Making survivors exposed based on bloodlust?

Please don't.

Both exposed mechanics and bloodlust are fairly controversial already. Making it possible to expose a survivor based on bloodlust, even if only during the event with the "invitation", is going to make the event insufferable.

Everyone is going to use it, because why not? You only need 12 invites still filled to get the event cosmetics, after that you can just use the invites to make people exposed. It's ridiculous.


  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235
    edited May 2023

    counterpoint: this should be base. If your 4-man SWF's pro runner is kiting me while the rest of you pop 3 gens, then I should at least get the satisfaction of downing him in one hit once I finally catch him.

    And before anyone says "JuST stop ChAsING HIm aNd gO PaRTrol gENs", I'll point out that breaking off the chase to hoof it over to the gens on the other side of the map from where he's kited me to (with a big chance of randomly choosing a gen without any survivors on it) is a terrible move, AND he'll follow me to know exactly where I'm going, and tell his teammates on comms so they can all move to a different gen.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Good survivors will milk a loop until they realize the killer has bloodlust. Then they drop the pallet to force a break and a bloodlust reset. Then they have time to get to, and milk, the next loop before Bloodlust kicks in.

    Really hope they buff Beast of Prey. Either have the perk let you keep some Bloodlust after a pallet break (you lose 1 stack of Bloodlust instead of all stacks), or have the perk convert Bloodlust stacks into pallet break speed.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    BVHR is going figure out why bloodlust is terrible mechanic because what happen on many maps is that bloodlusting is completely useless. Like Just look at Gideon's meat packing plant. you can give me exposed on an m1 killer like trapper and it won't change how broken the pallets on that map are. the pallets are so safe that they're bloodlust 3 infinities. Like, you cannot bloodlust those pallets.

    On flip-side, weaker pallets will just be an instant down because killer won't down you. they'll just purposely bloodlust 2 you then down you because loop is so unsafe that the killer can down you whenever they want to down you making those loops pointless. an example is Badham car loops that spawn just outside school on front and right side.

    Bloodlust as mechanic unequally punishes unsafe loops but does nothing to towards safe loops. It is not good mechanic. What killer needs is ABILITY to get hits on every loop by winning 50/50's on pallet slides/pallet bluffs. Currently, your odds of getting hits against good survivor is close to zero on like 70% of the loops and you get nearly guaranteed hits on weaker loops because even if you fail 50/50's, you will eventually win loop just by bloodlust itself regardless of how bad you play.

    This is why what they need to do with pallets in this game is following:

    1) Increase killer lunge distance so that more pallets are possible to win 50/50 mindgames. I recommend 50% though numbers can vary.

    2) Decrease size of long-walls on loops that are too long for killer to do 50/50 mindgame on( E.G long-wall single pallet tile and the classic jungle gym long-walls need to be shorten)

    3) They need invent a new type of pallet in the game called Light-wood pallet. This pallet has 50% less durability then normal pallet. It breaks 50% faster. This pallet should be used in places where the pallet blocks the killer from advancing forward. An example where this pallet be used is Shack pallet. Its impossible mindgame the pallet and its force break which is bad design since the killer is in a lose/lose. If they break pallet, the survivor gets massive shift-w distance that wastes killer time which translate into poor gen pressure. If they do not break pallet then m1 killer physically cannot down the survivor. So pallet like Badham school, The garden of joy main building right side pallet and a bunch of Gideon's pallets that block your way would be turned into Light-wood pallets. While these pallet would still be detrimental to the killer, they will not waste as much time as normal pallet breaks.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Giving killers exposed after reaching bloodlust makes this feel like a lopsided event. It's like when they gave survivors protection in snowmen.

    It's already bad enough survivors need to make it to end game to get their event rewards while killers only requirement is "don't DC." Making it so killers get basekit instadowns just by waiting for bloodlust to kick in is going to make what should be a celebratory event miserable for survivors. Killer qs tend to be long during events anyway because you tend to earn more BP as killer, if playing survivor is miserable it's going to make q times for killer even worse during the event.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Beast of prey is OK imo just because of the extra hunting BP score event

    Yes I know you're all going to argue against this "because it has no impact on actual gameplay" but this is just MY opinion

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,111

    A neat beast of prey change could be instead that blood lust is saved. Can't catch this one guy? Break chase, find someone else, and the bloodlust from last chase kicks in as the chase starts, causing surprise distance and less chance for an escape.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited May 2023

    Beast of Prey's Bloodpoint bonus for the Hunting category doesn't work like old BBQ & Chili. The bonus points aren't added after the match, based on how many you earned during the match. No. Instead, it just helps you reach the 10k category cap (during the match) sooner.

    I don't know about you, but Hunting is one of the easiest categories for me to fill up.

    Beast of Prey needs more, as do all of Huntress' perks.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I know, that's what makes it balanced and niche

    Helps you max it out faster so you don't have to drag out games as long, using it in conjunction with thrill of the hunt doubles the rate you fill it

    Nobody uses it because of what you said but like all niche perks, it can help in a specific thing you want to achieve, and in this case is maximizing your BP

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Never got why bloodlust is controversial, of all things. It never activates and only serves to fix bad map design/rng or help bad killers get at least one hit. you need to spend like, a whole minute chasing someone for bloodlust 3 which makes you move at 130%. I can see that some might think that its bad because if your looping super well, the killer goes speed and downs you but if they got bloodlust you already got so much timer for your team bc you're cracked. Any good killer will at most see bloodlust 1 once or twice a match, considering it goes away if you swing.

    But then the exposure part kicks in, and the goes-away-on-a-swing is meaningless. ALL of the aforementioned points are meaningless against this. Looping super duper hard? Yeah, didnt get hit for a whole ~60s but now you go down instantly. Thats true punishment for success and reward for failure. Not a great idea. I'd like to see the idea another guy mentioned on a diff post, where killer basic attacks break stuff if you have charge.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    The truth is, that getting bloodlust is not difficult and all you need is not break a pallet or use ability (something u can do w all killers but nurse and scratch meyers) + it takes much shorter then 3gens.

    What we will see during event are killers not hitting survivors and just trailing behind them waiting for bloodlust for very very quick chases.

    I really wonder what queue times will be, but I am sure it won't be nice. Spawn of droppable pallet will by far not make up to it (even considering how strong that thing is).

  • NoHookDC
    NoHookDC Member Posts: 234

    So Survivors getting free self-unhooks is healthy for the game.

    But Survivors getting exposed with bloodlust to shorten chases is somehow evil and should never happen.


    That's up there with 'The visible heart is a good QoL change, but a bigger Killer FoV is not fair'.

    Just more Survivor hypocrisy; Anything that benefits Survivors is great for the game. Anything that benefits Killers should never happen. 🀣

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited May 2023

    You are comparing 2 unrelated things. Compare temporaty things to temporary ones (changes from event to other event things).

    Or compare proposed permanent changes for both sides. And I know killers again won that one, because "balance of maps for both sides" seems to adress only survivor favoring maps while leaving midwitch, current RPDs, saloon, wretched shop, wreckes yard, ..... Untouched. Which is much more balance-wise as removing facecamping (and keeping proxy camps into tunnel - btw proxy-into-tunnel was already stronger thing). Not to mention devs willingness to do anything about by far weakest role in the game - soloQ.

    Also - after minimal noise for heartbeat change (basically fix for sadako) - if you are healthy, then "visible heartbeat" provides exactly 0 benefit (but I admit, that it is nice looking). However higher FoV provides substantial benefits against different FoV techs, 360's and dodging killer powers (most importantly visible on blight and oni). This would be general killer buff - same as basekit DS (something survivors propose) can't ever be called QOL change against tunneling for exactly the same reasons.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    The pallet you spawn will instantly break so if you miss the killer there isn't anything blocking them from hitting you.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605
    edited May 2023

    I'd say exposed after a while could help break those situation where the survivors are happy running certain loops to the ground in an unengaging way.

    Like, okay, you want to sit on that window and double vault it all day?

    Sure, but if I hit you once, you go down.

    The real issue however is the walls and second floor windows that INSTANTLY break the chase, its a joke.

    The chase time for LOS should be at least doubled, right now you can see a survivor through walls and the chase still break as you literally stare at them within a meter because game says they "got away"

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    There will be at most 5 invitations per match. Depending on exactly how the event works, the killer would have to go out of their way 5 times to get them assuming they aren't beaten to them by survivors. This mechanic will come up maybe 3 times at most during your average game if even that, if we assume that an invitation only allows 1 use of the ability.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141
  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I mean, that statement is every survivor mains on this forum, its just that there are more of them lol.

    you want proof? its been 2 years of straight up killer nerf. DH was "nerfed" in a way that still makes it viable in mid late game and all the surv main are complaining like their loved one got kidnapped or something.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    putting nerfed in quotations is crazy, also lol dh staying viable is the end of the world

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Free health state.

    it is a big deal.

    But hey, imagine saying that gen regression are a big deal for 2 year straight until they nerfed every single one of them into oblivion, survivor wins the complaning contest hands down every day of the week lol

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    a yeah, do you consider pressing the "E" your daily excercise or something?

    its pretty much free.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    so you only have to press E to get the speed boost from dh. nothing else. sure youre not missing something?

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141
  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605
    edited May 2023

    that's not hard.

    you wait for the slow and clunky killer animation to start and you press E.

    This ain't a Darksoul boss you know.

  • theTARNavsky
    theTARNavsky Member Posts: 161

    Outplaying DH is easy 90% of the time, go watch some good streamers who do it on daily basis. If DH, especially now, is a problem, that's a skill issue, nothing else. Also there are much more killer perks that put survivors in exposed than survivor perks that give them another health state, not to mention powers and addons of some killers.

    I can't believe what I'm reading here, honestly. Killer mains thinking loops are unplayable, windows can be vaulted a million times, pallets are unbreakable and can't be bloodlusted easily...

    I play survivor/killer 50/50, sometimes I get outplayed, sometimes I outplay others. The goal is never to give one side a considerable advantage, even though the killers have a 60%+ winrate.

    Also "its been 2 years of straight up killer nerf" ahahahahahahahah - the first "meta shake up" was literally aimed towards buffing killers, reducing stun times, cooldown on hits, lowering bloodlust. That's what moved the statistics from 50% winrate to 60% on killer.