the farmers are out of control
I play roughly 100-120 matches as survivor per day. Usually I get about 20-25 friendly ghostfaces or someone else doing a challenge or daily who wont chase, attack, or do anything except their minor task. Then I also get roughly 30-35 AFK Pinheads and a few random other killers who get passive bloodpoints from their kit that just swing their weapon and turn in a circle. The y always have Beast of Prey, Distressing, and Lightborn. Sometime Corrupt Int or Thrill of the Hunt.
I bought this game to play it. The fact that 50% or MORE of the matches I queue into are these types of matches is outright unacceptable. Can we please make this type of thing a first offense permaban to any account who does this. Also can we revoke the rights to the content the account purchased as well so they cant just game share or account hop without having to purchase all content over again on a new account?
If this sounds extreme to anyone then maybe we can just remove rift challenges and daily tasks? Also remove the bloodweb and bloodpoint system so that playing the regular game would be just like customs? If players dont have selfish incentives it would really make the quality of life on this game much better.
I have 2700 hours in this game and I'm currently on 17 farming Killers.
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thats a lie but ok. 4 days ago i started recording uninterrupted game play. i also started writing down all the account names keeping record because it is so unreasonable. i refuse to believe that you have only seen 17 farming killers. besides, thats a peculiar number. did you start keeping count from the beginning like you would need to know how many times it happened to you for some reason?
0 - play 125 games in a day?
Even disregarding that, I HIGHLY doubt you're finding that many. I haven't seen a Killer like that since 2020.
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I haven't come across a killer that wanted to farm in a long time or was AFK.
You come across 1 or 2 a month if that and blowing out of proportion 100-120😂🤣🤣
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I think you're out of control with the number of games a day bud.
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120 matches per day * 10 minutes (accounting for lobby and loading time) = 1200/60 = 20 hours per day.
Yeah im gonna call BS
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I have 8400 hours and I ran into less than 20 farming Killers outside of Bloodhunts.
Sometimes AFK-Killers (who have given up) or Killers who do other stuff (e.g. had a Billy on RPD yesterday who somehow managed to go out of the Trial and was chainsawing outside the Map).
But outside of BP-Events, almost no farming Killer.
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I rarely see a killer that wants to farm with survivors, even when multiple survivors have DC'd and some farming would atleast get them some extra BP.
Also how are you playing 100-120 matches a day? Are you playing 24/7? Are you getting instantly downed and suiciding on hook so you're only spending maybe 2 minutes in a game? This post seems like it's alot of over exaggeration.
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100 matches a day... was this thread made by a bot?
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Someone do the maths on this one
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How do you play that many games a day? On my extreme game binges I can at most get 20 games in if I literally play all day.
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120 matches per day that's hard to believe. An average match is 15 min so that means 120 matches is about 30 hours worth of gameplay and obv a day is 24 hours so even if you played 100 matches that means you be on dbs for 24/7. That's impressive bro. 15x120=1800/60=30 hours. Quick maths
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People who say: "I don't see farmers so OP must be lying" -> Yes OP is exagerating the numbers but the issue actually exists. We all live in different countries and timezones, it is very silly to think that just because you don't see happen yourself then it must be the same for everyone else in the world.
In my region, when playing late, I commonly see AFK farmers using scripts. As a result, I have stopped playing late. Then I started seeing them in evenings as well. And since winter, I haven't seen any. But I saw other people mention them.
I believe it's a combination of region, time of day and year, and probably happens more during events which need a lot of Rift fragments.
These days I barely play anymore but I still routinely see twitch streamers like Skermz getting matched against farmer killers. I'd say 1 match out of 30. Not terrible, but not great either, considering that he and 3000 viewers have to waste 15 minutes just so that someone can get their Steam achievement that nobody cares about.
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This is actually an issue I almost never encounter. In well over 3000 hours I have seen maybe 2-3 afk killers who swing at nothing. In 100 games I run into maybe 1-2 farming killers on average. Most killers I run into play the game like their life is on the line.
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You see farming Killers? I very rarely see Killers who take mercy on us after 2 DCs but on a regular basis? Not a chance.
Also, since your claims of 100 to 120 matches a day are obviously untrue as it would leave you with no time to sleep I'm putting this down as a troll. If you somehow do see a farming Killer and don't want to play along just do gens and go. Your teammates might be coming out of their umpteenth time being hard tunneled and camped and enjoy a light hearted game so don't try to wreck it for them.
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100-120 matches per day?! I'm in awe. Like, when do you even sleep? Or are you an AI? You can tell me, if you are an AI.
1 - are getting friendly ghost faces? Bruh where tf are they hiding in my games?
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Oh my god yeah there’s been so many farming killers it’s ridiculous all I wanna do is play the game normally.
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Playing 25 hours a day, are we?
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The only time I have EVER seen even a slight increase in farming killers is during the first couple days of an anniversary event where there's 4 or 5 cakes/flans. Outside of that, farming killers are pretty darn rare. Maybe if there's an early DC them -sometimes- the killer may start farming but even then they usually don't.
And if you -really- hate farming games that much then just go and point at a hook, usually the killer eventually gets the message and hooks ya. But again, farming is so rare anyway that's it's not really an issue, certainly nowhere close to enough for such a drastic change like removing archives and dailies.
Also most of the time killers farms it's NOT because they're doing an archive or daily, they're just wanting to be friendly or they want more BP, so your solution wouldn't even solve this 'issue'.
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"Can we please make this type of thing a first offense permaban to any account who does this. Also can we revoke the rights to the content the account purchased as well so they cant just game share or account hop without having to purchase all content over again on a new account?"
Good lord, relax. It's like you didn't even take a second to think critically about this.
Imagine if the way YOU choose to play got you permabanned after ONE TIME all because one person didn't like it - not to mention all the money you sank into the game being for nothing.
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To be honest if survivors being Party Streamers some killers just farm.
But AFK killers I haven't got in a while. I remember when I first started to play I'd get a lot of them. Idk if BHVR fixed it or I simply moved up in MMR.
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Maybe he's one of those survivors who DC if the game is not going their way. That's the only way 120 matches per day make sense.
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You play 100 games a day? Even if each game only lasted around 5 minutes, which is a big stretch, that would be 8 hours, just in the game, that doesn't even include matchmaking and loading times.
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lowest mmr are infested with those, so i have to assume you are dying on purpose in those matches. there is absolutely no way you escape 60+ games per day and still facing those killers.
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This just reeks of troll.
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My brother in Christ, go out and touch grass
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2nd post on the forums, straight lies.
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If you're playing that many games a day then you must not be sleeping much. Sure you're not hallucinating these killers?
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And you're expecting us to believe out of 120 games you see 35 pinheads? Let alone 35 farming ones. There is no way that 50% of your matches are farming or afk killers, hyperbole doesn't make you sound credible. Obvious troll is obvious.
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Tbh I had a hard time reading past the surprise of "I play roughly 100-120"......I've never told anyone to "touch grass," and I won't start now I think you have indeed got your moneys worth.
Anyway...I think your anger is misplaced, and your extreme reactions are just that..extreme. I wish I had killers that wanted to farm, rather than face camp and tunnel. I think in all fairness, if someone is playing as many matches as you are per're going to run into the same killers multiple times, and similar builds..seems pretty unavoidable. Maybe play killer yourself to spice your dbd gaming up?
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The development management once said to killer players, "Relax your shoulders and play like you're going for a walk." I also say "Go to civ" at other times.
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i kill myself on first hook if the team sucks, so yeah thats about accurate. and yes, i play dead by daylight roughly 16-18 hours per day. its what people do who are old and disabled, cant leave the house, and live in a very remote area. most of my matches that do last are 8-10 mins but i have about 20/day at least where i am dead in less than 3.
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i recorded 14 games of this today. is it possible to put videos on here? i want to upload them all every day.
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btw, why is everyone on here so hostile? is that an online thing or a young people thing?
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Why you complain ? enjoy your free BP ,do only gens and go next. not everyone can do 100+ games a day , i have a Job , a Family and i would be banned for that , if i afk some games as killer here and there to have chill games or gaining some Rift points . You are self-centered, understand that not everyone play the game YOUR way.
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i feel like people just want to have something to say. anyway, yes i die probably 50 matches per day. and honestly 100 matches is reasonable, i think 120 might be a force. but i do play 16-18 hours/day. im in a wheelchair and live a little more than 30 miles from the closest town and almost 100 miles from the closest city.
most of my matches i get teammates that either dont have any teachable perks, have all 4 perk slots unlocked, a paid or unlockable cosmetic, or even a single perk equipped. People have to remember that this game is on Xbox game pass as well(idk about the Playstation server) so people download the game just to check it out all the time.
Iv been playing for a while too but I used to have a good team. Life stuff doesnt let us play together anymore so I solo queue every match as well, which adds to all of this.
im not sure if anyone could tell i was exaggerating out of frustration either, but the number of these matches absolutely does come close to 20 per day. i am now recording them all in case i find a way to post them.
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You play 120 matches per day?
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Idk bro i play like 2h per day to the game and i barely see any player begging farming challengues
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More of an online thing, but if you obviously exaggerate and blow stuff out of proportion then you will get a lot of mocking replies. In all seriousness farming killers are pretty rare, you're making it sound like it's literally 50% of your games which is impossible.
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That's probably why you keep getting "bad teammates" if you consistently choose to go on first hook your mmr is gonna be bottom of the barrel
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ok survivors don't want killers to camp,tunnel,slug,kick gens,run slow down perks or kill no farming which I don't see that often.
so what do survivors want? don't say chases that bull because how fast gens go that can't be it.
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I enjoy the occasional farming game and it's always with bubba. Survivors will lead me through pallets, I'll let them do gens, they always give a few hooks, and more often than not one them offers their death in the end (which I don't take). 90% of the time, after a DC, we goof around and give each other points.
In all other games I'm a ruthless killer.
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It doesn't happen as often to me as it does to you, but I do feel like farming should be deterred because I do see it more often than I would like.
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