Change party streamers to be hidden and only giving the person who uses it +200% bp
Party streamers are worthless, because currently its gen rush/tunnel fest and i dont want the other side getting points for it. I would much rather prefer if i got more points and nobody knew since no one would grief.
Just don't use it?
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You can use escape cake & puding then. Only you will get bp. You wellcome!
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Like it or not, the surivors / killers you are playing with are the reason this game is still alive and getting updates. If you are so bitter about DBD that you don't want to share the 2x BP offering, take a break.
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Ok. This is really stupid. This is pretty much I don't want to share because I'm mad how someone else played. They are not responsible for you fun just like you are not responsible for the killers fun. So they don't need to change the game just cause your cranky. The other side getting more BP has absolutely 0 effect on your life whatsoever and if it bothers you than you care way to much about the game.
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Just bring escape cakes/survivor pudding, you get the same amount of bp from the offering but if you get a bad game no one else gains.
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they make sense for survivors but no killer should ever use these. you dont want to give 4 survivors bonus bp ever.
just use puddings.
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I have hundreds if not thousands event cakes and BPS, but only tens of escape cakes and puddings, wonder why is that
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Party Streamers always seems to curse the match when I use them. I get an awful killer to deal with as survivor, or I get a SWF squad as killer. I've started to hate the item.
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It's definitely cursed. I get the same. Every time I'm tempted to offer one I ask myself if I'm the mood for a terrible game
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I hate running them for the same reason. Also, I noticed if the killer runs BPS, they usually play in a way that'll result in one or two survivors getting minimal bloodpoints.
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Damn, people here are very unforgiving huh.
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"I’m hoping that one day they make a Bloodweb shop so that you can trade in stuff you don’t want for BP."
That's actually a really cool idea!
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The point of Party Streamers is that they are a stackable bonus across all players - there's no plans to change this.
If you wish to just make extra BP for yourself you can use one of the other offerings, the yellow cake and envelope are personal.
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DBD has the most insanely toxic community I've ever seen. It's remarkable.
I burn bps every game every time there's a bloodrush going on. If I get spooky scary tunneled or gen rushed oh well? I still got more bp than I would have otherwise, and other people getting more doesn't affect me at all.
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Weren't you the one that was complaining last year that nobody used their cakes, and therefor demanded on an entitled manner that people used them?
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Speaking of stackable bonus offerings, why killers don't have the Bound Envelope? Seems like a "f you, got mine" situation.
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To be fair, BHVR seems completely apathetic about the toxicity in the community. It's not remarkable to me that an environment that does not punish toxicity has an above average amount.
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Look at it this way: +10X% BP offerings can make a good BP match a great one, but they can also make a bad BP match an okay one. Or even a good one.
And when it comes to caring about giving others points even if they do stuff that annoys you I quite simply do not care and find it kinda weird honestly.
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Nope. But I was the one with idea of Event mode with 1 cake as entry which would make 5 cake games guaranteed during event. If you mean that
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I wish they would buff this bonus to +50% BP for the survivors to make it deserving of being a green item.
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That offering does not affect other players, like the Bound Envelope.
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There aren't any other killers in the lobby to give bloodpoints to.
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Yeah, but what I meant is killers should also able to use the Bound Envelope offering. It is the only one offering that does such a thing, iirc.
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You could use an Escape Cake or any of the envelopes that cater to survivors' BP. I mean, it's just a nice thing to do. After all, it's a 5 man game. No killer, no game, no fun.
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They can't do anything about it. The game has an inherent justification for people to be rude to one another: you're a big bad killer out to get me, so if I'm toxic to you then it's justified because you're the bad guy. You can't force empathy on people. It's not like they can send someone around with a hammer and break toxic players' stuff until they play nice.
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They can literally ban people from the game, don't be intentionally obtuse.
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For what, exactly?
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The developers set the terms, it can be anything they want.
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I'm more inclined to use them on Killer over Survivor. If only b/c I worry if I use them on Survivor I'm guaranteeing myself a Killer who will end the game in three minutes.
As Killer even a bad game w/ BPS or an equiv will my worthwhile.