
If stretch resolution was giving "advantages" and they removed this "feature" which should be available in settings we should have this feature we are in 2023 every game has this and it won't be unfair since everyone has access to it, if stretch resolution was a problem and now we can't have it anymore why things such as Reshade or Nvidia Filters are okay? not everyone knwos/has this and seems like an advantage from people who know about it and for those who don't I don't understand why we can use this but stretch resolution was removed butt this not (yes stretch resolution was a problem in my opinion) but reshade/nvidia are the same story and we can have it without any problems
Reshape/filters should only really work around what can already be seen but play with the settings like brightness/contrast/colors etc. which to a certain degree can be done with pretty much all monitors already - of course not as sophisticated as third party programs.
stretched res on the other hand literally gave more information and made it possible to see around obstacles which wasn’t intended at all,
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Stretched res was able to be applied to a survivors 3rd person orbiting camera which allowed a tilted camera angle to see over higher loop walls than before.
It was also something that the game could control, given it supplied the data.
hard to do it when a reshade/filter is just processing the same data through its own software.
Do I think it’s sporting? No.
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some other games fixed this like cs go did, yes playing 4:3 wasn't a fair thing but filters still give some sort of advantage too seems the same, if they removed 4:3 they should remove filters too then
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It's really hard for BHVR to crack down on filters since it's something you can really detect and not something the devs can really control.
And I don't see filters being in a game as a valid reason why we should bring back another exploit that allowed people to get an unfair advantage.
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Huh, how did CS GO address Filters?
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you can't use nvidia filters, you can use it just if you play untrusted
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That... Seems completely bypassable if it's tagged to nvidia tech. Is "trusted" a setting that requires invasive/controlling computer settings?
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in cs go you can play with nvidia filter but untrusted that means you will face cheaters and a bad experience in general, but if you play trusted you can't use nvidia filters and reshade is bannable, in dbd it's not but it should, they can remove the ability to use it, the whole point is stretched resolution was remove for unfair advantages, filters are the same not as strong as stretched resolution was but still it is, cs go was just an example and doesn't have to do at all with my topic
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I was curious if it was a general filter ban, or just an NVIDIA ban possible through the NVIDIA software performing a “handshake”. Meaning that it only effects NVIDIA filters, and no other filters.
Examples on how to perform what you’re requesting have *a lot* to do with your topic…
Also, given that CS:GO is maintained by Valve, they’ve shown themselves to be a very collaborative company.
Wonder if they’d call the two modes “The Void” and “Curated Memories”, if they ever decided to do it.