What Your Expectations for New Year of DbD

MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

I am not asking what license you are waiting. I am asking what QoL, balance and fix changes you are waiting.

I am starting.

I know i am so negative about game lately but i really loved DbD. It's one of the my fav games for all time. There is few games i played for +1000 hours and DbD is one of them. Almost 3k hours atm.

So i am really hoping they make this game fun for me again. And for everyone who can't enjoy anymore.

The latest balance changes did this to all of us. They changed game into very boring state for both sides.

Play killer and your best option is tunnelling someone out.

Play survivor and your best option is rushing gens. And it's depends on your team if you are solo player.

So i am hoping some good buffs for solo survivors and some nerfs for tunnelling & camping strategies in general. But ofcourse we can't leave it like that. So some good buffs for killers in general as well for making different strategies stronger.

Some maps seriously needs good changes as well. All of new maps are crazy bad, so i am hoping some balance changes for them as well.

I just lost my hope on this but i want to see some buffs for Sadako. The visual TR made her imposible to play for me. Her lullaby needs to be removed. That's terrible.

Anyway, i know devs are trying to make this game better even i disagree and dislike their decisions. So i am hoping this year became better for everyone. But please no more terrible chapters like Knight & SM. Hope we won't get killers like them anymore.


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    In the last satisfaction survey they had questions about new gamemodes, so maybe this is the year it finally happens?

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Tunneling - I would start by buffing DS to 5 second stun along with working on both unhooks. Killers need to fear this perk and make them hesitant to tunnel so quickly. This perk should not work in endgame still. I would also find a balanced way to promote hooking different survivors like a minor slowdown or GE basekit.

    Camping - This one is much harder but I would increase hook timers to start. The goal is to weaken these strats. A step farther would be to disable killer powers within 8 meters of hook. I know this can be abused but I believe I have a way to fix that. The killer must leave the radius (Mine example of 8 meters) and be in chase with another survivor to re-activate their power. Meaning if they leave hook and run into another survivor and said survivor leads them back within the 8 meters their power works.

    Slugging - I personally have no issue with slugging. I would just like a way to opt out if killer refuses to pickup or team won't/can't so pretty much no 4 min bleed out.

    Gen progression - Needs removed or heavily reduced. All gen progression boost along with BnP's. Their would be no need for them if the above changes take place.

    Maps - There are a few to many that tilt to much in favor of one side. This needs fixed and has needed fixed for quite some time. New maps like Borgo and GoJ need to be looked at months ago or just plain deleted.

    Matchmaking - I don't know how to fix it but it is a major issue right now.

    if I think of more I will add. Thank you for asking @MikaelaWantsYourBoon .

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2023

    I don't care about new survivors or killers - I want quality of life updates and improvements to existing content. I'll list the QoL changes I personally want but I'll also state why I know they would make a difference for everyone.

    • Survivors see other survivors perks in the lobby and on the menu while in game.
      • This would allow all survivors who cannot communicate with each other to know exactly what role their allies intend to have for the duration - No communication needed just an understanding of what will happen during the game.
    • The Tome allows players to select multiple challenges at once (On each side) and adjustments to values are made to compensate the fact that multiple challenges can be done at once.
      • Currently if you bother with tome challenges it's frustrating playing through an entire game and not being given the option to progress unless you tunnel vision your objectives throwing the game - This is mostly a survivor issue but this is why you have some very poor quality games
    • Sacrificial Ward lowered to Uncommon Rarity
      • If BHVR doesn't want to do anything about map offerings then they should make their bandaid solution more readily available for all players - You're already sacrificing the ability to potentially get more bloodpoints that round by using your offering to veto a map instead of a BP offering or what ever else. The map offering itself is literally just a map veto for something that may not even be used by the other team - It shouldn't be so expensive on the bloodweb or Rare for that matter.
    • Disconnections offer a concede option to all players within lobby when specific conditions are met
      • No one really wants to endure a game where the other side clearly doesn't care to play it out if it's already looking like it won't be a normal game - If there's an early disconnect allow a return / requeue option for the other players in lobby. Typically what happens is a survivor disconnects and then the others have to either play it out in a severely handicapped game, just let the killer kill them, or say ######### it and disconnect. Having a proper compensation for players time being wasted and a proper punishment for the Disconnect should be the focus here.
    • Skull Merchant's Drones can no longer be placed when the scan overlaps a generator
      • I don't care to justify my reason other than I am ######### sick of 30 minute+ games where the SM focuses only on a 3 gen. I predicted the changes would only make 3 gens worse and more frustrating and guess what it did.

    I could rant for literal hours about many other things but right now this is what is ruining my games the most so I'll complain about it.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Tunneling - I would start by buffing DS to 5 second stun along with working on both unhooks.

    What's stopping survivors from running DS+OTR and using the perks offensively? Can do DS+OTR with UB. Body block and force the killer to tunnel you and if they slug then you UB.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761

    Nothing special. i learned do not expect too much from BHVR, always the same, chapters, perks, maps, event, always the same boring things. Anything that is not crossprogression i will not matter about it

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Same, i would like new characters, but woudn't mind if we didn't get new perks for a while, i feel that at least for survivors the perks are becoming very niche

  • That_One_Friend
    That_One_Friend Member Posts: 280
    edited May 2023

    Swamp rework tbh

    Edit: And a Twins masquerade item

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    FOV slider. Pretty please! I'm done looking through a Pringles can or waste a perk slot to actually see my surroundings! Also a search bar for perks is getting more and more necessary the more perks they introduce. Then, there is always the promised Twins rework. It has been more than a year now and they haven't shown us anything.

    There are some maps I'd like to see reworked (Swamp, Badham) as well but after seeing what they did with Red Forest, I honestly hope they don't rework them. I don't need another map that looks good but is horrible to play on, thank you very much.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    That can be done now and it's not helping. 2 seconds longer stun with an additional 5 second stun is the only difference. Unbreakable can only help them once so the second DS you are free to slug with no consequence. These strats (all of them mentioned) need nerfed somehow for game health. I find it hard to believe any veterans of DBD are finding this current state fun or reasonable.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910


  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    Anti camping stuff and a new game mode that's just like 50 survivors and one killer and survivors get points for being alive the longest and killers get points for catching survivors within a time limit. No gens, no hooks, just find people hiding and smack them.

    And Devotion level increasing iri shard gains so I don't get depression every time I level up and get a tiny amount of shards for 6 hours of being camped by skull merchants.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    The survivor Meta where the queue times were 15 minutes had DH, DS, BT, UB. That change would mean you get a 80 second BT with IW with a massive DS buff at the cost of DH being much weaker. There is a very big difference in DS being a one time proc at 3s vs 2 at 5s. That change would bring the old survivor meta back with it basically being buffed compared to before.

    And what more does tunneling need nerfed if you are already running OTR+SB? If the devs want tunneling to be a thing in this game then I don't see how this tactic is in a bad spot if you are running that combo. The only thing I can see by not having DS a threat is that players that refuse to run anti-tunnel get tunneled a lot more.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited May 2023

    Swamp visual overhaul

    A visually overhaul for all killers from Wraith to Oni (Excluding Nurse & Ghostface.)

    DBD as an IP expanding into other game genres like Fighting Games, Narrative driven games or just appearing in other games in general as guest characters.

    More preset slots for cosmetics and loadouts.

    More AI related killer powers.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    I'm sorry dude I explained the why and how already in my last post. Here is what I see UB has not changed, BT still needs ran since base kit is too weak, DS is dead, DH is dead. So how ironic tunneling has got out of control since these nerfs/changes. Honestly if you like to tunnel that's fine just say that but bringing up some old build not even in the game anymore seems odd. OTR is not that great honestly. If you get hit off hook it does nothing for starters. If you don't get hit off hook it's gone before your next killer interaction most of the time. Unless your assuming most survivors don't touch a gen and follow you to try to use it offensively and in that instance you win anyhow.

    People who would use any of what I said offensively are not on gens....I'll take body blocks over the gen/kill rush we have now any day.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I bring up a old build since that's what would be meta with that change to DS, and having a longer than 15 min queue time is something any player should want to avoid.

    OTR is objectively better at dealing with hard-tunneling compared to old DS. You can evade the killer with IW, and since it works on both hooks the value is higher. The only times it is weaker vs old DS is the passive threat for players not running it or a killer removing a survivor that is on death hook. DS is better as a single proc and OTR is better with both.

    I mentioned SB with OTR since getting hit off hook with OTR isn't an issue if you are using SB. The only thing the killer can do is let the survivor farm you off hook and they can then body block while you speed off with the speed boost+IW. It would also make more sense to fix the restriction that OTR has rather than making survivors unable to be removed from the game and be able to abuse anti-tunnel perks as an offensive tool.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I don't see that happening.

    Anyway I think they're gonna do a chapter on that Winnie the Pooh horror movie

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    I think they could find something to make the devotion system somewhat meaningful. While not a priority imo, it would be nice if, I don't know, with each devotion level your max BP storage increased by some amount, or like Eelanos mentioned here, the iridescent shards rewarded became bigger (though I can see why they wouldn't be interested on making the currency easier to obtain since it could lead to less investment from the players in Auric Cells per say).

    Also I wonder if they will at least mention or show some interest on implementing extra moris and further rewards to prestige levels.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I hope to see some interesting buffs for unused not so great perks.

    I'm also interested in seeing extra outfits for legendary characters, I think that would be cool!

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501

    Console optimization

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    1) FoV slider for killers.

    2) Fix the short M1 tap bug so it can't steal hits.

    3) Fix aim dressing so it can't steal hits.

    4) Fix the survivor turn rate, so survivors can't go over the intended turn rate.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Yeah that would be really nice to have for sure. It would save so much time cause I also get kind of annoyed searching for certain perks manually.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I wish they just add the automatic bloodweb before going into prestige 1. I mean I know it’s supposed to be somewhat of reward. But it would be also nice to have not level up manually before prestige 1.

  • saym
    saym Member Posts: 82

    Ranked Match & Casual Match or Show skill rating & Work skill rating