Grim Embrace


Can this perk get a buff please? I think that a buff to this perk would be great in a meta, where doing generators as fast as possible and tunnelling are very prevalent. I stimulates killers to not tunnel and blocks survivors from doing generators. The current 40 seconds is way too little. I should be a minimum of a 60 seconds like No Way Out but I would even push it as far as 90 seconds.


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,882

    Sounds good but it would actually encourage camping cause it takes 2 minutes for someone on hook to die. If all gens are blocked for 60 seconds you can literally camp the hooked guy with no consequences.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    This is probably why they don't buff it, yeah.

    I think an ok buff would be if every survivor had their aura revealed for 10 seconds instead of just the obsession

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Hmmm...good point. However, this can be dealt with. Especially now that the new facecamp mechanic is coming.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,131

    Rather than buffing its duration, I'd like to see it show all survivor auras. Currently it has the issue of survivors just hiding it out even when you get it to activate in a timely fashion, so having survivor auras shown for a chunk of the timer (or hell, even all of it) would be a great change to encourage running it and splitting your pressure.

  • DaveyTheDuck
    DaveyTheDuck Member Posts: 17

    I wish grim embrace was good man. Along with extra time, I think the aura reading on the obsession is dumb because usually you're gonna be getting the aura of someone you literally just hooked or the aura of someone already on the hook. I think it should show you the aura of all survivors for a little bit instead so you can better strategize using this extra time you were given.