bubba buffs?

chainsaw charging is taking long, addons mostly dont work or are not good and he slowly moves in power. any help for this man?
3 things 1 Bamboozle must have
2 engravings your be moving at sprint burst speed at the cost of longer charge time
3 chillie extra time before extending the sweep ,moving at sprintburst speed for like 8s is hard to deal with and scary good if you got 2 people close to each other
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Based first post
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The problem is that several addons are actually bugged and give you negative impacts and make you move slower with no upside.
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bubba is fine if they fixed him
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for 1 survivors always expect bamboozle so they will always move forward to another loop
2 engravings is noob bait
3 chillies yes
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I think he would be fine, if the yellow Chili was base kit and his other addons were fixed to not punish him.
I'm pretty sure this is a symptom of poor coding. They programmed his power as a whole and then added addons that wouldn't effect a part of his power but his entire power. That's how I imagine the "bug" with his Chilis came to be in the first place. They didn't add extra time but added a multiplier to the chainsaw time, which also affects his acceleration.
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Fix his addons but otherwise he is fine, solid b tier
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I use the add-ons that cause broken and item drop. Basically, one acts as a Franklin's.
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Bubba is fine for the most part. He just needs his addons fixed.
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Like others said. Bubba is fine. But his add-ons needs to be looked.
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is that iri tuning guide or are there even more bugged add ons?
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I Agree, would be a much better killer if his addons weren't so bugged, even his power gets bugged sometimes.
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He is in the same boat as Knight where without certain add-ons he is just kinda mediocre.
But i wouldn't expect buffs for him any time soon... maybe some add-on changed but that's it.
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What how are they bugged I haven't noticed them
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Nah engravings is good going from 120 to 130 something thats pretty good