Why "Shadow Drop" Anniversary Stream Details?

Why shadow drop? Many will now be unable to participate/watch live.

Personally, I am genuinely a little peeved with the shadow drop of the Anniversary Stream details being disclosed ~26.5 hours prior to the event.

Every year, I make it a point to take the "DbD Anniversary Stream" day off work for a dedicated DbD Hype Day. It is a great day to look forward to each and every year. A day off work with a morning full of DbD matches, an afternoon stream discussing everything to look forward to in the next year of DbD, and then playing DbD matches until the day is over.

Due to the short notice, I am unable to request tomorrow off work at the last minute. Personally, I am not one to fake a sick day (incase people think that's a solution).

I am extremely bummed I'll be missing the stream, all the hype this year, and my annual "full workday of DbD". I am still super excited for the event and announcement! I just genuinely don't understand why they would not want to give players notice of an event they want people "attending" and to build hype for.

I'd love to get some more insight as to why this decision was made this year. Additionally, I'd like to know if I need to expect this every year moving forward for the anniversary event.

Sorry for the mini rant and thank you very much for reading!
