Leatherface is going to Ignore the Anti-Camp

The anti-camping solution seems like a step in the right direction, but it doesn't even remotely affect the Killer that dominates the camping meta in the first place: Cannibal.
Why? Because The Cannibal has a little ability to simply continue swinging his chainsaw after hitting the Survivor off of the hook. So he'll still be camping, just with an extra step.
But what can be done to fix this? Well, this is an absolutely necessary change:
- The Cannibal will now automatically go into chainsaw sweep cooldown upon hitting a Survivor affected by the Endurance status effect.
This change would allow Cannibal to have his strengths, but now actually makes it so that his camping prowess with the new mechanic is not as good as it will be. He'll need to actually take a lot more time to chase you than simply sweeping his chainsaw and tearing through your health states after unhooking.
I can get behind this
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I actually really like that change
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no the change is huge nerf to leatherface because what makes Leatherface facecamping problematic is the fact his instant down straight up prevent you from unhooking. Leatherface will need to be mindful of where he hooks because if he tries facecamp and he purposely let survivor unhook, he has to rev his chainsaw and make sure that his double hit endurance does not lead into window or pallet. This is also very bad for killer like Myer's 99 EV2, Pinky finger clown and Billy, etc. Pushing people into 2nd stage will very difficult for killer. Some of these killer greatly benefit from this type of gameplay.
What this changes does not address is proxy camping. Many killer in the game excel at proxy camping so killer like Hag will still deploy 10 traps around hook. Trickster will still hold his knives from 16 meters away as he pebbles any survivor trying to get unhooks. Same with huntress. You will still see blatant camping. The only killer who will be able to properly facecamp post-changes will be pyramid head who does not have hooks and instead has cages which do not follow the hook rules therefore if you want to play face-camp killer, you can do so by playing Pyramid head and holding your M2 ability while being near a cage.
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It’s actually a really good idea.
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please do.
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This change would just force the Bubba to m1 tunnel the hooked Survivor off from hook.
If we are truly going anti-face-camping,
then we ought to force the Killer to teleport to the other side of the map and get a 10 second power cooldown.
It would give Survivors time to unhook, heal, hide and reset so even if the Killer is determined to tunnel and facecamp one guy, the Survivors will be given adequate time to do so.
Honestly I don't get why nobody else can see, more tunneling is what's gonna happen here, I may be pessimistic, but I have played this game for 6000hours and bHVR think this will be adequate? No, that is wrong, how could I be adequate.
Teleporting the Killer away could even be supported by the entity, because how is it going to get fed in a good way if the Survivor is squeezed dry in such a way, indeed facecamping is one of the biggest reasons Survivors quit.
My oh My, Im going to be SO disappointed with the mildest solutions to try to fix face camping here. Come on BHVR.
Do I have to face-camp more to show you why you ought to attack face-camping stronger?? Please-