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Oh Boy! Survivors Can Recharge Toolboxes Now!

Member Posts: 234

Now they can stack BNPs on purple toolboxes, then just get their charges back to stack on the last gen.

So Survivors get:

  • Basekit BT.
  • Now a free unhook if the Killer 'camps' within 16 meters.
  • The visual terror radius.
  • And now they can genrush even better than before.

Killers get:

  • Regression perks nerfed.
  • 'Camping' punished for the Survivor overlords.
  • Nothing in the last last update, and Killers will thank their Survivor overlords for playing against them.
  • Oh yeah, and an FoV slider would 'ruin the balance' too much. Because balance is too important for Killer comfort, but Survivor comfort is more important than balance!

Just more proof BHVR literally could not care less about Killers. They 'fix genrush' by adding 10 seconds per gen, then turn around and give Survivors a new perk to literally invalidate said fix! 😂🤣😂🤣

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  • Member Posts: 234

    I meant the toolbox can be recharged.

    They can dump 25% on 4 different gens with BNP, stack genrush perks to finish them in 10 seconds, then all gather up with purple toolboxes to finish the 5th gen.

    BHVR has once again given Survivors everything they want while completely ignoring Killers.

    Even the new Killer, neat as he is, is a joke; The setup time of a Trapper/Hag to make a net, then a basic M1 Killer who can sometimes teleport, if Survivors don't just remove his attachments to prevent said teleporting.

  • Member Posts: 592

    I play enough survivor to know, just because I prefer to play killer doesn't mean I have zero idea what it is like to play survivor.

    You don't need to hit the skill checks in a row, they build up overtime. if you can hit the first 2 with a BNP then you're half way done.

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited May 2023

    Lucky you. Because it is almost every game. In a time where gen slow down is considerably weaker than in the years before.

    Also, why run BNPs when you can shave off 20 seconds without one and then get it back and double it? Imagine, if all 4 survivors do that. That is 4 * 40 seconds = 160 seconds. This is almost 3 minutes. And this can be done by dedicating one perk and item per player to it. This is not unrealistic or even risky against most killers as they'll have a hard time even competing against survivors normally.

    And hitting great skill checks really isn't hard. Sure, you won't hit every single one but most of the time you do. At least good survivors do.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Even though the charges are less each time you use Built to Last you can use it more than once so overall get more charges back. Scavenger is disabled for remainder of match after you recharge the toolbox once.

  • Member Posts: 592

    true but you dont instantly get those charges back with built to last you have to go into a locker each and every time. Which is time you're not spending on gens.

    with scavenger you can hit your 4 great skill checks without ever leaving the generator to fully repair the toolbox.

    overall the time you spend in the locker to recharge your tool box makes it balanced.

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited May 2023

    Or Survivors can use both, with 2 more gen speed perks, purple toolkits, and BNPs.

    Let's see if we can get 5 gens down to 1.5 minutes! - BHVR

    What's hilarious is that they are giving Survivors MORE gen speed after announcing they are forcing Killers to slow down killing with their 'anti camp' change.

    Because forcing one side to play slower while speeding up the other is totally the right way to keep players.

  • Member Posts: 273

    If the first ever killer is no longer viable I'd say that suggests there is a serious balance problem with the game and scavenger is yet another nail in the "making it worse" coffin.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Yes, Built to Last sounds qualitatively better since I can use it more than once and on items found in the trial.

    Until you're found by a Killer with aura reading as you have no chase perks and go down fast (unless, of course, MMR is borked again but that's the fault of MMR; not the perks).

    It's a good combo but it'll be at its most effective against Killers that overcommit to chases and try to tunnel and camp as their first and only option. If you can spread out pressure it'll be less effective.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I don’t run those perks myself. And you’re just assuming people are going to start.

  • Member Posts: 234

    You mean the same thing Survivors do every time a new Killer launches?

    The difference being; they are giving Survivors more genrush while forcing Killers to play slower. Kind of tells you which side the devs favor.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Sweetie. You gotta get 4 great skill checks on a used up toolbox. Most of these survivors cant even hit great skill checks to save their life. This is basically hyperfocus once again. Scared of the perks potential then its rarely used on live servers.

  • Member Posts: 592

    tbh I've never needed to use chase perks. I've always ran builds like this. My favorite survivor build at this moment is Reassurance, Hyperfocus. Dejavu and bond. Exhaustion perks are crutches.

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    • *Oh yeah, and an FoV slider would 'ruin the balance' too much. Because balance is too important for Killer comfort, but Survivor comfort is more important than balance!*

    i agree with that, not with the rest however. killers got their everything buffed in one patch and i think the killer is in a good state imho.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I main survivor and RARELY see bnps. Odd that I requested proof and now my experience is different from everyone else. IF I see a bnp theres never more than one per match. I used to track my game stats so I paid attention pretty closely.

  • Member Posts: 273

    High end killers maybe, but my general experience with killers like doctor or pinhead is 1 to 2 gens popping before I even reach the first survivor, getting stuck in chase for 45+ seconds because of gross tiles and another gen popping, finally getting my first hook and now I'm down to 1 to 1.5 gens. Gen speed is simply too fast. I didn't like gen kick meta either but I did prefer actually playing the game to getting blitzed down by 2+ toolboxes a game like now.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    That's good; I quite often do something similar and only run exhaustion perks for challenges and to pip up at Iri. Still, it's not going to make a huge difference. A toolbox means no medkits and easier downs. If the Killer myopically focuses on one survivor then the build will get full value which it should. If they don’t it won't. It'll be like Hyperfocus which was treated with huge reservations in PTB and had very little impact on gameplay in actual play. It just looks like a more limited version of BTL and BTL isn't overpowering matches as is.

    Even combined with BTL the survivor would need to do 3 gens to get full value. If a survivor is getting 3 uninterrupted gens off the Killer isn't pressuring the survivors and should take a loss.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    This makes too much sense. I really believe that the kill rate is higher than what the devs want so they’re trying to help survivors without rolling back specific nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Rofl. The forums have never been Killer sided. What tripe.

    I mean I'd argue that most people here play both sides if anything, with the bias for a lot of people mostly playing killer or 50/50, but ok.

  • Member Posts: 658

    That new Toolbox perk is going to be nasty with Hyperfocus and Stakeout. You’re guaranteed 4 Great Checks depending how you play.

    I already run Built To Last with those 3 perks. So I use instruction manual to avoid unnecessary skill checks. When this perk launches it’ll allow me to recharge a toolbox again after Built To Last begins to be reduced. Nasty nasty nasty.

  • Member Posts: 34

    I feel like majority anti-scavenger perk forgot Built to last perk is in the game and is 3x more powerful than Scavenger that requires great skill checks after toolbox been depleted. I personally suck at getting those great skill checks and you can only use the perk once while Built to last can be used 3-4 times. Made for this new perk is the best perk out of those 3

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Every time someone complaints about basekit BT i get flashbacks of the old days where you were forced to use borrowed time every game or literally could not unhook anyone as the killer would smack the unhooked survivor the moment he touched the ground.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I think the major point of this topic is survivors should not get ANY gen speed up perks atm. Prove thyself is and will continue to be a major problem and yes I do see BNPs used quite heavily as well as SYRINGES. Survivors that have more than 200 hours in this game have iri addons to use in their toolboxes and medkits so its not rare thing to see.

    Question is why is behaviour so keen to push more and more gen speed up perks while maps + other stuff is still a problem for majority of the killers. I've had multiple matches as a survivor lately being so fast that the killer gets 1-3 hooks. Is this what you really want?

    I stopped playing killer around 3 months ago and im not going back with these changes

  • Member Posts: 131

    99% if my killers never kick the gen because they are too used to the perks doing it for them then they complain they couldn't get pressure or the so called gen rush. kick the gen and then chase me don't just chase that your own fault by the time i would have came back half the progress be gone not everyone's chases last over a minute so the killer thinks oh either kick the gen or chase i can't do both is the way half of killers think right now

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I was a bit surprised they added a perk that does this. Yes, Built to Last can overall give you about 3 times the amount of charges on a toolbox but that also requires you to go stand in a locker for a while three times which wastes a bunch of time. This new perk allows you to recharge your toolbox to max -while- doing a gen.

    The Hyperfocus + Stake Out build will definitely be throwing this perk in too because it's a no brainer, and while the 'genrush' build is pretty rare and fairly RNG, it's also a rather controversial build and buffing it by giving it another really perk seems... odd.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited May 2023

    I think what you mean is "Oh Boy! Survivors Could Recharge Toolboxes For The Last Two and a Half Years!"

    What is Scavenger but a toolbox specific Built To Last?

    Also Scavenger only works once per game, a point I can't help but wonder if it's being missed/ignored. So it's not like survivors are recharging toolboxes all the live long day.

    Finally I imagine people making regular use of Scavenger will already be running a gen rush build of some kind, this just gives a different means for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    It 100% has to be this. Even with the nerf to gen kick perks, the nerf to survivor healing made solo q even harder than it used to be. Killer has been in a stronger spot the past year than it ever has been. Unless I’m playing against 4 super solid survivors my kill rate is easily 70+%.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    There is already a video out by Otz pointing out how you can take Scavenger and BTL and get three uses out of a toolkit, it's demonstrated in the video so this is not just theory. Three uses out of a purple toolbox is massively unbalanced.

    Additionally, Scavenger doesn't require the user to waste time in any way like BTL does, you can be doing the gen and when you hit that 4th great skill check you don't even have to restart working on the gen, it automatically just starts using up the recharged toolbox without skipping a beat.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I wonder if the gen kick meta/3 gen stalemate period had something to do with it

  • Member Posts: 810
    edited May 2023

    The perk is fine. This is just another Power Struggle/Counterforce/Reassurance/Blood Rush moment. People think this is going to become "ZOMG meta seen every game" but there's already a perk that does its job but better and the sky never fell.

    And before you bring up the 12 seconds it takes for Built to Last to recharge your item, 12 seconds is barely a thing as you can usually just get it done while traveling from a gen you just finished to the next.

    People freak out about every new perk with an interesting effect as if it's the second coming of old old Dead Hard, when they aren't anywhere close. I really hope BHVR takes the 'Wait and See' approach with this perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    At first my reaction was “this new perk is OP”, but I’m having a hard time convincing myself that it’s better than Built to Last.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    That and I think the healing changes as well. Those devastated solo queue, and they make up the lion’s share of kills.

  • Member Posts: 240

    Which is crazy to me. When I play killer I only take matches that I load in to first so I can watch the survivors load in. That doesn't mean the survivors I get won't still be better than me. It does mean they likely won't be on comms though. I don't know why all killers don't do that. It's the best way to combat swfs. Personally, I think BHVR should limit SWFs to 2 players in normal matches. Leave it at 4 for customs.

  • Member Posts: 240

    My god yes. Solo Q has been unbearable. I don't think I'm even going to make it to Iri this month. I mean the amount of campers, tunnelers, and survivors who DC on first down don't help either.

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