Unhookable Builds Have to GO.

nars Member Posts: 1,124
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

They are boring, skilless, and uncounterable. If someone just runs breakout with flip flop, unbreakable and boil over all it takes is one teammate and you lose the hook bc they clicked equip on some perks. Some claudette ran to the basement of badham knowing there was nothing I could do, and even when I was able to wesk her down early and hook her breakdown made it so she could just run down again and be invincible. So naturally I try to bleed her, if shes gonna be annoying so am I. She has flip flop, so even though shes in a spot that I could normally hook someone now I just cant bc game design, and her duo has breakout so even if I did she would just take a hit and chase me around.

Its BS. Nothing should guarantee that you are safe, ever. and if it does it should be limited like god pallets. It took 2 survivors and a badham offering to guarantee I cant kill someone. Not because tehy were good at looping, not because they outsmarted me, but because they level up a few survivors and clicked equip. Its like old DH but with all your perks and a friend. I could just ignore them, chase someone else, but then what happens when their on gens? Chase, down, cant hook bc BS.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 699

    didn't expect flip flop to be complained about on this forum

    badham main building basement is notorious for it's extreme difficulty to get survivors hooked out of it if the hook basement doesn't spawn there, just because such map design flaws exist doesn't mean you should obliterate entire perks that work in niche scnearios, address the long standing map designs instead

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    We could address both the perks and the maps instead.

    The same issue happens on Dead Dawg and to a lesser extent Temple of Purgation. The flawed map designs are on their own an issue, but boil over also needs further tuning or a rework. You can not reliably play around someone who is breakdown/boil over gaming. They punish you for interacting with them by default in ways that shouldn't be as exploitable as they have become. Breakdown on it's own isn't a huge deal, but boil over went from from being useless to way too strong to still too strong, but not as strong as its peak.

    The quick and dirty solution is to just leave it totally up to RNG and remove map offerings and basement position offerings altogether for both sides. This would go a long way and relieving a lot of the stress in the game from both sides. You get what you get and that's it. No one can attempt to cherry pick their strongest maps or go to broken maps purposefully which is something I wish they would just try out for a while. The knock on benefits would also be great because the bloodwebs would be more meaningful and less cluttered especially for survivors which would help them greatly during events.

    A more nuanced solution is perhaps to lock the basement to always being in the main building of certain maps if they that building has a faux basement with minimal or no hooks. There is not reason why Badham's basement shouldn't be in its actual basement every time. Same for Temple, there is no reason why the basement shouldn't be in the underground level. As for Dead Dawg, the upstairs needs a rework and anything short of that probably won't fix the problems it presents. Breakdown, flip flop, and breakout don't need to change, but boil over needs further tuning or to change to some other type of effect.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Yeah sorry man I had just gotten out of a real frustrating game lol, was kinda on offense. You are right though, its more a map design issue than a perk issue. Though I'd argue that if these perks only really work in niche situations they should be reworked.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    I find Boil Over to be obnoxious - but the only maps / locations it actually becomes an issue is where the map design is flawed. Otherwise Boil Over shouldn't give you too much pain (though, I understand it's even more obnoxious when you play killer on controller). I rather have them redesign maps in a way that there are no default unhookable spots.

    That being said I view the unhookable builds as the counterpart to slugging builds and wouldn't be sad if they both were to go; they're annoying and a lot still comes down to luck/rng/the other side being so tilted they don't play nearly as well as they could. Alas, both being unhookable and slugging are mechanics the dev view as legit strategies with perks designed for it. So I doubt either will go anytime soon.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    Boil Over on console is a nightmare to deal with absolutely. The sway is random, and the input lag on the sticks means you cannot correct the sway and bump into everything. Entity help you if you're on an inside map, or have to go through doorways and/or very tight spots.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Honestly the counter to the flip-flop/boil over combo is to use them as bait to get another teamate and let them bleed out on the floor.

    It's on them lol