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(High Latency Killers) Killers are causing very very incorrect visual hits

How to recreate this bug:
-Play a game against a killer with high ping, or as a killer with high ping
-Get hit while actively trying to run away
What Happens?
Killers hits land from far away than intended, it makes the game feel sticky and horrible, no matter what I do if the killer is lagging it feels like it is rewarded.
Killers sometimes even interupt actions before they even arrive at your location (pallet throwdowns, hook sabotage etc)
Additional information:
I have tested it on 50ms I cannot tell you the killers ping because I can't see it :) (something which should really be added!!!)
It keeps getting worse every patch, hit validation is the worst thing to happen to this game with most checks being killer sided. It also is affecting Hooking, where killers just suck to the hook from far away, interupting 100 percent wiggle and even phasing through bodyblocking/saboing survivors.
I can't upload clips because the file extension isn't supported and neither are links, which is a little frustrating honestly.
I have added more issues at the end of the thread, why has this not been acknowledged?
Still Pending since May 9th? lol
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Don't bother. Nothing will be done about this. It's been in the game forever. They even told us it looks fine on the killer screen and a 150ms ping is pretty good. You get the message.
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More evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739959703655940096/990444611325534208/DeadByDaylight_2022-06-26_03-30-15_Trim.mp4
Like how is this okay in any sense of the word? lol
Edit: Will be adding more evidence as I gather it here as it just happens way too often honestly.
Post edited by Rokku_Rorru on2 -
This is just one instance of many. One. This Plague hit me from not only all the way over there, but from AROUND THE CORNER. With a MELEE ATTACK.
To make it very clear, the words I want to use to describe this lady would not be ok by forum standards... I was not happy with this round. But, it's 'just part of the game' by most people's standards. It sucks. :(
EDIT: the clip.
Post edited by crystalkitti on2 -
Further evidence to add from a friend: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739959703655940096/990948456719843368/lolwtf.mp4
Can we please acknowledge this?
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This is really bad in the game atm- the servers are really laggy so its making everything worse!
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Because of this I had issues where killers could hit me from the other side of the pallet. It's slowly turning into the All-Kill chapter release issue where killers could hit survivors after the pallet is dropped.
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More evidence of what is going on from another friend. I can't provide the killers ping because you don't give us that information.
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This still happens in the current patch.
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MORE evidence:
Like how is this still a pending issue??? May 9th we are approaching 3 months now of no acknowledgement.
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Honestly, I think hit validation is a bit bugged right now. Getting hit a lot with palette stuns. Getting hit by a stunned killer...
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I think validation was turned off and the problem is people overseas VPNing to other servers which they won't do anything about and the main reason I feel they don't show killer ping.
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This is happening even worse in 6.1.3, like much worse, hits wiffing from far away and hurting survivors bad.
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I'm starting to become convinced this games netcode does not support fast movement speed interactions. The jank still happens even with no warning pings.
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New issues abound with awful killer ping, now we have Desyncs and rubberbanding.
get rid of client sided validation.
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Found this post on reddit showing the issue again from another player reporting on the bad hits.
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Reviving this thread as the issue still hasn't been fixed, some more cases WITH THE NEW RED KILLER PING INDICATOR:
A more extreme case of when both players lag:
Also why is it still pending? LMAO
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Another odd interaction this patch, you can notice the stuttering in place after he grabs me from the other side of the window, other times its happened it has been worse but this is the first case I remembered to record.
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More proof of the jank hits, also latency seems to cause nemesis to not play animations or sounds of readying up his power.
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More odd ping interactions, rubber banding killer with fine connection.
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More Killer sided hit jank despite they are the one lagging.
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VPN killers getting priority hits in EU lobbies playing from China. You really need to address this. Why has their been no reply???
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The Problem is Not the Hits itself. Bhvr decided clientsided detection with prio for Killers. And Killer dont have this wrong Hits because her Screen IS build on p2p even with Server they have perfect sight. after they downed someone they See that. Only the spectator and survivor See this wrong Hits.
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The things I would do for VPNs to be a bannable offense...no one should be allowed to play from a different region regardless of VPN or not. If no VPN ban for people abusing connections like this, they should at least let us see the killers ping before the game starts or not let games start with a set threshold of high ping. For the people with bad internet, man that really sucks you probably just should not play multiplayer games, don't know what to tell you. The only benefit to not letting survivors see the killers ping beforehand is to support VPN killers. Let 4 people suffer through a game with a player with a clear unintended advantage, so the VPN abuser won't be sad they have no one to play against. They will probably NEVER address this.