We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

Every Killer Changes that would be nice


If all the killers were to get changes, what i think would be good. My opinion, obviously.

  • Trapper: Rework- Giving him acess to his power at all time, but nerf his camping and lockdown potential (basement)
  • Wraith: Reduced the "Woosh" sound range from 40m to 32m.
  • Hillbilly: Increase his chainsaw sprint speed slighly, add-on rework
  • Nurse: Removed the ability to go phase through objects and walls on follow-up blinks
  • Myers: Increased Pallet breaking speed in tier 2 and 3 (10%, 20%), Survivors regain stalk meter doing conspicous actions, added ability to stalk i tier 3 and get a 5 sec aura reading, removed/nerf the tombstone add-ons
  • Hag: Can't place traps and traps placed 10m of a hooked survivor are destroyed
  • Doctor: TR increased to 40m, Increase the range of shock by 2m
  • Huntress: After 4s a fully charged hatched is automatically launched if not canceled
  • Bubba: Increase heat generation and remove heat depletion while 10m of a hooked survivor, increase the chainsaw sprint speed, some add-on tweaks
  • Nightmare: Rework- Combining aspects from the 2 versions of freddy and more tricks to mess with the survivors in the dream world
  • Pig: Reduced TR 20m, better crouch meve speed, better ambush (ability to vault pallets and windows), add-on rework (more focus on chase and spreading chaos by survivors puting the others in danger for them to survive, nerf the traps lethality, aka the tampered timer and gears add-ons)
  • Clown: Gain 20% vault and pallet break speed while invigorated (yellow bottle), rework the insta down add-on
  • Spirit: Spirit only starts passive phasing if she has the power available, some add-on nerfs
  • Legion: Remove the self stun if you get the 5th stab down combo.
  • Plague: Remove the fake hits when using her power (aka, the survivor acts like he got hit by the vomit but they didn't get infected), because of this sometimes it's hard to know if you are being effective with your purge when survivors are infected, since some of them can be "phantom hits)
  • Ghostface: Reveal range should be the same as the stalking range and more intuitive, fix the leaning on some maps not being responsive
  • Demo: Be back in the game, faster speed while teleporting
  • The Oni: Faster Passive blood meter after X time without getting a hit
  • Deathslinger: Some add-ons reworked, TR reduced to 24m
  • Executtioner: Nerf tunneling/cages, better add-ons
  • Blight: Add-on nerfs
  • Twins: Make Victor self-destroy if he is in 16m of a hooked survivor, reduced cooldown for downing survivor from 5 to 3s, increased cooldown when Victor is Kicked by a survivor from 6 to 12s. Add ability self destroy idle Victor while controlling Charlotte.
  • Trickster: Being damaged by Knives doesn't stop the unhooking animation. Rework Main event (honestly anything more interesting then knife machine gun, be creative)
  • Nemesis: Better add-ons
  • Cenobite: Survivor with box is not targeted by chain hunt, while chain hunt is active you get killer instict when they pick up the box
  • Artist: Iri add-on rework, stunning artist remove all placed and swarming crows
  • Onryo: Making condemmed more interesting to play around but less punishing for survivors, make so survivor have to actively need to manage their meter
  • Dredge: Rebalance the nightfall charge add-ons (Malthinker's skull, buff the other)
  • Mastermind: Infection gets reset to 1% when hooked instead of 50%
  • The Knight: Give survivor's something they can do to the guards (stunned them, make so other survivor can pick up flags), increase the maximum distance of trails, insert a minimum range of trails (unless you give the guard a break action)
  • Skull Merchant: Rework: No suggestions just back to drawing board here.
  • Singularity: IDK, let's see when he gets live, i guess.


  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 431

    I actually agree with almost all of this. Just two tweaks I would make. I used to be a pig main and I wouldn't decrease her base terror radias but I would buff her base crouch speed and her enter and exit from crouch.

    And pyramid head I would reverse the change in the ptb. I'm a current pyramid main and this change is going to overpower his tunnel game and cannot come to main lobby's. I would also increase the range a cage moves to 16 meters.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,466

    i think you have good attempt to improve a lot of killers, but some killer are more complex to improve then others. I think what I would do for trapper is allow trapper to throw his traps similar to placing freddy snares. This would allow him to use his power in the chase and make him more engaging to play.

    Some killer are simple and just small number change or some add-on changes can improve them. other's need a bit more refinement.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,523

    How many of these Killers do you actually play yourself? cause there are some pretty broken suggestions on that list there.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,078

    Really? You think some of the suggestions are broken? I can ask you for examples, pls. I tried to be resonable and not give many suggestions or be vague on killers that i don't play.

    Killers that i play, well my favourite killers to play are: Plague, Doctor, Artist, Pig, Wesker. But i also play but less frequent, Bubba, Billy, Wraith, Myers, Deathslinger and Cenobite. All the other i either don't play at all, don't have them or very rarely play them.

    So for them the suggestion came from watching gameplay of those killers or when i face them as survivor

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,078

    Yeah, i agree. Some killers are in a really good spot or just need a few tweaks. But characters like trapper if don't receive a rework would be either still to weak or really unfun

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,078

    Yeah, the PH buff in the PTB is really nuts, i also hope its reverted.

    For Pig i like those changes, but i would like her TR to be dropped since she originaly had a 24m TR when she launched. It would be easier to iniate ambushes without having to relly on info perks as much.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,466

    i don't think it will get reverted. I know why they're changing him too. its because of anti-face camp changes. they're giving pyramid head the ability to facecamp better. people argue that it makes him stronger but in reality, everything he is doing in ptb, he is doing it in live server just as well. Him hitting two people as one person get uncaged is mechanic on live servers. so you getting caged->hook is no different then what he is doing ptb on cage->cage. Its just basic facecamping->tunnel gameplay.


    pig does not need lower base-tr. she needs her crouch movement speed buffed. for some reason dev just buffed john medical file instead. Like why is it so hard for pig to be 105% m/s when crouched.


    trapper is lock-down centralized killer. they're not going nerf that. all they can do to make him a bit enjoyable to play is buff his chase by making him throw traps in chase so that trapper mains like otz go back to playing trapper and stop calling him the worst in the game. He is not that bad vs average survivor team because people barely play round his ability but whatever I guess.