Circle of Healing

Bring the old Boon : Circle of healing back!!!
I could give enough reasons why the self-healing process must return. As a compromise, one could reduce self-healing in the circle of healing, as also with the medikits.
But the constant search for survivors when none of your friends are online is so overly annoying. Or you always have a medikit with you and the use of a flashlight or toolbox is pointless. That makes the game just getting tiring.
Use Bond or Empathy while solo queue-ing. I know, I know, a perk to solve problems isn't ideal but old CoH was a mistake and it shouldn't return.
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You say it's a problem you can't heal yourself there.
I think with the compromise of slowing down the healing rate is going to make a lot of the community happy. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't come back.
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It was unhealthy because you could infinitely heal yourself, it wasn't about the speed.
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Playing Killer has been exponentially more bearable since that awful awful perk was brought down a peg.
The only bad thing about this nerf was it didn't come sooner and we had to deal with it for more than a year.
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This perk was badly designed in the first place. The fact that now almost no one picks it proves that it's only redeeming quality was a free self-heal which in turn was too good.
It needs to be reworked into something really meaningful, yet it should not grant a free self-heal like it did before.
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Probably one of the healthiest nerfs they have done
No infinite resets
Encourages solo people to work more as a team.
By the time you self heal could of done quite a big chunk of gen progress.
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Sounds you're all killer Mains.
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I think it was a pretty alright nerf, even for solo queue, now you can actually see the aura of anyone inside the boon regardless of distance and the healing speed buff is pretty nice. It also encourages teamwork which is the whole theme of the game in the first place.
If anything BHVR needs to start buffing weak/niche perks or reworking them, and do something about tunneling.
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I want it back and i know , other survmains want it back too.
Are you a killermain ist clear to say no.
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I play survivor most of the time and I don't want it back even though I used it (I still use it tho), CoH was busted and needed a nerf
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And you're wrong. I play both, but prefer survivor. CoH was just so stupid I refrained from using it till I got really tilted from soloq lol.
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Never used CoH when I heard it be put up because using it felt like cheating.
Anytime I heard it as killer I knew I wasn't winning.
This does not need to be reverted.
Anyone who thinks it does needs to figure out that they're not supposed to win every single game.
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i agree. Current Dbd is such a mess. SWF has a massive advantage especially because they nerfed Circle of Healing and Medkits. Medkits are the most powerful tool you have as a solo player, since searching for people is a massive timewayste and going on gens while injured is risky. But i guess the devs just dont have fundamental understanding of this game and i kinda just lose hope at this point.
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The CoH situation feels unfair, but it should have been done that way. The ability to independently heal all survivors an infinite number of times in a huge radius for the price of one perk slot? Doesn't that sound too strong? Even lowering the healing speed will not affect this. All this is imperceptible in comparison with the ability not to be distracted from the repair for healing. The wounded will take care of themselves.
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Ok, you can selfheal, but it will take 60 seconds. Easy fix.
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It doesn't matter how long it takes if you heal in the middle of nowhere.
This has been proven repeatedly by Circle of Healing's Healing Speed being reduced several times!
This change was necessary!!!
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I went back to self care and dont care who gets mad about it, it + bite the bullet is so funny when killer just walks past me + solo que=95% of time just unhook and runs off lol. But it would be nice if they put self care back to the 50%, people is complaining about circle giving infinite heals yet self care is still pretty much the same and dont have to waste time find no totems to bless. Overall people complaining gen rush is the one causing it on themselves. I prefer going against med kits=vs tool boxes, more hits=more points for me and nurses/sloppy already was doing a wonderful job imo and killers had a third perk shatter hope to make boons a waste of time and slot. I am so surprise shadow step aint target yet but bet once I run it alot specially vs those myers who love doing scratch mirror on leries, funny seeing them unable to find anyone until they snuff it lol.
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A bad idea is a bad idea. If someone proposed bringing old moris back few would argue for it regardless of what side they prefer. It'd be a bad idea, just like this.
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The big difference is that Self Care takes up a perk slot and only affects the user.
Self Care users also had a habit of self caring above all else while CoH users were often in groups and knew when to do that.
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I think they should rename the perk to circle of gathering or something cause it dont even heal anymore lol, feel sorry for any new person that gets thrown off by its name and buys mikaela only to find out it dont do what it use to do.