The Fact that Decisive Strike get's deactivated in the Endgame is just stupid



  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    well yeah, but killer isnt gonna just give up, and they shouldnt. that makes the game less fun if one side gives up after a certain point

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    I don't think so either you can not give up without tunneling

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    but if you dont tunnel in endgame after a bad game, you will lose

  • txcrnr
    txcrnr Member Posts: 83

    I’m gonna go ahead give a different opinion. Pretty much the only argument I have seen is “it guarantees a free escape in endgame.” No, it doesn’t. You have to ACTUALLY REACH ENDGAME first. All DS does is secure the win once you reach that gamestate. If you hadn’t used it yet all game, you’re effectively giving up a perk slot to ensure that once you reach endgame, the killer can’t just facecamp you to death.

    Much like my disdain for hatch being a pity escape, disabling DS and OtR feels like BHVR giving killers a pity kill, but it feels much worse for the survivor who is forced to “lose” so that the killer can get his guaranteed 1k (assuming they’re playing a killer with a chase power).

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    DS was disabled because people were dicks with it. If someone with DS got to the exit gate, they would sit there and do what every single survivor does. Teabag. They would do it the entire time they were in there, and if you downed them and picked them up, they stunned you, Teabagged for the entire six seconds you were stunned, and leave. And they did this because the game was literally unwinnable as killer if this situation came up.

    DS should have only been nerfed by removing its ability to be used during EGC explicitly to put a stop to this ######### behavior.