Killer perk idea: Auto-hooking

I want to keep this brief; how about you design a perk for Killers to automatically hook survivors without having to pick them up?
You start the trial with 4 tokens, spend a token on each new downed survivor to automatically summon the entity to hook the downed survivor.
The perk cannot be used when a survivor has already been hooked at least once.
The survivor will be hooked away from the killer.
I believe picking up survivor and traveling to the hook waste a lot of time and it is not fair for survivor to pop gens while the killer is carrying this waste to a hook.
this is broken, there is already pyramid head mechanics like that.
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Mortal Fetish:
If the Obsession hasn’t been Hooked, and is put into the dying state, they will dissolve into fog and reappear on a nearby Hook after 16/12/8s if no cooperative action is performed on them.
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This would be good for a number of reasons. For one thing basic M1 killers needs as much time efficiency as they can get. Pyramid head comes with the problem of inconsistent application and a clunky ranged attack that's meh unless you've mastered the art of flicks.
And there's still benefit for the opposite side as well. This could randomize hook locations. Like P head the survivor could end up far away and right next to another survivor leading to an instant rescue. Also making it harder for the killer to defend if they get thrown far away. The other upside is that regardless the killer can't choose where to hook. This means instead of strategically placing a survivor in or around a dead zone they could instead end up right in the middle of a strong area for them or their rescuer to use.
The third benefit is even more important. This eats a perk slot that could've been used for perks that survivors consistently complain about. Be it slow down perks, regression perks, or chase perks, this means 1 less slot for them to be used in exchange for faster hook times.
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I mean, if we have a power that literally does this, there wouldn't be anything "broken" about it?
Also honestly, this better be basekit than a perk, it can even encourage not trying for tunnel/camp too.
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Picking survivors up is risky action that can result in flashlight save, flashbang save, pallet save, headon save or sabo save.
Take this perk+ebony mori and altruistic plays now suffer a lot (this being YET ANOTHER beamer nerf).
I am convinced this perk would speed up exodus of players if implemented (especially because altruism and chases are most fun interactions for skilled players + survivor is hell to play as beginner vs same-skill killer).
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I think this would be great... we need more perks that are useful in a direct way.