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Am I the only killer who prefers old dead hard rather than sprint burst?

mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

I just had a SWF game where they sat on gens and whenever I got near they just sprint bursted away to a safe loop. There's literally no counter to it. Dead hard was so easy to bait with just a camera flick or simply waiting it out. Am I the only one who thinks this? It saves you from getting hit (extending your chase time), makes the killer miss their lunge attack (from surprise) which gives survivors extra time to hold W, and gets survivors to a safe loop from a deadzone.

I'm not saying it needs a nerf, I was just curious on people's opinion on it.

Best Answers

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969
    Answer ✓

    Ive always prefered DH over Sprint Burst since its much more interactive.

    Just waiting for people to realize just how strong SB really is

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,816
    Answer ✓

    Old dead hard was the most powerful perk in the game, for both sides, bar none. It had the ability to extend a chase to the point that you can lose the game immediately if landed at a good time. Even if you only landed it 50% of the time, it could easily add 20+ seconds to a single chase, almost guaranteeing that the killer will lose 3 gens to the other survivors if they continue to do the chase.

    Sprint burst is overrated and nowhere near as powerful as people think it is, just look at the math behind it. Lets assume there is an injured survivor 32 meters away from the killer and they immediately start running. Lets look at 2 scenarios, one WITH sprint burst, and one without.

    WITHOUT Sprint burst:

    Survivor starts running at 32 meters. Killer gains 0.6 meters of distance. They need to close a gap of 26 meters to land a hit. This means it will take them (excluding bloodlust because i can't find consistent information about how far a chase starts exactly). 43.3 seconds to down the survivor.

    WITH Sprint burst:

    Survivor starts running at 32 meters, but for 3 seconds, they run at 6 m/s instead of 4. This means they GAIN 1.4 meters of distance per second for those 3 seconds on the killer, meaning now the killer needs to close a gap of 26 + (1.4 x 3) = 30.2 meters of distance. Gaining 0.6 per second, this takes the killer 50.3 seconds for the killer to catch the survivor.

    The strength of sprint burst is not in the "hold w" because it adds 7 seconds to the chase. Where it is strong is when survivors use it to hang around a dead zone, then during those 3 seconds, they run to a safer area. Which doesn't really add a huge amount to the chase, all it does is make the chase more standard rather than free as it would be in a dead zone. Additionally, because this chase extension happens RIGHT at the start of a chase, the killer can make a more informed and useful decision to continue the chase or to abandon and go after someone else. It is also easier to bait once you know the survivor has it than dead hard is. Sure, you can 99 the sprint burst, but then you can't do ANYTHING, a gen, stop and heal a survivor, you can't even fall from a high place, or you aren't 99'ing it anymore.

    Lithe is actually better than sprint burst, because it has nearly the same effect, slightly less distance because of the animation. But, it puts a structure between you and the killer, meaning you probably end up gaining as much or more distance than sprint burst, and it lets you do some of the same things as sprint burst and hang out in dead zones as long as there is some window or something nearby to activate it. Which even on edges of the map isn't hard with things like z-walls.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    Answer ✓

    I think Dead Hard—especially pre-6.1-nerf—outclassed Sprint Burst. But I mean I kind of figured once Dead Hard was nerfed killer mains would begin complaining about other exhaustion perks.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,363
    Answer ✓

    The period before old dead hard got changed was by far the hardest killer has ever been in this game. I was at the height of my killer main phase when old dead hard was out in full force. Going against a four man SWF where everyone had dead hard and used it properly was the most unpleasant thing i've ever experienced in this game. People who started playing killer after it got changed have no idea. It's part of the reason why I can't take complaints about how "hard' killer is seriously.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969
    Answer ✓

    You mentioned what is probably the strongest part about the perk as if its nothing.

    "Where it is strong is when survivors use it to hang around a dead zone, then during those 3 seconds, they run to a safer area. Which doesn't really add a huge amount to the chase, all it does is make the chase more standard rather than free as it would be in a dead zone."

    A chase in a deadzone is a death sentence against a good chunk of killers. Sprint Burst turns a death sentence into an actual chase and depending on the map that can be much more than DH.

    Another thing is regardless of where its used, SB almost always guarantees you value. The only time DH ever guaranteed value, was before the rework.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857
    Answer ✓

    Ever since people started using exhaustion perks other than DH, I've lost significantly more matches. Now they actually get value out of their perks instead of wasting a slot trying to be the next [favorite survivor main content creator] and going down in five seconds.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,115
    Answer ✓

    Both require you to just spend time holding W. So both are boring.

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265
    Answer ✓

    I don't miss Dead Hard in the slightest. Give me Sprint Burst and Lithe any time of the day. Having to bait out Dead Hard for every survivor was a drag, especially when the whole team would have Dead Hard equipped.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    Answer ✓

    If you think that SB is less counterable than DH, you must not be in a super high elo. People would just not fall for the bait, its not that hard to tell the difference between a bait and a swing. Smart survivors would just hold the dh and run around pallets knowing theres nothing you can do.

    SB just provides a safety net and possible crazy chase value when done well. if you get caught off guard on a gen, SB to a loop. Cant get tunneled off hook bc SB gets you away, that kind if thing. It only adds 7 seconds of chasetime directly, 12 if a 110% killer. All it does it guarantee you reach a loop after a use. Outside of the first activation, you need walk in chase, purposefully losing distance for 40s worth of time just to proc it again.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    Answer ✓

    Old dead hard was worse. Apart from making distance to a loop, it could also be used to get into a better position for a flashlight save or dodge Trapper’s traps/projectiles

    SB is harder to manage and survivor is not invulnerable while the speed boost is up

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439
    Answer ✓

    If anything it was always just boring to play around as killer.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    Answer ✓

    yeah sorry man that came across worse than I meant. It was more a "lol those dh users must suck" than a "wow u must suck if you think that" sorry about that.

    Yeah obviously you arent supposed to swing at the sight of them. one of the main reasons it was unhealthy, it removed lunging from the game is the surv had any semblance of reaction time. After all, a max lunge is 0.8s, vg human reaction time is 0.25s. DH lasts 0.5s.

    0.8 - (0.25+0.5)=0.05s to swing through a dh. And only at MAXIMUM lunge range. Granted reaction time differs, but if they wait just a moment longer and focus any lunge outside of one lasting 0.25 seconds from start to hit will be DH-ed. Makes for unfun gameplay.

    Also, how was dh counterable at pallets? You can lunge or they DH, or at the very least its not worth the risk. You cant wait it out or they get the pallet. And baiting relies on their stupidity, any good survivor would just not fall for it. In theory, you could swing and hit them during that buffer period where endurance is gone and they cant drop the pallet. But not only does that require insane precision, but is latency reliant. If you are at a range where you need to lunge to land in the buffer, you need to calculate for the dh timer, the distance, when to start lunging, then hope you get there before they drop. If you were just right in front of them then its easy muscle memory, but if you are that close then you would have just hit them before and dh would be a non issue.

    • The main counter to dh, waiting it out, couldnt be done at pallets.
    • Lunging is a core mechanic of killer gameplay that was removed by survivors having dh+reaction time. Perks shouldnt completely deny core gameplay mechanics.
    • Baiting is unreliable as a mindgame and only works if the survivor is stupid. Flicking your camera isnt a counter, its a alst ditch hope that it'll work. Lunging has a sound cue and visual cue when it starts. If the survivor just waited to see your weapon move rather than your head, then baiting was useless.
    • The buffer period was latency reliant, extremely short and way too inconsistent to be called a counter. If that period lasted about 2 seconds rather than like 0.2, then dead hard would have been balanced with ample amounts of counterplay. But it didnt, therefore it wasnt.

    Waiting didnt work. Baiting didnt work. Lunging didnt work. Buffer period was unreasonably inconsistent. What could most killer realistically do other than eat the pallet and be on their way? You could just not chase the dh user, but since like 2-3/4 always had it you had to deal with it. You have to commit to someone eventually, at which point you either tunnel out the non dh users or eat dh all game bc you dont tunnel. There was no real counters to the perk at pallets, it was effectively og dh just with less room for error.

    I actually loved fighting dh outside of pallets though. The mindgames and predictions made for interesting gameplay in deadzones and vaults. But in true bhvr fashion they didnt take community feedback and instead made it worthless.


    I mean yeah, you could run vigil and make using sb in chase easier. But for one, 28 seconds is still a lot of time to walk mid chase. And two, vigil is not worth using over some other perk. Why use vigil when you could bring deliverance, or adrenaline, or reassurance etc etc etc? Its very outclassed by those perks anyway, and skilled players dont need vigil to use sb.

    Most often, people charge sb by walking after a pallet stun/drop or safe vault, or by standing still when they've chained to another loop. If they've stunned you, they probably outplayed you in some way. if their in a position to vault safely consistently, they've been looping well. Im not gonna say chaining loops is skillful on its own, but it at least shows a good understanding of pathing. All of these ways to charge SB involve some form of skill to acquire, whether its an outplay (360 into a vault, sick vacuum, pallet fake etc) or just making distance something skillful had to happen. If someone has enough time to walk for 28 seconds mid chase, then they've been looping well. Especially if they dont have vigil.

    Because good SB users dont walk around to map to save it, it can be inconsistent how much they need to walk to get sb back. If they were on a gen for 20 seconds before they got found, its 20. If they got found 60 seconds late then they get the first proc, but they need to walk for 40 seconds to use it again. And if they got found 39 seconds in, they get a 99ed SB to choose if they want to use it now or save it.

    • If they get found before the cooldown ends, getting it back is easier. But, the start of the chase is harder because you dont have that safety net to fall back on. you might get hit before you reach a loop, or have to use a pallet to avoid it.
    • If they get found after, they get an easier start to the chase but a harder chase overall. Chasing without an ex perk is a big disadvantage, and now you need to walk for 40 seconds to use one. If the chase lasts long enough to get 40 seconds of walking, you have to have been looping like hell. Hence, mid chase SB is skilled bc chase is skilled.
    • The scenario of being found right as your SB gets to 99% is so niche and rare its not even worth talking about. Yeah, its really powerful when it happens but it never does.

    Heres the math of how much time an SB buys against non mobile killers.

    SB moves at 6m/s. Killers go at either 4.6 or 4.4. sb lasts 3 seconds.

    (6 - 4.6)3 = 4.2m of distance gained. 4.2/0.6= 7 seconds to regain those 4.2m.

    (6- 4.4)3 = 4.8m of distance gained. 4.8/0.4= 12 seconds to regain those 4.8m.

    If the survivor reaches a loop within those 7/12 seconds, then the chase is extended further. The initial proc of SB essentially means that you get to start the chase as if you were already at a loop. If ex isnt up yet, then for value you need to lose distance on purpose. And once you have SB back and 99ed as a reward for walking for however long, you can guarantee you reach one more loop.

    The counter to SB is to just down them before exhaustion ends. The initial proc guarantees they reach a loop, so just loop them. If you think they'll get sb back just get the pallet down and go. In all the time they need to walk you are for sure gonna hit them once if you arent playing an m1 killer. And if you are, its a killer balance issue that they cant hit someone when they are actively losing distance. And if you dont hit them in all that time as a higher tier killer, they are just better and outplayed you really well.

    So essentially, sprint burst acts a safety net so you start off chases with a loop at the ready. You are rewarding for actively losing distance with the power to reach another loop when you need to. it takes a lot of walking to recharge, and if you get it recharged then you have been looping well enough that you've had those opportunities.

    SB is probably the best designed perk in the game. But if you prefer the dh meta, rip bc i dont think its ever coming back lol.
