what is the motivation behind standing in the exit gate?

as survivor, i will leave immediately unless im standing by in case i need to help a team mate out. But as survivor and killer it seems that literally 95% of players are willing to stand 6 inches away from escaping the match even if it means waiting the whole 2 minutes for ecg to end. There is zero risk to do this as no killer could hit do anything and it appears to be just a way to both waste time and to taunt.
and while i understand that such behavior would be loved by plenty of people as is the nature of this community but that being the case for the overwhelming number of players seems odd, especially paired with complaints about how getting hooked early ruins your enjoyment of the game because you arent playing. as such i would assume that not moving on to the next match as well as being in a position where there is zero threat to you would also be wasting time as well?
and if its to be that you "can give the killer more points by getting a hit" well thats odd to me since those points are negligible and BP is pretty plentiful as is especially with there always being some kind of BP boost for one side or the other.
What am i missing? is this because the majority of players want to taunt other people or is there a different motivation i have missed?
Just to taunt I'm afraid. I always just write in the endgame chat "Sorry for playing fairly, should've tunneled" and go next. It's a shame that when you give them the same energy back, if you get them next game, they start begging for a 1v1 or asking if we're salty from last game. They do not care at all about you getting more points from having to hit them and it's just a silly excuse.
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Pure malice. In every group of four there is at least one who's greatest joy in life seems to be to rub it in that the killer lost and give a little twerking session with a lightshow about it. They don't mind wasting 2mins of their and the killers life time, doing so, as even the remote chance to get a whiff of the killer is enough to fire up their engines and keep them there, finger over the twerking button.
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I stay in the gates so I can make sure my teammates leave safely (so I can bodyblock if needed).
I also stay if the Killer is on me just to buy my team more time if they need it.
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It's probably just them goofing. I very much doubt the majority of butt dancers are snickering or laughing maniacally. Streamers do it all the time and they aren't getting agro, they just say "gg" and move onto the next match. They don't seem to exude any hatred towards the Killer, it just seems like they are messing around and having a laugh.
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If a killer has to waste time to 2 hit me to push me out, an injured team mate that couldn't possibly make it through that gate could easily run to the other and open it. It's buying them time. That's a simple reason and a win/win for us. Either push me out and waste time or have me there to help my team mate with bodyblocks, unhooks etc.
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and when everyone who is left is at the exit gate?
thats what i am referencing, not the strategy that actually holds game play value.
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Cause they need that glorious red carpet.
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It's to annoy you.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Taunting the killer. Anyone who says anything else is lying.
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To taunt the killer, as the celebrate the first trial they have escaped in 20+ trials.
Really, for me I'll wait at the gate if:
1. Other survivors are still being hunted but closing in and need the block.
2. To act as a healing station for survivors.
Otherwise, there's zero point being there and I'm not a twat. Besides, Blood Warden is still a thing, not to mention certain killers like The Twins can stop an escape via a Victor leap and certain add-ons.
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If everyone is in the exit gate? Almost always to taunt. I think there are a few archives out there were you want the others to leave first, but that's almost certainly under 1% of the time.
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This post just helped me come to the realisation that survivors complain about slugging but stand at the exit gates for two minutes.
Hypocrisy at its finest, now that I realise it
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Just to taunt. But I only do this if the killer was tunneling/camping at 5 gens. Then I show no mercy.
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" is this because the majority of players want to taunt other people"
" being in a position where there is zero threat to you would also be wasting time as well?"
and here we have the classic and way to widespread survivor double standards. It's fine if they waste the killers time just to taunt, but if the killer waste their time its reprehensible and they are a horrible person.
Honestly if you want to play the game it's best to just accept this is the way most survivor players act, as unfortunate as it is.
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Yeah there's a lot of survivor hypocrisy unfortunately. The community and game would be in a much better place if it wasn't so prevalent.
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If a survivor leaves and nobody is around to see it, did the survivor really escape?
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Let me, a wisened old DBD player share an experience with you.
I don't even bother going to exit gates if I don't think I can get a hook out of it and I'll tell you why.
On more than one occasion I've had to deal with people being extremely malicious and bold enough to say as much. They wouldn't leave unless I watched them leave because they wanted to rub in their wins. Not only were they bold enough to admit they basically were holding the game hostage, this was before EGC, until they got their satisfaction. In endgame chat they also felt the need to call me a plethora of slurs. Some of these players were content creators, not big ones, they never got famous and didn't stick with the game or got banned who knows.
So from my experience it is almost always about them wanting to exert a measure of malicious control over me and I refuse to give it to them pretty much every time and when they throw down palettes and start vaulting to draw my attention I go do something else. It's been a long time since that sort of maliciousness has happened, but I have learned to just let them stand there and be sore winners risking getting grabbed by the entity while I go kick palettes or walls for BP.
Never underestimate the depths people will sink to in this game. Heck, a couple weeks ago I got DDOS for Skull Merchant, not three genning either. Just playing her as a stealth killer and spending most of my time undetectable. I downed someone when they misplayed a loop and then I got a DDOS as my reward. This game has a lot of two-faced folks on both sides.
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People usually do it just to mock and be toxic. And when I play twins I pretty much always get a free kill out of it, always satisfying.
When I play surv I may stick around to do a quick heal for BP, or to drop my item for killer as a sign of respect. But usually I'm straight out, nobody likes getting killed because of bloodwarden
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Because humans are awful, that's why.
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All the nana nana boo boo stuff is pretty lame.
There should be a big BP bonus available once End Game Collapse has started, a bonus you get less of depending on how much time is left.
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Difference is the Killer can force the Survivors out. A slugged Survivor has no chance of speeding up the process (if they dont have Unbreakable).
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Nah, not really.
This would discourage Survivors to go for Endgame-Saves. If you get more Bonus if you just leave, someone who got hooked might not be able to get out. And the Killer will also not really have a chance to get more Kills than the one they are camping.
I can understand the intention when everyone is at the Exit Gates, but I think it is totally fine for the Killer to just force out the Survivors. And if someone is really that sensitive from a bit of crouch-spamming, that is their problem.
But if there is an actual reason to stay around, it should not be punished.