Yea,tunneling has gotten out of control.
I believe these things could alleviate some of the pain endured.
- Unhooking doesnt trigger a loud notification,nor does the UI change until and after like 10-15 seconds.
- The unhooked shouldn't leave pools of blood or scratch marks,there are a few perks but you need like a full build to get all of these.
- DS reverted to 5 seconds,not 1 time use anymore,multiple DS results in increased stun time.
No, if you're that upset about tunneling run off the record + DS , these changes would make killer unplayable, it would not be a fun experience whatsoever.
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Neither is tunneling someone!
And last time I check DS is turbo garbage while off the record is a character's perks,a character that I don't want..
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There is counterplay for being tunneled, also tunneling is part of the game, killers may need to tunnel in order to generate pressure, if you don't want to unlock Zarina and prestige here for off the record, that's fine, do as you will.
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What's the counter to tunneling?
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It's called "Get good"
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The DS stun and most of these changes would be reverted after 2 or 3 months,my thoughts.
It's a way to force Killers to relearn,and allow then to adapt to a world where tunneling doesn't work.
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At this point the only thing that would effectively stop tunnelling (and I'm actually annoyed I have to say this), is to buff dead hard by allowing you to take 2 protection hits max per game, keep the exhaustion effect and removing the unhook activation nerf that was added.
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I can agree with 1 but no to 2 and 3
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You're just going to spend a huge amount of time just laying on the ground and then the changes will get reverted because the players who will be harmed by this are people genuinely playing the game in earnest not people who are tunneling you out as a griefing troll stunt.
Survivors also have an extremely bad habit of weaponizing the things they get as anti-killer tech base kit rather than using it as intended. A great deal of tunneling in this game happens right now because survivors are obsessed with getting "base kit bt value" by constantly going for bodyblocks for the person that unhooked them. Someone who is the least likely to actually need a bodyblock cause they are usually healthy. So you've bodyblocked for a healthy survivor and are now in deep wound status, there is no point is trying to go for the healthy survivor since you've inserted your back into danger on purpose.
DS even though it was never base kit, it was a perk that spent a long time being a near unconditional forcefield and was weaponized in ways that absolutely messed up the game for players playing normally while doing basically nothing for griefers who you're actually mad at. Y'all did that, as a collective group survivors did way more to get DS nerfed to the position its now than any amount killer complaint ever could. Tunneling shouldn't be as effective as it is, but these suggestions aren't the way to go if the goal isn't to kill the game by driving off people who aren't griefers. As it stands the game is designed in such a way that tunneling at times may be necessary and the devs have been consistent in stating they want these sorts of strategies to be mitigated, but not destroyed.
You have tools you need in the form perks to deal with this, you just have to make the decision to use them over whatever you're using now. It won't always help, but when it does it helps a lot.
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And when survivors will learn to loop ?
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Bro, survivors don't have to learn to loop, or learn to play, they can just cry until they get their candy.
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Killer can hit immediately off hook to deny OTR, and DS does basically nothing..
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1. Yes, I believe this could work. Maybe not a 10 second gap between the unhook and the UI changing, but certainly a few seconds.
2. Were it so that point 1 was put in place, I would probably keep this effect as a perk (I think one exists already?). The delay in notification should be plenty.
3. DS to 5 seconds, absolutely. After every hook, absolutely. Although I still like the idea of this perk disabling once all gens are completed.
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Tunneling was, is and will always be a tool in the killer's arsenal.
Same with camping.
Same with using their powers.
It's not that "tunneling is out of control", it's that survivors min/max to gen rush and get prioritized over the cute survivor with a flashlight that BEGS to be chased.
Yeah no, I'll focus that toolbox with BNP sorry...