Killer main tries to play a couple of matches of solo survivors

A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 1,996


  1. Laurie gets downed and DC’s less than a minute in.
  2. Multiple people down in the span of two minutes and it snowballs into a loss with the Killer taunting me with the hatch.

I’ll just stick to Killer, thanks. I have more control there.


  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    Solo queue is unplayable now, since my friends aren't interested in playing dbd I switched to killer.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    It's so weird, but for the first time since escape based MM was introduced into the game, I'm actually having more fun in SoloQ than playing Killer. I basically get one or two awful matches that are over in a few minutes because people realize that Go Next is the best course of action with such skill discrepancies and then I get one or two games where we all pull our weights and the Killer doesn't play like he is forced to 4k at gunpoint.

    Killer meanwhile is just horrendous. RPD/Game/Garden of Pain/Cowshed every other match, solid loopers that you can't do anything against as an M1 killer especially when they abuse the infinites on Haddonfield/Sheltered Woods. I need to play like 6-8 games to get one team that doesn't completely demolish me if I don't tunnel hardcore from the first second. I'm almost tempted to just finally pour the hours into Nurse.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 1,996

    Every time I try to get into playing Survivor, my hope gets draining almost immediately and I swap back to Killer. I wouldn’t be playing DBD if the solo role of Killer didn’t exist. Having your own agency in what you do is important to me and Survivor takes a lot of that away from you.

    I’ve been playing for years and I feel like the DC’ing and hook suiciding was never this bad.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    The agency is a big deal, not gonna lie. Seeing people crouch on the other side of the map, or 3 people on the same gen running in the same direction while you're hooked (and it's not your direction lol) will make you lose hope having to rely on them. I also had a Rebecca yesterday who I think had Bond and would take the killer to her teammates working on gens so he would drop chase on her.

    Also many games seem winnable if people didn't stay idle way too much. (I remember seeing a Mikaela doing nothing for a minute or more at the start of the game, probably cause she was looking for a boon). Even when it's 2 of us left I rather do a gen than hide if we're both alive (if one is hooked I might go for the save or try to find a hatch and if I get hooked I just die, hoping they get hatch).

    It just feels like you need to be extremelly good vs the killer to have a chance if your team is suboptimal and even then it's not a guarantee as it can go south very fast (I remember a game where Nurse was chasing me for 2-3 mins and two gens popped then she left me and within 30 seconds two teammates go down while I am healing, actually 3 gens should have popped in that time, like how do you lose such a game? I even run her for a minute or two when me and Ace were left, so obviously I outplayed her but it wasn't enough)

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    I have not played much over the last few months I admit that but I did get on last night and played a couple of solo games.

    Game 1 - Face camping Plague and everyone just gave up.

    Game 2 - Hag (Which I was highly surprised to see) grabbed a 3 gen from the start and never left. I was pleasantly surprised by how well my solo lobby played though. We lost Meg at 1 gen remaining (not a big loss since it took her 5 min to touch her first gen) and Nea, Felix, and myself all split and attacked each gen. She eventually committed to Nea and we popped the final gen. She played it so well though she still got the 3 of us. We were all injured trying to bang out the last gen and it caught up to us. Overall GG though. I went back to MHR after that game however.

    Thoughts: My playtime has been low over the last 6 months or so (easy to figure out why) but over the course of 20-30 games in that time all solo I have noticed that Tunneling, Camping or 3 gen is what is seen the most. On the rarer games where the killer tries to 12 hook he gets 3-4 outed by solos. So right now I understand perfectly why these strats are being used however I see no reason for me to be here to see them. This game needs a face lift that the community AND devs refuse to accept. Chapter releases are no longer holding this game together so......try something else???

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 489

    This is because of bad MM, troll survivors and lack of proper coordination.

    By no means this should be an indicator that killer was good and dominating though some people would gladly use such case as argument that killers deserve additional nerfs down the road.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 7,989
    edited June 2023

    Exactly. It's fine if the difference between the best and worst survivor comes down to 20 seconds of chase time or something like that. But the difference can't be "one survivor can run this Oni for the entire power and two survivors are genuinely afraid to touch a generator and also go down instantly to the Oni out of his power". I don't want a fast queue for a game like that. I'd rather wait a few minutes for a better match or not play at all.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353
    edited June 2023

    Do you feel this response of yours is out of place in a topic about how this killer main tried solo queue and instantly decided to switch back because his survivor games were like so awful? Your post is giving invalidation, survivor is ok! but really killer is awful, and a bevy of other like tone deaf arguments. I know the narrative is that killer is somehow worse than survivor even though the kill rates are like 60% but like… is this really the place?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    I think what could be really helpful is if you as a killer main remember what solo queue survivor was like when you played that role. So when you queue up as killer maybe now you have some perspective on what’s happening with the survivors you’re facing, and that’ll encourage you to be more gracious with them.

  • robrob909
    robrob909 Member Posts: 69

    Kill rates when people are killling themselves on hook every match. Where’s the logic in that

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    1.) It doesn’t really matter how survivors die.

    2.) Failing skill checks on hook has always been a thing.

    3.) There’s no mass conspiracy to artificially inflate kill rates via failed self-unhooks.

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    Considering This Thread is about a killer main tries to play Survivor but then switches to back to killer!!

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Right, nobody can have a different experience than you, that's just not possible. Gotcha.

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153
    edited June 2023

    Your different experience could be making games harder for everyone else until You get a better and fun game.

    At least that's what it sounds like.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 474

    People have developed this mindset that "DBD is sooooo toxic 24/7!!" and that they constantly get flamed in EGC every match so they "absolutely don't want mic chat", but this doesn't match my own experiences. It seems to be mostly people complaining about the alleged toxicity that is the issue... and the toxicity that exists isn't in-game, it's the players on social media being toxic. I've seen more incidents of DBD people on social media and such being toxic than actually in-game or mid-match.

    And the people who truly do see it "every single time in the chat or in messages" might be hiding something about the circumstances... like perhaps being a NOED basement bubba every game, or P100 sweaty Blight with map offerings, full sweaty perks and full sweaty add-ons. Or perhaps being a "3 gen from the start" sweaty Knight/Skull Merchant 24/7.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,049

    Survivor has been pretty miserable for me too lately. I mostly play duo now with my friend but we still get bad teammates. Killer is in better place but often I get some good looper swf:s or gen rushers well I still managed to win some and ties at least usually.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 246

    I thought I'd reinstall the game after a couple of weeks of not really playing. First game tried survivor. 3 minutes in, dc'd and uninstalled again. Playing this is just no longer for me I think. Gens are treated like they have a disease and can't be touched, both sides act like real life depends on the outcome of the match and any bit of casual fun just feels like it's been stripped out of the game. I've blamed mmr since it released and still do.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 474

    They can fix it by changing the system to account for personal result + match result + emblems, and that would fix basically every issue.

    Although, it definitely can't fix being bad at the game. While raising MMR with solo queue teammates is hard, I doubt every person here is a Survivor legend/decent Survivor who should be at high or upper mid MMR.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 208

    You talking about someone being tunneled from hooks 1 and 2 to them be farmed just have me massive PTSD over some of my matches, ngl. 😂 I remember being tunneled by a Wraith off hook and doing very well! I got him through all 5 gens and was REASSURED on hook while he camped me in 2nd state, and a Nancy pulled me off hook in front of the Wraith, when nobody had time to even touch a door... And my only thought was, "leave me on the hook and get a door. WHY ARE YOU UNHOOKING ME?!" My duo friend that reassured me had to keep throwing herself at the Wraith to try to save me (including standing up with Unbreakable and taking ANOTHER hit), and I ended up dying because no doors were nearby and nobody had a chance to work on one when I got unhooked.

    If only I could've told the Nancy do NOT unhook me yet...

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2023

    Unhooking someone one death hook, before anyone has even touched an exit gate, is a great example of common sense not finding it's way into the average players' brain, for the reasons @edgarpoop mentioned

    If that player is not thinking critically enough to conclude that you're safer on hook until a gate is open, they likely will never reach that conclusion on their own.

    They also could have been doing an unhook archive, and did not care that it was the wrong play for you. ...but that is a whole other can of worms.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    They can but it's so hard to admit MMR was big failure for them. So most likely won't happen.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    i did so as well, i became a 50/50 player from a solo survivor main when dredge was released, and since 6.1 i play way less overall, but the time i play is like 70-80% killer, not only because killer is really easy to 4k, but also because solo survivor is no fun to play at all and a waste of time.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    If every killer played in the most optimal way they can then we'd have the true winrates. Killers not proxy camping and tunneling actually obscures the truth of how busted they can be against solo survivor if they are played right. So yeah, as long as survivors suicide and killers don't play optimally we cannot know of the true killrates. Perhaps if every killer was a sweatlord, we might have also seen nerfs to certain playstyles a lot sooner.