Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors need a dash ability

I think its time for survivors to get a more effective way to dodge killer attacks. Spin dodging is difficult to do against players who are half way decent at the game and even when you do dodge an attack you gain almost nothing without there being something very close to block the distance between you and the killer such as a window or pallet. When you're out in the open in chase with the killer, evading attacks feels impossible and you hardly feel like you get much distance especially after interactions such as getting tunneled.

I think its time survivors get a dash ability. Not a perk, but a basekit move that will allow us to perform a dash action similar to that of what the old dead hard did. It would be conditional and have a cool down of course because being able to unconditionally dash would be too powerful. Perhaps a certain number of uses each survivor can do it during the match, and it being more effective under certain conditions such as being tunneled or in chase with the killer for prolonged periods of time. If you're being tunneled off hook then you would be able to use dashes more often inbetween uses than a healthy survivor would. Survivors would need to manage their dashes because once they're gone then they're gone. I think a dash like ability would help survivors better deal with chase encounters other than just being able to run and hope a pallet or window is nearby.

If dead hard wasn't changed to what it is now I probably wouldn't be suggesting this. It was the closest thing we had to being able to do something like this and it was effective when used with proper timing. I'm still seeing too many killer players hard focusing and tunneling survivors out of matches. Even with the basekit speed and endurance effect we get after unhooks now it still doesn't feel like enough to deal with the situation. I would be fine with it even if a dash was implemented as an anti tunneling ability. We have to rely way too much on perks and even still our options feel very limited in so many situations.

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  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Good ol' dead'ard as base ability? Cant survivors chose a nonmeta perk for once lol.

    Snark aside, Wasnt there some dbd-"clone" with such a thing without cooldown? Oh right "Souls at Stake".

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Would work nicely for conjunction with 3x longer lunge distance I think.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I've always been of the opinion that DBD needs to go through a fundamental change in just about every area, especially gameplay. That includes both sides by the way and not just survivors. Only being able to run and be at the mercy of windows and pallets is repetitive and boring after a few games, especially if you've been doing it as long as I have. I know everyone may not feel the same about that, but I think it would be cool to see a complete overhaul of the mechanics of the game in how survivors and killers interact with each other.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    You mean after all 5 gens are done and the exit gate is half way open? I did say that this idea of a dash would have its limits. Its interesting you make such a comparison in power after reading my whole post, if you even did that. You're more than welcome to create your own thread about ideas you'd like to see implemented for killers. This thread is about giving survivors a dash ability.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    If you want survivors to have a dash ability from the start of the game, then killers should have an instant kill healthy survivor ability from the start of the game.

    Only fair.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    You didn't read my original post, or are completely disregarding it. That is in no way fair. You're responding as if I am asking for unconditional, unlimited dashing from start to end of match. That is not what I said at all. You are completely irrational about this.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The mori ability is limited. There's only 4 survivors in a trial.

  • Member Posts: 120

    How good are you at playing Survivor? Because there is no way you are asking for a dash ability when we literally have SB, Lithe, Smash Hit and even DH still. We just nerfed DH. I suggest you watch great loopers on YouTube because there is seriously no way anyone would think this would be a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 619

    Why are you playing this game? It sounds like you just want to play Dark Souls.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I just want to play DBD in a way that isn't so focused on perks and whether you picked the right perks to deal with the situations you'll be facing in the next match. Assuming your next killer is going to play a certain way and making a build around that is frustrating especially when your build wasn't at all what you really needed. I'll get a match where the killer tunneled a lot or made doing gens a lot more difficult than normal and then make a build for my next match to try and counter that just to have a match where that loadout didn't benefit me much at all. For the most part I usually just use a simple totem cleansing and faster healing loadout as everything else just feels too random in if it will actually help you. A lot of perks only activate under certain circumstances and I find myself not using those perks at all. I tried implementing deliverance in my builds but I would forget I even have it most of the time because of how infrequently I would get to use it.

    I'm starting to feel like we have too many perks, or that the game is too heavily revolved around them. I think it would be interesting to start seeing more abilities worked into the basekit of survivors. Obviously it would need to be balanced around killers too so don't get the wrong ideas here. I've seen a few overreactions to my OP already. This is just an idea that would obviously need to be implemented in a way that is fair for everyone. It also opens the door for more ideas to change the way survivor and killer interactions happen. Some perks offer ideas for this, such as the original dead hard.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    how about you open your eyes and look at the state of the game

  • Member Posts: 619

    Oh, we definitely have too many perks. But basekit Dead Hard? Dear god no.

  • Member Posts: 249
    edited May 2023

    How about something like from blood borne or evil dead the game where you can do a jump step dodge

    but for real you shouldn’t rely on 360s to escape the killer learn to loop and learn to preserve pallets

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