PC - Adept Achievements Not Unlocking

Darky77 Member Posts: 48

Small thing to complain about, I know, but this has been a little frustrating lately. The Adept achievements are hard enough (on some killers), but when people D/C, it robs me of the achievements, and on top of that there are many times I do get the 4k Merciless and it just decides not to give it to me.

I've gotten a 4k Merciless Victory twice with Wraith, once with Blight, and once with Dredge, and it didn't award me. And the amount of times I've lost it due to someone D/Cing is aggravating.

I keep reading that D/Cs count as kills, and therefore should and do grant Merciless, but it won't award the achievements. Which I can understand to a degree, but it is frustrating to be 3 hooks away from getting it and someone D/Cs to wipe away the entire match you just worked hard for.

Again, not a game breaking matter, but still something that should be addressed. Adepts can be tough challenges, it's a little discouraging to have the 50/50 chance of actually getting it, even if you manage to pull off the 4k.

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  • Butternubs69
    Butternubs69 Member Posts: 21

    I remember there were issues with adepts months back, and I kinda stopped trying to do them until I heard they were fixed. I started giving them a try again, and I got Knight, Skull Merchant, and Deathslinger without any issue, but I got a 4k on Dredge and once again didn't get the achievement. I feel like I've heard people claim Dredge's adept has been bugged for as long as he's been in the game. I know people /have/ gotten it, but there's been at least 3 times where I should've got it and it just never popped up. at this point there's only 5 killer adepts I dont have, and he's probably the one that'd be the easiest for me to get out of those 5, so it's frustrating that it keeps not happening