Hex buff

jeffkillsyou96 Member Posts: 249
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer and survivor main I gotta say hexes in general are pretty weak since If a survivor runs any sort of totem build for boons or inner healing then the hex is going to be found pretty fast and even if then there’s always a chance the hex is gone within the first gen.

I suggestion for quality of life to hexes in general is make it to where a survivor has to complete a generator in order to cleanse a hex totem if not the the entity will block the totem until the survivor completes a gen.

Either that or decrease the cleansing speed which hexes are cleansed without thrill of the hunt and rework thrill of the hunt into something more useful

Edit: another idea I have for hexes is maybe make a side objective to do that takes like 30-60 seconds and until the objective is don’t the entity will block the hex or a merciless storm like set of skill checks

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