Disconnects tied to account

IndifferentLandscape Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

So I have been getting so many disconnect from host errors that I am currently up to a full 2 day ban. Since I was being prevented from playing the game due to these bans, I decided to library share dbd to another account so I could at least play. What I have realized is that this issue only occurs on my main account. I have been playing on this alternate account for two days and haven’t had a single disconnect. After my main account getting off a 24 hour ban I had built up purely from this bug occurring non stop, I returned to it, only to be dced on my very first game. I am playing on steam.

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  • chesnoodle
    chesnoodle Member Posts: 30

    Yup, same thing has been happening on my account but once I switch over to a new account I don’t get dc’d. There’s a thread on my page with a lot of other people having this problem.

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 358
    edited May 2023

    I've been DC'd 3 times in the past few days, I think all as Killer (or 2 Killer, 1 Surv), where it thinks I left the game, takes away my points but lets the others keep theirs. Makes no sense, and only started happening recently. I don't want to start getting DC penalties, nor people thinking that I'm randomly DCing instead of being kicked. BHVR, help.. ;-;