standing at the window, just wait for him. I didnt look back and was so focused on the main door that I didnt realize that he had been standing behind me for a long time. I can imagine how much he was laughing. Endgame... He slugged me. Found the other and he gave me the hatch. We had both fun and nothing was toxic. Nothing.

    Btw: at the pallets If I stunned him I was always looking in the Sky, that was funny too and I tbag him 2 times because I wanted his attention. There is again nothing toxic.

    I know.... I know... Long story. But hey, this kind of matches are the most fun, If no one see anything toxic things in anything.

    And sorry again for the long story but I hope you laugh a litte bit too.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I'd usually say that it's up to players to behave better, but this community is so toxic that the devs should probably try and implement changes to limit it lmao

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    None of it bothers me. It's people behind a screen clicking buttons. Maybe they've just had a bad day or something, I'm not gonna take it personally. But I also certainly never do it to other people.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,882

    Because things don't need to be removed because someone's feelings got hurt over some virtual killer slashing them on hook or a survivor quickly crouching.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    How would you remove hitting on hook? Not allow the killer to swing near a hooked survivor?

    It also does have a purpose. It shortens the scream for one and survivors can try to use the hooked teammate as a shield to be able to unhook.

    Again how would you remove t-bagging?

    The ability to crouch quickly up and down helps you avoiding projectiles cause your hitbox gets smaller. It does have a purpose

    Macro flashlights weren't removed cause they were used for "bullying". They were removed cause it caused epileptic attacks. You know actual serious stuff, not somebody's ego being bend a little

    Removing things cause of "bullying" is pointless, people will find other ways. Like how killers did that silly shuffle back and forth over dying survivors

    You losing in a video game, no matter hoe hard you lose is not being bullied. Calling it that is a slap in the face of anyone who actually got bullied.

    The only bullying that can happen in this game is in end game chat, which they gave the option to hide and added a censor. Cheats and exploits that hold you in the game for extended time (that means more then the measly 4 minutes from being slugged) that they are actively trying to fight against or people DDosing you which well i hope they are looking into

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Generally the people asking for a straight up concede or surrender button ARE the ones suiciding and DCing. What would be nice is a button to speed up bleeding out by like 75%ish so if a killer is being an ass and leaving people on the ground for four minutes. That way they have an out vs toxic killers, but it's not just a way to get around DC penalties.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    Keep survivor hitting on hook that long scream the devs added is obnoxious

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    The length of an attack when the killer hits someone on the hook is enough to pull off a save, let that stay for those foolish enough to be that much of a douche.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Sure, remove the hitbox from hooked survivors. Makes it far easier to hit the survivors going for the rescue.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    In theory if you could somehow completely remove tbagging, what's next?

    Removing nodding? Removing spamming gestures? Removing pointing the flashlight up and down quickly? Removing ability spamming? Etc.

    You need to accept that BMing in one way or another will always exist no matter what.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The removed moved flicking because it was a photo sensitivity issue more than anything and the fact they hyper speed spamming of flashlights could cause games to crash.

    Hitting people on hook serves no purpose but it also doesn't break the rules of the and doesn't hurt anyone. Same as teabagging, things that are socially annoying aren't really worth spending the time to engineer a solution to if it is just generally people being weird.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited May 2023

    The macro flashlights were removed to lower the risks of epilepsy / photosensitivity , it had nothing to do with BMing.

    But to answer your question, people BM because it's a PvP game. Don't look further than that, when you put people in competition they're going to taunt each other, it's not that deep and a lot of the time it's not even meant to be rude. Take away things that people use to BM (like pointing) and they'll use something else you can't remove (like crouching, or hitting someone on hook which would absolutely mess things up if it was implemented)

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I've heard some killers do it because they don't like the prolonged screams or find the screams annoying in general. It is rather annoying though, I agree.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 535

    Have you noticed how some bots are seriously toxic tho? lol I had a custom game with my friends and was shocked cos none of my friends of I usually do that kind of stuff so to see a bot doing clicky clicky and bags was frankly hilarious lol

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 535

    The problem is that not everybody will have that level of composure. Some feel wronged to the point they’ll lash out at the other side in the next game and that cycle just continues and ultimately breed toxicity.

    obviously I think your method is best but as with all good advice is, it’s hard to follow or put in practice for the majority. We all know it’s good to exercise - those who are fit and do will make fine and rational cases for why everyone should. But the reality is most won’t.

    for that reason I think there should be some game mechanic/design to help prevent the temptation on both sides.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 535

    Hey! Don’t you walk away - Come back here and take these bags dammit!!

    jk but this actually reminded me of a soloQ match recently where a Nea who hid the whole match -no gens and didn’t come for ANY unhooks on the rest of us - waited at the gates to bag and then went looking for the killer.. they got smacked, then they tried running to exit but died to the EGC inches away lol

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Hitting on hook cuts the post hook scream short. I usually give them a whack to save everyone's ears.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    To me that’s immature though. Just because you had a bad day doesn’t mean you should go around making everyone else’s day bad.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Grow some thick skin. It’s a game, and this stuff adds character. Imagine a game where you couldn’t hit on hook and t-bag. Boring…

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    I see it as, if the Killer hits me constantly on a hook, I don't see it as bullying, I see it as I pissed them off somehow in the game lol and as for t-bagging, myself I only use it to communicate with my fellow team, I mean we all know a t-bag after been healed is to say "thank you" also we could go on to say pointing and bum swiping is an issue or booping the snoot, I mean have we considered the pigs feelings in this, she may go home and be like, why me? (lol last part meant to be none serious)

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542
  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    its not that i am annoyed just that it would be easy to change them as quality of life changes

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    they say that is the reason but if it was true then macro clicking would not have been in the game since the beginning...it wasnt until enought people complained that it was fixed

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    removing the hit box after hitting them once on the hook is enough to stop the scream

    yeah the tbagging against a non projectile killer? that make them miss their m1 swing?

    macro flashlights were only changed after enough people complained about it...they didnt think about epileptic attacks until enough people pointed it out

    in all fairness there is bullying in the game between ddos attacks, speed hacks, 1 tap gen completion hacks, etc. you just have to play long enough to be an unfortuante victim of them especially at iri ranks

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Why should I feel offended by a gesture made in a video game by a guy who lives thousands of miles away?

    Who cares

    The only way to disempower bullies is to ignore them completely, and after all, it's still a video game

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    So ppl complained since the beginning about photosensitivity so that's not why photosensitivity changes were implemented otherwise it would have been implemented sooner but instead it's actually a cover up for anti-bullying changes, which people have also been complaining about since the beginning but for which changes haven't been implemented sooner either ? 🤔

    They also changed Doctor related effects and other things related to accessibility, it's not bc it came late that BHVR is lying about why these changes are implemented... also all the in game chat censorship was openly done for anti-bullying reason, so why on earth would they lie to pretend they don't care about it lol ?

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    These are actual mechanics that have a purpose in the game beyond making people mad, so if you let yourself become emotionally unstable due to these insignificant actions you have nobody to blame but yourself.

    Being able to crouch on command without restrictions is extremely important when going against killers like Nemesis, Huntress, Plague, Trickster, and more.

    Meanwhile, survivors retaining a hitbox while still on hook has no detrimental effects; the mechanic allows for more and easier hook saves in difficult situations.

    I am in no way excusing the actions of people who are rude on the internet, but no matter what, people are going to find a way to BM. Like, now some killers literally just move back and forth in a straight line over a slugged survivor while facing the same direction in order to make it look like the killer is, for lack of a more sensitive word, sodomizing the downed survivor. How can something like that ever get policed or made impossible when all it requires is simply moving back and forth in 2 directions?

    Again, jerks are going to find a way to BM no matter what, so instead of asking the devs to remove crucial game mechanics in the name of stopping rude behavior, it would be much more prudent in my opinion for people who plan to use the internet to practice mastery over their emotional state, as DBD is definitely not the only place where you will encounter rude people on the internet.

    The exceptions to this are obviously when people are getting harassed by someone repeatedly, or when players use in game mechanisms to perform racist, homophobic, and other intolerable acts of intolerance.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,055

    You can just force them out. And grow some thicker skin if you are not doing that because those evil survivors might be teabagging.


    Dont care for either of it. I find it rather amusing to be honest, because more often than not it just backfires. If a Killer hits me on the Hook or is nodding at me while barely able to catch me, I already won this game and dont care about the outcome.

    And if a Survivor teabags and goes down a few seconds later, it is also funny for me. Those are the guys who watch their favorite Survivor Main-Content Creator and think they can act like them, but skip the step of getting good at the game.

    So yeah, not really care about it. And not doing it myself either (except for the occasional teabag, but really rare).

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So you remove the hitbox and the killer keeps swinging. Now what? Is it suddenly not bullying anymore now that the hit phases through you?

    You technically made it worse as the miss cooldown is shorter then the on hit one.

    You should never miss a hit from a m1 attack cause of a crouch, just aim for the butt. You also can't change crouch speed vs specific killers. That's a universal thing

    Reason for the macro change still was at it's core the epileptic attacks. That people had to point that out is completely irrelevant

    I pointed out that DDosing and cheating is bullying and they are trying atleast to get rid of that. Those are actual serious issues

    Devs have enough trouble fitting everything they want in the limited space patches are allowed to be. Filling it up with clutter to prevent someone from having a bruised ego just isn't worth it

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Its not always about BMing. It's our way of communicating with the other side:

    I hit survivors on the hook to let them know that they did well in chase. It just means, "well done!"

    If I repeatedly hit them on the hook it is a friendly way of letting them know that they are using a broken perk so they know to review it after the game.

    If a survivor would quite like to be in chase, or to continue the chase they are in, its a friendly way of letting the killer know they are enjoying the chase and would like it to continue.

    If I slug everyone at 5 gens I am just letting them know that I hope they reconsider bringing a Boil Over build and indoor map offering for future trials.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Okay but why? Like it literally doesn't do anything for the game. It would just be a clunky, weird, unintuitive mechanic that doesn't really achieve anything. If the killer hits you on the hook, why does that annoy the survivor, it just doesn't make sense to me.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    Conceding can be made situational. E.g. the killer cannot concede until all generators are powered, survivors can vote to concede which requires unanimous consent to succeed.

    It's not a hard concept.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 666

    Stuff being worse before doesn't justify it being less worse but still bad now, especially given how much time the developers have had to address problematic things in the game, opting instead to create more problems with badly-designed chapters.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If survivors waiting at the exit for 2 minutes is somehow bad, how did you make it to the endgame without quiting the game forever?

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    so killers wont repeatedly hit a survivor on the hook and bully them?