Hex buff

As a killer and survivor main I gotta say hexes in general are pretty weak since If a survivor runs any sort of totem build for boons or inner healing then the hex is going to be found pretty fast and even if then there’s always a chance the hex is gone within the first gen.
I suggestion for quality of life to hexes in general is make it to where a survivor has to complete a generator in order to cleanse a hex totem if not the the entity will block the totem until the survivor completes a gen.
Either that or decrease the cleansing speed which hexes are cleansed without thrill of the hunt and rework thrill of the hunt into something more useful
Edit: another idea I have for hexes is maybe make a side objective to do that takes like 30-60 seconds and until the objective is don’t the entity will block the hex or a merciless storm like set of skill checks
Maybe the totems could also remain unlit until the effects actually proc, in which then it becomes a hex totem.
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Something man and tbh when I play killer I get better games when I don’t run a hex
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I also find it funny how boons can be placed infinitely but once a hex is gone its gone
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I don't think hexes in general need to be buffed just specific ones like everything from huntress lullaby to ruin
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well specific changes to certain perks is one thing but I would just like to see a quality of life to where I can consistently get a little use out of a hex and not solely relying on totem rng
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My point I just don’t want it to where survivors can just easily just cleanse a hex the second it’s seen so maybe an indication for the first 2 minutes is f the match then or something
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I hear this a lot. Which would you prefer:
- Hexes can be lit by the killer, but takes 14 seconds to ignite it. Also, boons now take 28 seconds to be snuffed.
- Hexes can be relit by a 1-2 second action (snuffing animation). Boons also take the same amount of time to light, and the hex can be broken by survivors in the same time too.
If none of those are appealing, which they shouldn't be, then you have your answer as to why there's a difference between the two.
The biggest thing with totems, and by extension boons, is that they're designed to be a secondary objective for survivors. You won't get people interacting with them, especially not for up to 28 seconds at a time, if there's literally no incentive to do so.
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This is the only Hex buff i'll ever agree about, although I'm pretty sure it's already implemented for some of them (NOED, Devour Hope), at least it'd lessen the "survivor spawns and breaks Ruin before even touching a gen" scenario.
That's a very silly and bad argument. Boon & Hex are totally different things for different roles in an asymmetrical game, stop trying to compare them to make a (terrible) point.
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Tbh the rate totems are cleansed isn’t really that long anyways and when they do that’s a whole perk gone for the rest of the game of the time so it’s more worth it to survivors to cleanse the totem and only 1 survivor is needed to cleanse a hex anyways so there’s 3 other people doin gen so killer still gets screwed
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my suggestion is: the totem had to ignite when the killer knocks down a survivor.
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I mean with a few Hexes there was a time in which they were used a lot of the time... but now yea not so much
Hex: Ruin- used to be 200% Gen regression (and yea there was another version and that was used a lot)
Hex: Undying- used to replace a single Hex 3 times but Stacks couldn't be saved
Hex: Huntress Lullaby- used to affect all skillchecks (I feel like that needs to come back)
Hex: Devour Hope- used to be used a lot when Survivors didn't know where Totems spawned
Hex: Hunted Grounds- used to be used before and during Undying reign of terror
Hex: Retribution- used to be used before all of the Aura Reading perks were added (if at all)
But anyway... Killers have little reason to use Hexes for multiple reasons:
1) "they don't last that long"- so why even bother using them
2) "there are other perks that are better"- again why bother
3) why would we use any perk if it's going to be nerfed for being used to much instead of finding the reason why it's used a lot (I'm looking at you Hex: Ruin)
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I honestly don’t care what kind of quality of life changes hexes get as long as they get it
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Ya I miss old hex thrill of the hunt where it gave the notification
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That would be cool too
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I'm fine with hexes getting cleansed quickly bc on the other end of the spectrum u can mori everyone w devour. If other hexes were that powerful it'd be ok imo. I think if they gave something to help prevent hexes from getting cleansed early on they should also give something to help cleanse them later on, which I don't like bc it's basically making hexes more comp-y and less part-y
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It would give counterforce a use
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As would buffing hexes individually
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All boons now have such a bad effect, that changing this would totally kill them. There's no boon in a game now, that would be worth it outside of some niche build/effect.
Decreasing cleanse speed would create abuse, where hexes would be impossible to cleanse EVER (this one contains thrill of the hunt, face the darkness and specific killer). That's not a way to go.
This is exactly the same thing I proposed in other threads. Even those 20s is the same. Yes. This would be good idea. Hexes are now quite bad (exceptions do exist). Those 20s would be very good change.
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Nah. I use plaything in a lot of my builds. The idea is not to use it for oblivious (that helps too, but is only a bonus), but as a slowdown instead. 28s x 4 is quite some time and that already disregards value from oblivious or walking time - meaning some hexes are already good (but this proposed buff would do nothing for plaything). :)
But I would really like to see hexes being blocked for first 20s of trial
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Hexes which normally spawn at the start of the match seem weak compared to perks that passively work.
Boons also seem weak to be fair, maybe there’s a niche use for SWFs.
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Counterforce plus resilience
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I think adding a mini game to cleanse hexes should be added
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That's not an answer. It would be the same as survivors getting new perk that allows them perma sabotage hooks and saying "it's ok perk. Just bring iron grasp and agitation, basement hooks can't be sabotaged. If that doesn't work, just bleed them out so no problem".
You see the issue now?
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The only thing's about hex and boon I would chanse is
you can't blesse a hex totem, to make hex more of a counter to boon
Killler break boon as base kit, nerf boon basic
and Hex spawn far away from surveiwer
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And if survivors run inner healing build
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Then they run a inner healing build. I have nothing agianst that build
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Well if detectives hunch is used then the hex doesn’t last for long I would at least like some sort of merciless storm skull checks pass half cleanse of a hex or a side objective in order to get the hex
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I still think it is fair, if they find my Hex with a perk. that perk is taking space and I can just bring haunted ground if it happen too often
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So I need to rely on a HG if I want to even have a chance of using a hex and even HG isn’t guaranteed
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so then do we remove endurance status when getting unhooked then tell survivors to run BT
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No we chanse BT to work on the unhooker
Can ask what killer you use with hex?
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I would use killers who can use the fact that Hex need to be taken down.
I use it on: Pig, Doctor, Trapper and skullmerchant and three out of does 4 can easy protect the hex and one of them just gift surveiwers more to do.
Put I can't see it be good on legion, they don't really have time to focus on the hex
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Thoughts on Hexes.
Killers should be able to pick where hexes spawn, with the exception of hexes that already spawn midway through the match or are only useful early game.
My thoughts are if the killer has a hex they can place like this, the aura of totems would be revealed within a certain distance (I think white instead of Pink to differentiate it from Hexes). Killer can go up to it and place it down by interacting with the unlit totem for two seconds. Hexes would be placed on the order they are equipped if the killer has more than one.
This could also create the potential of Mind Games. Is that hex that was placed in a place survivors rarely go there to protect something important? Or was it a clever Haunted Ground trap?
Anything is better than "Oops, all of my perks are gone because the game spawned everyone on a different hex".
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Some of the hex spawns are terrible some are right next to gens or wide out in the open.
I feel like since boons majority of players have a good memory of were totems appear now.
It would be nice for killers to know which hexs are which perhaps if you had ruin an hex plaything if you are near a totem a small symobol could appear if the perk next to it to at very least tell the killer which hex it is.
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You don't bring hexes alone, you usually bring them with Pentimento or Undying, to protect them. I've had some games recently where killers bring a whole hex build and it seems to work great against solos. You can't just expect to bring one hex and, you have to bring the whole thing. Pentimento is strong and some killers are catching up to it.
This is the future for gen slowdown, people just haven't caught on to it yet.
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So in order to have a hex I need a hex build
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Yeah, people didn't just bring one regression when regression was strong. They brought at least 2, most often 3. Did they need to have a perk who does as much as 3 perks do in one single perk slot?
Hexes affect the whole team passively. Ofc it's high risk high reward on its own. If you want to mitigate some of its risk you'd have to built around it somewhat. Passively it also offers slowdown because with certain dangerous hexes survivors have to temporarily change objectives (look for hexes).