lets discuss is the new anti camping buff really going to change the gameplay that much?
I am glad it doesnt work when end game collapse happens (and base kit borrowed time needs to be shut off in endgame collapse as well) but any good killer will just proxy camp far away enough to not allow the meter to build up.
I could actually see a rise in make your choice/monstrous shrine on faster killers and facecamping bubbas will still be able to shred through the basekit borrowed time (possibly trickster as well).
what does the community think? will there be any major change with this new buff? is there going to be a way to abuse it that hasn't been thought of?
edit: i do commend the devs to try to fix the camping problem and slugging problem (even though basekit unbreakable seems to not be in the works anymore).
We don't know without seeing it in action.
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It depends on the numbers. This has great potential but the wrong numbers could make this the worst nerf killers have ever received. Also, this will be horrible on indoor maps like Midwich and The Game. 16 meters isn't a lot and it will probably work even across floors, considering that every other radius in this game is also coded like that.
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From the survivor's PoV; It's not going to help against Cannibal or Cenobite with that one add-on, in fact any killer that really wants to get a survivor out of the game fast will just tunnel the survivor.
I really hope the unhook speed build up is really slow after ~10m, and honestly it probably should be paused entirely if there's another survivor nearby. Multistory maps could be an issue depending on how fast the bar fills but we'll see.
Grinding that one achievement where you need to unhook yourself should be easier though, so that's a positive.
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Since i usually dont camp anyway, i expect the changes to dont affect me as a killer.
As a survivor, i cant wait to see it.
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As for the actual mechanic itself, we won't know until the PTB drops how it actually works in a game.
But since the reaction on the forums is already people freaking out (there are at least 4 posts on the front page about how this is 'problematic' and 'broken' as I type this). I fully expect any mechanic they try at all will either A) get the reassurance treatment before it goes live, and get nerfed into niche use or complete uselessness or B) they'll just pull the plug and not drop anything to live servers at all.
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As a user of deliverance i know the value of unhooking yourself. But i get rarely camped, so it wont make a big difference.
I die mostly on first hook in a trapper basement and it will not help there. (But no problem, you can just avoid basement against trapper). Still there are some killer which can can still camp and down the unhooking survivor quickly. Luckily i run sprintboost.
In my experience tunneling is the bigger problem anyway. But atleast a chase is more fun than getting camped.
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I rarely see face camping in my games as is. So I don't think much will change in my games.
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true i just wonder if there are any measures taken place for two story levels...what happens if someone is hooked above or below and the killer is chasing a survivor close to the area?
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do you see proximity camping though?
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it is fun to speculate though ^_^
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havent seen anything mentioned in the ptb except for some really busted scavenger builds right now...otz did a video on how much time was saved per gen it was ridiculous
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no problem...i love discussing this game and it would be hypocritical to start posts with lets discuss and then get offended by other players opinions haha ^_^
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I'm a survivor main and I beg BHVR to not solve for face camping, but proximity camping. 95% of my games get kills because the killer just stayed within 24 meters of hook. It wasn't that way when I first started playing, but the community has changed. This change will just reinforce and train killers on how to proximity camp better.
Map rework is also partially to blame, so many gens are within 8 meters of each other it can create 3-gen zones right out of the box where most of the game takes place and most people are hooked. Typical BHVR tinkering that doesn't truly solve.
Killers, you already know that BHVR bends over backwards for any Killer complaint. The game is just not fun most times because most altruism is met with tunneling and hooking. It's so rare to be able to ever heal a person near their hook anymore. I can guarantee you that BHVR will kill this change before it takes off or nerf it so it doesn't even matter.
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”and base kit borrowed time needs to be shut off in endgame collapse as well”
explain why please
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Any anti-camping mechanic needs address one of the biggest reasons why camping happens.... which is the fact that if survivors are hiding, and the killer leaves the hook to patrol the map.... that the killer might not find anyone, and the survivors would get a free unhook, which means the killer is much worse off than if they had camped instead.
The camping issue is a problem on both sides of the game. If the killer is supposed to be punished if they refuse to chase multiple survivors, then survivors need to be punished if they refuse to interact with the killer.
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if a survivor is hooked to close to the exit gate then the basekit borrowed time lets them get out without any counter play from the killer
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With ds and off the record turned of in the endgame, how are you supposed to protect yourself from going down immediately after getting unhooked? Do you not remember what it was like getting unhooked with 0 bt just for the killer to hit you down immediately?
also if you hook the survivor next to the game with multiple people still alive, why do you deserve to win that game?
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no because if didnt put myself in that situation either i ran with teammates to help unhook and if it was a lost cause i escaped...if i was on hook and it was a lost cause like a bubba basement i suicided on hook to save my teammates
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It won't change anything in my killer games, but that's about all I know.
I really don't get camped often as survivor either, and it should not affect killers just coming back to secure the hook stage or the kill since they didn't stay around long enough. (Which I don't consider camping btw since it implies the killer genuinely left do other things and is just coming back to punish gens-before-friends, which ultimately the survivors decided to make possible)
So from my experience it shouldn't change much at all.
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No, it's not going to change anything. If a killer wants to hard camp the meter fills the survivor gets off the hook and then what?
They get tunneled down and put back on the hook.
I wouldn't call it a buff but, more of a reason to stay in the match and not to give up on hook if you're getting camped.
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You aren't supposed to protect yourself in endgame, never ever.
It is valid until endgame, but in the endgame it really isn't.
Don't ask me why this is basically how BHVR designed the game.
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It’s going to punish and make it harder for face-camping Bubba’s so that’s a win in my eyes. Nothing more unfun than being the first down and getting face camped by a bubba when there is literally no counter to it (other than hook-swapping). Good riddance, I say! That unfun “mechanic” has been in this game far, far too long.
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I agree your not supposed to protect yourself with ds and off the record thats fair. But with no basekit bt you are a guaranteed death in the endgame since you go down as soon as you hit the ground. Why should the killer just guarantee a kill like that in the game when the survivor doesnt even get a chance. Im not even talking about camping and tunneling in the endgame thats all fair. I just me as soon as you get unhook and you get hit immediately and then go down. I dont think thats fair at all
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I stop watching ptbs since wesker release cause its always an opposite or disappointing release where what would have been effective for survivors is already gutted, example reassurance how it totally is barely useful and so limited LOL. I have 0 idea of the new killer or survivor perks atm. Doubt ofc it will work anyways. BVHR wanna make sure a killer who dont even deserve a single kill for playing bad to begin get the kill anyways. This is proven with ds 8+ nerfs and otr not working at end game.