These New Ideas Scare Me

Hello Friends
So the bot idea for disconnecting survivors sounds cool. I’m just worried they add super bots to the game. Bots can’t miss skill checks or screw up on walls, so I’m not too excited about that.
The facecamping idea…. I Know Facecamping is a huge issue but you’re going to punish killers for chasing people near hooks now? What’s the point in trying to stop the unhook then?
Also why does it seem only survivors get the QOL changes? Don’t killers deserve to have some fixes and helpful updates? A FOV slider? Perhaps something to help my left ear since I have scar tissue throughout it so hearing isn’t the best? Survivors got a heartbeat sensor so they don’t even have to listen for a TR anymore.
I mean if you are not at low mmr, survivors won't miss skill check anyway. So what's different?
We don't know about anti-face camp system yet. But devs said if another survivor in range, progress will be so slow and they won't get value. Let's wait and see first how system will work.
Last year killers got a lot buffs and QoL changes tho. It's understandable they are focusing on weak side more right now (solo-q). But they did not announce all of upcoming changes in anniversary stream. So there will be more changes for killers as well.
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I’m just worried because they seem to always leave in op survivor buffs or bugs for months or years. Yet killers get the hammer within days or just a few weeks. So if the survivor bots or antiface hooks do come out to be very strong or worse broken, how long will they take to fix of balance them? I’ve been playing since 2017, my trust in timely action from the devs got destroyed in 2020.
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Tbh let's not pretend like Erupting OverBrine wasn't in the game for 8 months straight. Like they have a glacial reaction time, but that glacial reaction time isn't biased towards one side, they're just slow to act on any and everything.
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Playing against bots in custom will reassure you, I think.
They can and will mess up in pretty spectacular ways sometimes, like leaving a loop instead of vaulting out of reach, or losing time crouching behind a barrel because they think you don't know they're here.
Now that I think about it, the bot's teabagging habits are gonna be even funnier in game, because it will really be as though the DC'ed survivor's ghost is still haunting the bot !
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Had a bot Ash run into the exit gate area
at 5 gens. The door was very solid, indeed.
I think we’llbe fine.
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I don't think it's supposed to be an exact sort of survivor experience that you'd get with real players. I don't think they could ever achieve that with bots. It's just meant to lessen the blow and help survivors with an extra hand and killers with that potential kill (or achievement). And I'm seeing more and more people assuming this is supposed to be a quality of life change for survivors, but honestly, just as many (if not more) killers have complained here about doing something re DCs. And when the topic of bots replacing DCs has been suggested here, it's pretty much been an resounding yes.
As a survivor main, a bot doesn't compare in any way to an actual player, the latter of whom will heal me if need be, or go unhook a survivor if I point, or just in general be an actual, communicative team member. Everyone loses out when someone DCs, a bot doesn't change that. But it's something.
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Eruption was fixed pretty fast when you consider BHVR's track record. OverBrine wasn't just nerfed. It got obliterated.
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Watch bming go out of control so people can force the DC to meme on the bots lol
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In comparison to their track record, yes. It was still 8 months.
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Killers have asked for bots when survivors disconnect because it kept them from completing adepts and tome challenges. I've seen killers complain about bots in customs being too easy because they aren't smart enough in chase so it's not actually good practice for real games. If Nemesis doesn't have super zombies you aren't going to have to worry about "super bots", the devs still want killers to have atleast 60% kill rate so they aren't going to make killers face unbeatable bots.
The anti-facecamping isn't going to stop camping. 16 meters really isn't that far from the hook. I run Kindred and killers will stand just outside the aura reading of Kindred (16 meters) waiting for someone to come for unhook, they have no problem getting back to interrupt the unhook when they see a survivor coming in. We also don't know how fast the meter fills for the various distances or how much it slows when survivors are nearby.
Killers previously got color blind mode to help with scratch marks and aura reading. They had a ton of basekit buffs in 6.1.0 like faster kick on gens/pallets, more damage to gen from kick, shorter hit cool down, shorter survivor distance when hit, bloodlust buff, and gens increased by 10 seconds each so 50 seconds total. They also removed lightburn from multiple killers, nerfed locker blinds, nerfed self healing, and nerfed medkits. It wasn't announced in stream but the current patch has a bunch of individual killer buffs including the Pyramid Head buff that will make it easier for him to cage/mori survivors. Killers do get buffs/QOL changes but people seem to forget about them faster than Dory.
In the anniversary stream there were only a few things announced coming up - bots, anti-camp, and Coldwind reworks. I'm sure there's plenty this year they haven't announced yet because it's too early. The visual terror radius wasn't announced at all yet we got that. Players have been fairly vocal about adding in a FOV slider, I wouldn't be surprised if BHVR is working on something but haven't announced it yet.
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Talking about fast how quick was ruin undying? (Original)
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Not that you're wrong but that was nerfed in 8 months. Dead Hard lasted years and object of obsession which was one of the most broken perks they've ever came up with wasn't exactly fast tracked for changes.
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You're right, they weren't. And we can only hope the slowly quickening progression of them making changes to problematic things will only continue.
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We can also bring up how long Spirit lasted, vs how long Endurance stacking lasted (it never left the PTB)
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Luckily it'll be easy to test on PTB to see if last survivor is replaced by bot. Mandy has already said DC penalty is staying so it's not like we'll see increase of DC bots.
I think could probably test now in customs with a friend to see how smart the bots are with unhooks.
I've heard alot more ways bots will probably end up screwing over real survivors than I've heard of them hurting killers. Like if injured/slugged the bot will make their way to a teammate to heal. Killers can just need to follow the injured bot to find any hiding teammates. 😂
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Oh definitely. I didn't mean to insinuate, that this was some super quick hotfix. They were quite fast in fixing it in comparison to their track record is all I said. In fact, you framed it perfectly: "They have a glacial reaction time." It's just that this was definitely a priority.
Undying was introduced in 4.2.0 and it was changed to work only once in 4.5.0. These 2 patches were released 5 months apart. So again, it was rather quick for them.
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Ruin/Undying was nerfed after six months. Released in patch 4.2.0 and nerfed in patch 4.5.0.
Which is only like one less patch worths of time than CoBruption was in the game
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I was gonna say i think the fastest on live rework was original MoM since basically everyone agreed it was dumb. But i didnt play so much then so my knowledge on how short it was is secondhand. I just know they tried hard to be special with ash's release paragraph.
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MB, I read your comment as some sort of gotcha moment
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Whilst my thinking currently is for bots to be based around one specific level of skill, with luck BHVR will develop the AI to contribute, based upon the mmr skill area the previous survivor was at. Whilst this may be developmental, I'd much prefer any skilled bot over the player who either chickened out or disconnected because of a reason beyond their control.
The face-camping system is fairer and punishes face-campers in particular. However, BHVR have said the system slows the bar dramatically if survivors are chased around the hook, as well as it ceases function entirely once the gates are powered. Personally, I'd prefer no bar progress if a chase happens within the radius, but overall it's a decent step.
I'm not for a FOV slider, since that's what Shadowborn is there for should someone want it. However, I am all for a system to be put in place for motion sickness (elimination of motion blur), as well as some slight nerfs to some of the stronger generator perks. Especially since more perks are being brought in recently to speed up generator progression.
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we have been without Any Means Necessary for what feels like months now
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condoning and encouraging survivor dcs is pretty disgusting from bhvr, replacement bot will even reward survivor teams with an upgrade in some cases
all while killers are forced to play out boring matches vs bots
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They took it out because of the climbing glitch right? They need to fix that already so you can get your perk back.
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The unknown is the oldest fear of mankind.
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it's working in the ptb so it will be here when that goes live (hopefully) <3
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Good, I’m not one for saying I love that perk but I hope it’s all fixed now.
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Have you played custom games with bots? Lol. They’re definitely not an ‘upgrade’ for DCing survivors.
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I'm fine with the bot changes. If you play around in customs, you come to learn pretty quickly that they aren't fantastic (shoutout to bots being stuck on z-walls).
Im more concerned about the facecamping changes. 16 meters is not facecamping, its proxy camping. The range needs to be much shorter, otherwise we're going to see the same thing that happened the last time the devs tried a camping fix: survivors abusing it to guarantee free unhooks/removing all pressure killers gain from hooking someone. This announcement coming at a time where gen regression is in its worst spot in years and genrush perks being added makes me very nervous for the future. The only way imo that this could work is if survivors (and most maps) receive HEAVY nerfs to gen efficiency and chase times. You have to make it so chasing a survivor is a faster way to kill them than camping out a hook. Otherwise, those 2021 numbers are going to look tame in comparison.
TLDR: You can't remove camping without giving killers a better option for removing survivors