Why "Shadow Drop" Anniversary Stream Details?

Why shadow drop? Many will now be unable to participate/watch live.
Personally, I am genuinely a little peeved with the shadow drop of the Anniversary Stream details being disclosed ~26.5 hours prior to the event.
Every year, I make it a point to take the "DbD Anniversary Stream" day off work for a dedicated DbD Hype Day. It is a great day to look forward to each and every year. A day off work with a morning full of DbD matches, an afternoon stream discussing everything to look forward to in the next year of DbD, and then playing DbD matches until the day is over.
Due to the short notice, I am unable to request tomorrow off work at the last minute. Personally, I am not one to fake a sick day (incase people think that's a solution).
I am extremely bummed I'll be missing the stream, all the hype this year, and my annual "full workday of DbD". I am still super excited for the event and announcement! I just genuinely don't understand why they would not want to give players notice of an event they want people "attending" and to build hype for.
I'd love to get some more insight as to why this decision was made this year. Additionally, I'd like to know if I need to expect this every year moving forward for the anniversary event.
Sorry for the mini rant and thank you very much for reading!
Taking a wild guess, but probably because of leakers which are harming BHVR by revealing stuff already?
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what shadow drop? stuff got leaked by mistake
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Shadow drop of anniversary stream announcement, just one/two days before the stream actually happening.
usually company’s announce stuff like way ahead to hype stuff up and so the community including content creators can prepare etc
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This is a discussion about the details regarding the anniversary stream, when its takes place, and why that information was given with such short notice.
I'd like to avoid any discussion pertaining to what the stream may or may not include, as this is both not the purpose of this discussion and also is against the guide lines of this platform(DbD forums).
For the record!
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I would assume because the mass majority of anniversary content got leaked. If I was BHVR I would be bummed and not want to celebrate as much cause everyone knows everything.
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This does not acknowledge, nor answer, "why they did not give us information regarding the anniversary stream event prior to today".
Why not let people know Friday (May 12th), "In one week, Anniversary Stream Friday May 19th! Keep an eye on twitter for more details to come"?
or "No confirmed date however the DbD Anniversary Stream will be on a Friday toward the end of May".
Literally any information that is more than 1.5 days advance notice would have been appreciated.
Again, I am trying to understand "why a decision was made to withhold communication with the players regarding the timing of when the Anniversary Stream would take place", NOT "why actions were taken after 'X' happened".
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it was planned to be next tuesday but was moved cuz of leaks
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Likely the stream was meant to be on a later date and the devs didn't feel the need to announce the stream date yet since it was still far off. Then on the day when unofficial things were circulating the internet, we get an announcement for this Friday is the stream.
It's way too coincidental. While there is a possibility the stream was always meant for this Friday, it seems very unlikely given the timing of everything else. Of course we'll never know the exact answer and this is the best guess anyone in the community can really give you since the devs will never touch a discussion about unofficial stuff.
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Is this confirmed or speculation?
If it's confirmed, could you please provide the source?
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Thank you very much for this detailed response. It was quite informative! It does make plausible sense granted the circumstances.
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It was not officially confirmed this way!
though it is a very likely to be true guess 😉 sources that would proof this would fall under leaked stuff and is not allowed on these forums and anyway not official sources..
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Ahh, that's fair! Thank you for response and insight!