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Pinhead's camera locks to the horizontal axis after missing a curved possessed chain, during a chase

I am playing on PC -Steam. The camera gets stuck on the horizontal axis quite often (multiple times per trial) and so far only happening when missing a possessed chain during WHEN chasing a survivor. I have noticed it happening frequently when curving the chain (either towards the left or towards the right).
- Start a trial as Pinhead
- Start chasing a survivor
- Try hitting a survivor with a possessed chain and miss (happens frequently when doing an extreme curved chain towards the left or towards the right)
- Notice that the camera is stuck to the horizontal axis after the camera returns back to Pinhead
There's few ways of making the bug go away:
- Tab down and then back to the game
- Press ESC and go to the menu, then return to gameplay
- Do any type of logic animation (locked animation) such as breaking a pallet, kicking a generator, picking up a survivor etc.
It definitely feels like the bug is related to when the game switches between the possessed chain camera and Pinhead's player camera.
Yea, I've definitely noticed this too. You can immediately tell the bug has activated as his basic attack weapon hand is no longer visible when the camera returns to him after missing the chain.
For what it's worth I'm on PC - Steam as well.
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I feel that Pinhead is pretty much unplayable atm. I have lost way too many chases because of the bug and it's extra annoying due to Pinhead being such a tall character. Most of the time I can't even see the survivor run right past me.
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I have this same bug happening on PS5
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Happens to me aswell ;(
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Happening to me as well. Bug still around a month later.
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Bug is still active
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Just had the same thing happen, recorded multiple examples. Pressing Esc will reset the camera, not a good fix but it helps.
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If I remeber correctly, this bug happened after they added bots to private match (around Nov 2022?).This bug happens 7-8 times per match so pinhead is completely unplayable for me after that update.