We should have a bow gesture, or other congratulatory animation for end of matches etc.

Just as the title says, I'd love to be able to bow to the killer at the end of a match. Or to teammates. Heck, it would even be awesome if the killer could bow. I'd do it after every hook :P
Imagine if every killer had a different emote, fitting their character
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I just want Nemesis to look up at the sky and roar...
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This is DBD not Fortnite lol
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The mental gymnastics you need to do to throw every game that has emotes into the Sam pot as fortnight
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Well, there will still be polite players who spam bowing.
This is why developers don't want to add emotes.
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BHVR would make a lot of money if they started creating and putting custom emotes for survivors and killers in the store. Also custom moris. Please...?
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This might help with toxicity. If the devs publicly announse they are releasing an emote for people to be friendly only with hell yeah.
I've executed many survivors who I thought were being toxic but weren't simply because I was nice to them, they teabagged, and I thought they were spitting on my offer but turns out its their only emote lmao. Some do however let me know after they were just being toxic, so yeah, atleast one more emote would be nice.
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I guess it would be good to have some kind of emote that could be used in place of teabagging for a congratulatory or thanking purpose.
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I use teabagging as bow or something like that, both for survs as thanks for healing/unhooking etc, and for killers to thanks for trial, or not tunneling me.
But yeah, bow or something like that to use as "thank you", would be great.
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It is situationally possible even if quite expensive :D
If I liked the killer and am about to leave - to salute him, I give him my item (usually brown or yellow medkit). For this reason I have more green and purple medkits then browns
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add the yoinky sploinky
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No one would ever use a bow for anything but BM. This community isn't built for it.
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Sadly I believe you. A lot of killers won't see me drop my item for them, because they are so used to be tbagged at exit gate 😑
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I see dropped items. I find this unnecessairy tho i apperciate gesture.
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I just want a gesture or 2 for killers too. The pointing one would be great. A taunt would also be amazing
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I'd love that!
I'd appreciate if the Thumbs up button could be used to give extra BP to your rivals / (solo) teammates.
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Why would it matter to the devs how people get pleasure from playing the game? People will find the bad in anything. lol
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I disagree. I find the community overall to be very nice and pleasant. I rarely come across anyone who is anything but congratulatory at the end of a match. Don't let the few bad eggs make you think the whole community is bad too.
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That's actually also an awesome idea. Imagine that you can get rewarded by other players. That would be a great way to bring the community together.
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I present an excerpt from a previous Q&A with the developer (2021/10/8) to help reinforce my thoughts.
Please note that this is a direct translation of the Japan Forum article, and I apologize for the possibility that the actual streaming answers may differ in nuance.
Can we expect more emotes to be added? (JordanKaser)
This is a topic that comes up from time to time, but so far we have not come up with an emote that meets all the requirements for implementation. The key requirements for an emote are that it be in keeping with the theme of the game, that it bring some meaning in communication, and that it not be used to make fun of someone. It's not a pretense. There is also a concern that giving survivors a new way to communicate could work against the killer. We were concerned about this point when considering this and will keep it in mind.
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A bow or a salute would be perfect then. It doesn't reveal information, and it's in theme with the game.
Another option would be to make the emotes only active when you're at the ext gates. Then it's just there for people to have fun when they've escaped and gives the killer the opportunity to down someone who's taking the time to gesture :P
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I would like to see a twerk emote.
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agree. One additional emote, bow, would be great
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I wonder why the devs haven't thought to implement this. Especially when you consider how many other games have emotes as items that can be bought for your character. Seems like a missed opportunity.
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Because they dont need it. Bhvr makes money on dlcs so they have no need for selling cosmetics, emotes and others. Yes they are doing cosmetics, but those are not as great as we would to see.
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Okay sure, because companies don't want more money. lol.
Anyway, even if they don't want to let us buy emotes, it would still be really nice to have a bow or "Bao Quan Li" animation that we could use to show respect at the end of a match.
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Does the annoyance factor for the game really need to shoot upward by adding emote-assisted trolling?
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How is bowing at the exit gates trolling?