Blight vs. Newbie

I saw a prestige 100 blight tunnel out/ camp a poor newbie survivor with 150 hours today. I have to say......
It doesn't get any more pitiful for a top Tier killer. The poor survivor may never play again.
Good job so far blight.
No blame on Blight, it's all BHVR's fault because they allowed this gameplay. Also matchmaking is still garbage after all, why 150 hours player is going against +1000 hours player.
So i won't blame the player who just played with allowed strategy. I will blame devs for allowing this boring strategy or not nerfing it.
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"strategy" you heard it here. so it is the truth.. . . . . nothing else to be said here. devs dont care, we just have to deal with it
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Absent further information, it's safe to assume they just want to win. The easiest way to win is to target the weak link on the team. There's no in-game incentive for the Blight to take it easy. The only thing is it might give him a wholesome feeling internally if that's important to him. I just had a game the other day where I noticed that a Tapp was an extremely weak looper while the rest of his team were all extremely good. I could have EASILY tunneled this guy out and won the game, but I didn't, and it ended up being a three or four escape because I spent too much time chasing the strong loopers to be nice to the newb. How was I rewarded for this selfless action? The Tapp sits in the exit gates for the EGC as long as possible to teabag me. Last time I do that.
I hope you're also pouring a 40 out for all the killers that bully squad SWFs have run off.
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matchmaking is bonkers and thats why:
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I just think about this, may be keep dodging lobby (away from seems to be good teams), longer the searching time, wider the MMR, that good Blight get matched against newbie?
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I think even if this is the case, new players should not be in lobby against veteran players. I don't know is it really so hard to add 300 hours limit for new players. People who is under 300 hours should not be matched with veterans.
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There may not be enough newer players to keep up matchmaking in an expedient manner with those restrictions. The devs have said that they value fast queue times. The game is seven years old now, how many newbies are there really? There's also newbs that play in SWFs that get dragged into games with veteran killers all the time.
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It's all the lobby dodging. There are 6-7 per game when I am on a high prestige survivor. Killers just dodge over and over again until they break the matchmaking and get easy survivors like this. God forbid they have to play against competent survivors. Gotta preserve that ego.
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Coulda been a high-MMR survivor left the lobby and the matchmaker grabbed a baby survivor becase backfilling doesnt take into account anything. Or inversely the baby killer dodged the lobby and so it grabbed a really good Blight.
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Man this is sooo typical. As a "newbie" teabagging is mandatory - you notice better players don't stay or leave in time (SWF excluded, of course). This story pretty much sums up the toxicity in DbD.
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It's not funny that this happened to you but look at that this way. You are still better then him. Besides you shouldn't have done it to that extent, right?
My baby team survivor was also tunneled out right at the beginning, at 5 gens. He wasn't even allowed to try the game and have at least a little fun. I mean this survivor is anyway in 5 seconds down?
This blight could have him tunneled out even with 3 gens? He would still have won. But no He need to be an ass. Sorry
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Thats not really true. If the next survivor has a good chase, gens are quickly done. Sometimes not, but i play as a 2-man and if i get a 2min chase, the game is over.
Granted, a blight should dominate in chase and a 2min chase shouldnt happen.
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thats just the average blight main in a nutshell....god i remenber back when i used to play him a lot but them i realize how insanely BS their addons and how forgiving the power is in terms of counterplay after 4 months of playing only blight, i literally was capable to eat 4 old "DS" and them tunnel easily because speed goes brrrr while running atleast 1 speed addon pretty much against any team -MMR was not a thing back them , but still-
MMR to this day is a total joke , why?
-you were altruistic as f , u saved your teammates multiple times taking hits , you lasted 5 minutes or more on chase , but you end up dying at the end because the killer camped you , well too sad --MMR decrease (as result waaaay worst teammates for you)
-you were selfish as f , u runned a gate build to just hide the whole match , dont care about saving anyone , literally you took 0 chases , and you let everyone died , you open the gate , GOOD JOB - MMR increase (which is also bad because you will eventually be paired with blights , nurses , spirits non-stop)
final thoughts MMR should be deleted , it literally kills the game health.
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Was it a butthole move to hard tunnel anyone at five gens? Prolly. But this is still a matchmaking issue at the core, most likely brought about from lobby dodging/backfilling and the prioritizing of queue times.
I do have to wonder what would happen if they locked the lobbies, or didn't show them in the first place? That would allow the matchmaking to do it's thing uninterrupted, and eliminate last minute swaps by survs as well. Might be worth testing.
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I am too nice as killer.
But if i encounter a real new player i can´t kill them and try to let them escape.
It is sad to me that some players do not have some sympathy in these cases.
As you said, they might never play again - which is not good.
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No one here actually plays solo queue? It happens there all the time. 90% of the matches snowball out of control in the killers favor in the first few minutes.
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The Blights I see always run the strongest perks and never give hatch to anyone. Of course they would tunnel out the baby survivor.
Sorry Blight mains. I will never trust them again, same with Nurse mains.
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So? It's not like survivors with 999999 hours go easy when they get a baby killer. Also, 150 hours is not newbie. That's already enough time to get decent at the game.
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The crazy thing is, they're not doing their MMR any favours because the rate at which you increase is also affected by the rating of the person you kill. So a higher MMR killer targeting a lower MMR survivor won't get the same increase that they'd get killing a higher rated survivor.
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As somebody said above, I’ve seen countless times a team of high hour survivors bully the life out of a newbie killer; staying in the match well past 5 gens to continue bullying.
This goes both ways.
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Fair game. Blame the matchmaking restrictions, not the player.
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For one thing that I believe there must be a unique MMR for newbies. Something that under 300 hours people play with each other before they start with low MMR after.
A veteran who doesnt play for along time still should not be matched with newbie.
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Wait 150 hours you can get good at the game? Lol
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Yes, 150 hours and a little external watch time and you can be considered decent at the game. Decent does not equal good though.
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u could play 150 hours and not even see every killer once.
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You could easily never see Twins or Demo in that time.
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lol yeah Some of these killers are becoming extinct.
endangered species list: twins, hag, demo, & freddy
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That will only get worse as time goes on.
When I first started playing, there were only 11 Killers. You'd see all of them pretty frequently, except for Hag and OG Freddy. Even those though, you'd catch one every 25 games or so.
Now though? THIRTY-ONE Killers. Just off of numbers and odds alone, you won't see many of any particular Killer unless they are extremely popular like Wesker.
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You are joking right ? XDD
Yeah with 150 hours I was a good looper. I understand basic play mechanic and I had no fear anymore.
Ridiculous what you say. Sry
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You talk about toxic SWF?
Of course goes this both ways. It's a shame that killer newcomers have to go through such experiences.
Luckily I'm different. I give the killer the kill at the end from the match If I notice he doesn't have any experience. But that do only 5 % of the community I think.
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150 hours is nothing in dbd. training wheels dont come off until about 5 or 600. Guy just made the most absurd statement ive seen in these forums
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Lmao this conspiracy theory.