Solo queue survivor buff idea

Most of us can admit that playing solo queue with 3 potato teammates that either leave you to die on the hook while they haven't been hooked once just sucks. On top of that, those survivors that join the game and are absolutely useless in the fact that they aren't touching gens and instead just running around the map doing NPC activities like cleansing dull totems also suck. I propose that since SWF most of the time have comms through discord or some sort of platform where they can communicate with each other, it would only be fair that could also be done for players who are solo queuing. They should add an ingame survivor voice chat to be able to communicate with your teammates since all survivors in the match have the same objective and can help each other out with comms and maybe even ask one of the team mates to pull up to a side of the map to work on gens or heal instead of having to run around the entire map looking for your teammates to heal you. Feel like this would make the game a lot more enjoyable and fun to queue by yourself as you can also make friends this way easier and queue up with those guys and play a couple of games. Thoughts bois?
"Hey (survivor), we really need to focus on gens to get some pressure back."
"(Circus in the background, mic clipping) *Expletives* you *expletives*, I need these chests for my tome. (ice cream truck music and police siren, cow mooing)"
Comms alone aren't going to bridge the cap between casual vs competitive survivors and the wide range of skill levels that it throws into the same match. Comms only help when everyone has the same goal and lacks the information. I think the main issue with solo queue is that there is often too much of a skill gap between the worst survivor and the best survivor on the same team, and the worst survivor on the team is usually completely helpless against the killer.
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In other words: "Let me use a voice chat to harrass people in game instead of having to wait until the game is over." I would never use it for that reason.
SoloQ is absolutely fine as long as people don't actively throw the game. Low MMR is an absolute hell hole but anything above that works.
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This idea has been suggested many times in the past, but would be a total disaster in my opinion due to reasons given by the other commenters. I agree it would be an absolute cesspool of profanity and abuse, just like the end-game chat which for inexplicable reasons remains a feature in the game.
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And here comes the flood of "oh no, it'll be to toxic" brigade. See the 3 replies above for reference.
Practically every multiplayer game has voice chat. Sure toxicity is a problem but that's what mute and report functions are for. Vc wouldn't solve the problem, but it would HELP solo q.
And if we don't want toxicity why thevhell do we have endgame chat so killers and survs can insult each other.
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Agree on the “why does end-game chat exist” question. I don’t think it should.
Yes many other multiplayer games have in-game comm features and they are all cesspools of toxicity. We know how difficult it already is to report and get people banned in this game - why would we want to exponentially increase this problem just for a possible minor buff to solo q? Not worth it, IMO.
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Think about how many salty people you saw in DBD. Now think about how many people would rather use the voice chat to insult you than for communication purposes. A lot of people would mute it. There comes the next problem. When you implement voice chat in DBD you need to balance around that as well. That means anyone, who doesn't use it gets screwed over, which makes the game even more unbalanced.
Also, no amount of help would improve the hell hole that is low MMR solo queue. The self-caring Claudette in that corner will not loop the killer for 5 gens, no matter how many times you scream at her to "git gud".
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I suggest that instead of creating a voice chat, we create ready-made messages such as (focus on repairing generators) or (follow me) and so on
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I imagine that people who want to be annoying would just spam those messages all game long and quickly make the game miserable to play
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No but you can actively tell her where the killer is so that she never gets caught and just works on gens and sneaks by, as someone who plays a fair bit of multiplayer games, the dbd community is incredibly fragile, I have seen killers get tilted/offended by a "gg ez" which is literally nothing, as well as survivors getting mad af because of the same little things, people want to bridge the gap between swf and soloq, and as much as you like to tell complex solutions, the only real difference is what swf has that soloq doesn't:comms.
However I agree on some part with you, the majority of players think that adding comms or icons will buff soloQ and it absolutely will not, because it is a bad change? No, its simply because most dbd players are god awfull at the game, foesn't matter how much comms you give your teamate if they still manage to go down to m1 killers in less than a minute, thats a gg and there is nothing that you could change, because its the players issue not the game's issue.
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In the mobile version, they have something like this, and also to prevent sending 20 messages in one second, they set a 10-second cooldown.
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Yes, every multiplayer has it, but they also have a ranked queue where players are all presumably playing with the same goal: hard sweating for victories and ranks. DbD doesn't have that. There's already conflict between teammates with different playstyles in DbD. Voice chat would amplify that. If DbD added a ranked mode, then yes, they should really consider adding voice, because you need comms to beat top tier killer players that are hard sweating.
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I'd hate that. It's been suggested a few times and each time the main responses have been either enjoying solo because there are no voice comms, or the simple facr some turd will just be shouting abuse or whatever. Maybe blasting some grime in the background.
Even if the option was there to ignore it, people would just decide to troll the one who chooses not to join in, regardless. So, basically people who prefer to play solo will possibly be trolled by other players just because of this.
The simplest thing to do is just find some people who want to play swf and join them. Besides, with the amount of people here complaining they're always with "potatoes", I doubt potatoes even exist.
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I have always considered this a poor matchmaking issue above all. VC won't help these scenarios at all. Not to mention the game would die if you could win with 3 potatoes on your team. Killers would leave in droves and survivors would die of boredom.
All this being said I am not against it. Might as well try and see.
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Hello guys i see that the majority of people here do not like the idea of adding a voice chat in this game simply because most of this games player base is toxic and that is out of our control and i dont see why it has to be that way to be honest. Some people would just like to play this game for fun and meet nice people along the way and voice chat can possibly encourage that and encourage more teamwork instead of teammates being useless. The simple solution to someone being toxic when using the voice chat is to 1. mute them 2. report them 3. if DBD were to actually implement this into the game they would need to take people abusing the voice chat in negative ways such as cussing out each other seriously, maybe have recordings of each match's voice chat and enough people report a single player they can look into those recordings and ban them depending on if the reports are correct or not. 4. if not voice chat they add the same feature that DBD mobile has which is better than no comms at all, thanks you to the people who mentioned that idea in the comments and it is a great idea that would benefit so many solo queue players both sweaty players and people who are just trying to have fun. DBD should go back to being a game where people hop on to have fun and meet new friends to play with and the exact opposite of what it is right now which is toxic survivors and toxic killers cussing each other out over the fact that one is better than the other. It has gotten too competitive and it is sucking all the fun any person could have playing this game because it just becomes unenjoyable in the state that it is currently, thank you guys.
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This is very possible to keep track of because of you look at the more popular games such as Overwatch for example, those voice chats that people use ingame are recorded and i know of several people that play the game and have received a voice chat ban due to toxicity and abusing the power given to them through voice chat. This is only possible creators of overwatch are actually taking the time to look into these recordings, the same can be done with DBD, the devs just have to care thats all.
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The purpose of the game is to ensure communication is minimal. This also adds to the horror aspect - the unknown can be terrifying. There is a reason for the 2 main gestures. I think it's fine as is.
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But this will add more coordination in a team rather than not saving thinking the other one is going to save
In the mobile version, they did that, and you can also tell them that the killer is camping, and you can ask for help to save that survivor
So two hand signals are not enough to fill the gap at all and they are very limited
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Ich kann verstehen, dass sie die gleichen Aufgaben teilen, aber wie willst du dafür sorgen, daß sie die gleiche Sprache benutzen? Mit unterschiedlichen Sprachen funktioniert das ganze nämlich nicht mehr, aber das Spiel müsste um den Sprachchat herum ausbalanciert werden.
Ich halte das für keine gute Idee.
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Adding voice comms will not help the vast majority of solo q Survivors, it would just make it easier for toxic people to be gross and make even more work for the already overwhelmed BHVR support team. Not to mention on the EU servers you'd have little chance of everyone even understanding the same languages, never mind cooperating perfectly.
Just make Kinship basekit and maybe give Killer FoV slider to compensate.
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Voice comm alone will not make someone with 100 hours as skilled as the one with 5000-10000 hours.
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Yes this is what solos do, but guess what its a problem where the solos are the source of. So I dont see a reson for more buffes. The activity hud is a very big thing for solo que and if I play solo I can easly tell what I should do in whitch moment. So if solos dont use the information you cant help them.
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The language barrier problem has always been the main reason they've given for not adding voice chat. Not too convincing to me as so many other team games have it, regardless of how different from other games DBD is.
My gut says the nightmare of policing any chat added is the real concern. Just my opinion though.
Most likely no voice or ping/wheel system we ever be added.
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I'd prefer no. Sound is pretty important for survivor, especially when it comes to undetectable killers (eg Myers breathing, GFs cloak), not to mention being able to hear the terror radius at the earliest possible time in order to plan your next move. I'd hate having people chattering away in my ear. Not to mention there would absolutely be toxicity. I remember when people were purposely targeting or sandbagging players wearing the pride charms or playing as David. This community absolutely can suck sometimes.
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I mean I've suggested having separate ranked and casual queues as well. It's pretty bad only having one which is ranked.
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On mobile they have some type of quick chat. You can say that you are going 4 the rescue or that the killer camps you for example. I would like that
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Absolutely we should have in game mics like most multiplayer games have. It would make the game so much better and entertaining,and for those that don't want to use it there should be an option to mute or turn off ,but many of us have been asking for this for years .There are far too many gamers that won't play DBD simply because we don't have in game mics . It would be nice to actually be able to communicate as a survivor with your team ,and also make new friends .Most similar multiplayer games have in game mic use for those very reasons . This feature would add so many new players to our DBD community .
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A lot of replies are focused on how toxic the voice comms in this game would be, and they're entirely right, but there's another element that would need to be addressed- namely, voice comms wouldn't actually solve the problem you're trying to fix here.
A player who is doing their tomes will continue doing their tomes even if someone in the voice chat starts telling them not to. In fact, they'll just mute that person. That, mind you, is the best case ideal situation, and not one of the far more likely negative outcomes where the person doing their tomes starts yelling back, or doesn't have a mic to begin with, or doesn't speak the same language as you, or starts sandbagging out of spite, or...
The divide that you're describing here, between those who only care about winning and those who want to play the entire game, tomes included, wouldn't even come close to being solved with voice comms. It's simply not going to work, the language barrier alone would prevent it from being a decent solution and that's far from the only thing standing in the way.
In terms of how to fix that divide, I'm not sure. Some kind of method for finding like-minded teammates in game could be a good bet, that's probably the most workable of ideas; this isn't the balance conversation (where comms still aren't a fix, ftr), after all, this is the conversation of not liking when your teammates are either actively trash or not working with the same goal as you. The bitter pill to swallow is that this problem is just inherent to queuing up alone, and is present in every other game too, including the ones with comms. Better ways of finding non-random teammates is less intrusive and more impactful than providing tools to harass the random teammates.