The Deliverance curse

Everyone knows what this is about, you bring Deliverance and end up getting chased and hooked first, without ever getting to use it.
What other curses have you encountered?
For me the one I encountered most yesterday was bringing Blastmine and Flashbang and rarely getting to touch gens either because I got chased first or cause my teammate brought the killer to me (worst offender was Rebecca, she would lead killer to her teammates to rid of him, I had bond on and I think she had it too).
all rebeccas do is pre drop miss skill check and die👍️
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Whenever i have stun killer challanges, i always getting killers like Nurse, Huntress which can play around pallets :(
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Stay hidden in TR -> Ghostface & Wraith
Heal oriented build -> Plague
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Yeah, this happens too. Especially whenever it's heal challange killer always Plague or Legion with The Legion Pin
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Or they bring Lightborn, even though no one in my team has a Flashlight.
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Luckily the Deliverence curse is not affecting me, however as soon as I have a tome challange for unhooking the trials begin anew and I'll be constantly the first to be found.
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I plead guilty on this one, sometimes I put on Lightborn when I see a 3-flashies lobby, forget to change my build before queueing again afterwards, and before I can think on what to replace it with I'm suddenly in game with 3 perks and a useless immunity to blinds haha. It can take a few games before I remember to change it back !
(Btw I know how to counter flashlights without the perk, I'm just lazy)
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Doctor was in mid chase with injured Feng then decided to chase me instead.
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Everytime this happens to me with a perk build that needs time to ramp up I am like "Are they reading my mid? How would they know?"
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Me running boon or other totem perks and suddenly completely unable to find a totem...even in the reliable spawns like killer shack or some of the T-L tiles. Either that or someone has already been there and broken it.
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The one time I bring a medkit or focus on a healing build it's Plague.
The one time I don't bring Distortion after x killers didn't have notable aura reading it's a full aura reading Huntress or Nurse.
Whenever I bring perks for endgame (usually No One Left Behind and/or Hope) we don't get past three gens done.
Whenever I have Inner Healing... someone decides they want to cleanse every totem on the map asap just because.
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To be honest when I bring Inner Healing or Flashbang killer has Iron Maiden.
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This is so random but true at the same time lmao
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There is nothing more aggravating when you bring a BNP with a rare toolbox and you don't have the opportunity to deplete them!!!
As for perks: I love Blood Favour and use it almost always with Nightmare. When someone spots the totem immediately at the start of the match and cleanses it...
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Blood Rush curse
When you bring this perk, you either escape without being hooked once or you're tunnelled out from minute 1