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What's the point of using slowdowns now?

illNicola Member Posts: 482

I started playing dbd again after a 5 month hiatus, picked up a full antigen build (with the few that are left). They don't matter at all, I tried another build with no slowdown and found myself noticeably better doing carnage without restraint.

At this point, since the slowdowns no longer matter, why not rework them? Since they don't count for anything, at this point I wonder why they don't completely rework them

Generators are currently so fast that slowdowns don't do anything, plus very little is done without tunneling anyway.


  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I also try to do synergies, and the combo you use on Wraith I used on pyramid head. True, I can also hit well with the punishment, however it is not rewarding. The generators flew anyway, I fell back to using Devour hope with undying and Pentimento. and I managed quietly (more or less quietly) to kill.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 6,966

    That also works. I used that combo on Skull Merchant the other night, it's risky but effective slowdown.

    There's still plenty of avenues to get your slowdown, you just normally have to think about it more and get most of it through spreading pressure naturally.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2023

    You have to tunnel/camp now. It’s the only way to reliably win.

    Anyways… how about that Texas Chainsaw Massacre game coming out soon? 3 Killers vs 4 survivors sounds much better.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,494

    Cause if they buffed Gen regression perks then we would be back to 4 slowdown perk builds

    But also if they changed the % based Gen regression perks then those would be used a lot (then get changed again)

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Thank you, but I still know how to build them. I think I was one of the first to use the combo with Pentimento and Plathing, I started using it as soon as the Artist came out.

    The real problem is that you can do a slowdown build with synergies, you can also apply it to the fullest, simply gens fly (obviously we are talking about high mmr against the top swf), so slowdowns count for little or nothing if the people you are against are so well organized that consistently manages to counter the regression.

    As I will always say, slowdowns are not efficient since they can't match (not exceed, match) the surv's repair speed

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482
  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Simply buff the gen regression, nerf the gen speed (perk, toolboxes and bnp) and maybe limit the slowdowns.

    I did a similar test some time ago with my friends in private games (playing seriously tryharding like bastards). No stuff to speed up the gens, just 1 slowdown and we deduced that, quite simply, if the chases don't last long, the survs don't have time to gen, while if they last long, the gens start. As it should be. In public games, just genrush and you win without problems. As always, the killer's objective is not as fast as the surv's. Even tunneling you notice how fast the generators are

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Well, once upon a time, both gen speed and slowdowns were more or less the same. They balanced with the chase, if you were strong in the chase (whether killer or surv) you won. In fact, I closed games really quickly, with 4 or 5 gen left.

    Now survs can easily do ######### in chase, they can genrush and still win. In fact, like you said, all the crap for genrush should be nerfed underground.

    If you say "There are enough slowdowns in the game" I agree, but they are not efficient currently. If the devs nerfed all gen speed, then the slowdowns would be well balanced

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,494

    I thought the same things... nerfing the Gen progression would be a way to improve the game... but it's more like basekit that needs to be changes... then nerf Toolboxes and perks (if need be)

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    If you put like 100 seconds to repair a gen, it's boring and you force to bring genrush builds. Devs need to destroy everything that speed up gens, both perks and toolboxes. If they increase gen time will be boring, even if it's balanced since gens now fly

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,494

    I'm not saying to increase the Gen times... but the base Gen progression

    1.0 charges for an individual Survivor

    .85 per Survivor that group up (2 Survivors)

    .70 per Survivor that group up (3 Survivors)

    .55 per Survivor that group up (4 Survivors)

    And then adding in Toolboxes and perks... Sorry but I can't run the numbers right now

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    I guess it’s the same point behind bringing medkits. 🤷‍♀️

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,929

    They should impose some limitations, like only two slowdowns or no slowdown beyond x percent or whatever. But somehow BHVR is stuck on the idea that builds should be free and everything stacking or be usable with everything else.

    Ironically, by not setting up limits, they are limiting their own design space.

    A perk that could be cute with Trapper and help him out might be utterly oppressive on Nurse, so it will be balanced around her. Just imagine if a perk could have a different set of rules on problematic killers and thus ne actually good on weaker ones, or *gosh* not usable on problematic killers.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,234

    Deadlock, Pain Res and Corrupt are all still decent slowdown perks for almost any killer, and Jolt is solid for all m1 killers too.

    Sloppy is also alright slowdown.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,420

    The point of using slowdowns is to slowdown the game.

    Are we helping yet?~

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    If you tunnel out the first survivor and they aren't good or it's not one of the bazillion 50+ safe pallet map, you might actually be able to 4k with them.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,494

    If they do limit how builds can be made:

    Killers- 1 chase, 1 Gen slowdown, 1 Aura, 1 Anti healing

    Survivors- 1 chase, 1 Gen speedup, 1 Aura, 1 Healing

    It will open up how perks are balance but an obvious limitation on perks... players will find out what's best

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Since slowdown are useless right now... No.

    I hope pop remain with 30% after the next patch, finally it can shine again

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Overbrine is useless, eruption is not good anymore, but because survs sometimes can end gens before you can down someone even if you down someone very quickly.

    Corrupt is excellent? Nah, I don't know about you but I find survivor very quickly and I end chase very quickly, so you know it's a wasted slot in many opinion. Maybe there are some exceptions, like for example I chase a surv in a safe zone during corrupt and I can destroy some pallets.

    PR I agree, now must be studied a bit, but in my opinion the limit is just stupid. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think it can give some value right now.

    About pop I agree, I am so happy that pop can at least be similar to its top form.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 858

    Asides from Deadlock, slowdown perks only help you a small amount in this patch.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,266

    Every word I used to refer to Overbrine Eruprion was in the past tense, referring to them before they got rightfully nerfed.

    I use Corrupt to herd Survivors towards the unblocked gens. It slows down any potential gen progress, since I'm nearby, and it also starts expending resources in that area, making it unsafe. I'm not necessarily looking to down someone ASAP with Corrupt, I'm looking to inflict the maximum damage possible, like I said.

    You are most definitely wrong about PR. 25% is a huge amount of instant regression, having it more than 4x a match would be extremely OP.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,011

    You slow the game down, not stall it indefinitely.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,392

    What’s with this disconnect between survivors and killers regarding gen speed? Gens are extremely slow and not the problem. It seems like people more so have problems with efficient survivors.

    Doing a gen solo takes a whole 90 seconds and killers have the ability to take away 22.5 seconds of that with a single hook and another 6-7 seconds if they’re running jolt. All of this without even having to go out of your way to kick a gen. Gen speed is fine and gen regression perks are still strong.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,420

    You realize the only slowdown thats "useless" right now is Ruin correct? Every other slowdown is still useful, just not to the extent as before.

    Besides we answered the question, heck we even answered correctly~

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    If I find some time I will try a build with PR, maybe you're right. 25% unlimited will be op, I agree, in fact I preferred the 15% that can be used more than one time.

    I don't really agree with what you said about corrupt, but that's my opinion. Probably we have two different playstyle and for your playstyle fit better than mine

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Pop right now has no value, it will have value after the patch

    Thana useless

    Call of brine and overcharge both 0 value

    Eruption is decent but 10% without blocking gen is not that much. For a down, if it doesn't block the gen at least a decent regression since 10% is nothing

    Pain resonance in my opinion was better with 15% unlimited, but I need to try it

    Deadlock is countered by genrush, my last matches ended up with 6 gens made so deadlock was useless

    For pentimento you need to run a specific build, and against swf is useless/not strong since they remember which totem they broke during the game

    Corrupt gives no value, since in my opinion it's just stupid that it goes off after the first down, since you as killer want to down survs as quickly as possible, so I don't see why a perk should deactivate if I'm doing my job well.

    Am I forgetting something?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,618

    It’s most likely a skill issue if all you do to win is tunnel/camp, I rarely do any of those and I can still get 4ks.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,252

    You can get the same value out of new Pain Res in 4 hooks that would take you 7 hooks with the old version. Combine it with Surge and you have up to 33% regression 4 times during the early game when you need it. All of this while being rewarded for spreading hooks and not tunneling. Spreading some damage early also tends to quickly exhaust whatever heavily nerfed medkit resources the survivor team brings. I haven't been struggling to create pressure.

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    Meh, I always thought stacked slowdown was overrated, but you can absolutely still get strong slowdown 3-4 stacking on certain killers.

    I used this Knight build I saw Otz using involving jolt, unnerving presence, surge, and eruption, with his red add-on that exposes every 4th knight. Now from the description alone you would maybe think that’s only effective on indoor maps, but I had a game on Borgo against a gen-rushing SWF and although the game came down to last gen, they all died before the gates opened, and again, this was a pretty strong team with a TTV player.

    Results Will very per killer alot more now, but you CAN make some unconventional builds with slowdowns work. You definitely have to employ other slow down tactics, such as slugging, a lot more, and don’t get me wrong, they are nowhere near where they used to be, but they aren’t all outright dead.

    Gen rushing absolutely does need nerfing though.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,420

    Yes. yes you are but we dout you'll listen:

    Pop has value now and is getting more soon

    Brine and overcharge have value if they stay off the gen long enough

    Eruption is still decent

    While we prefer old pain, this one is also good

    Deadlock both works and slows down genrush so idk what your doing there

    We dont realy count penti as a slowdown but if you want then yes it requires a specific build for a good slowdown and even swfs will have a hard time finding it depending on when you light it (aka dont light it asap)

    Corrupt gives a blocker, meaning they cant be worked on, meaning value. Also since its on down and not injure if you spread pain to everyone then on 1st down theres 1-3 others injured and 3 garneted non touched gens.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    From my experience the game is still unplayable without multiple slowdown perks, so idk what you are going on about. Maybe it depends on which killer you are playing though?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,052
    edited June 2023

    I use Devour w/ Thrill over Undying on my Skull Merchant. Thrill's totem slowdown + Drones make it much easier to potentially interrupt a cleanse.

    For OP, I'd offer a reminder that pressure is not slowdown alone. Pressure is anything that keeps Survivors off of generators.

    Heals slowed down by sloppy butcher is pressure. Slugging one survivor to immediately pursue another is pressure, forcing extra objectives like totems, Pig traps, or cleansing Wesker's infection is pressure.

    If slowdown by itself isn't working, maybe see what other strategies you can incorporate.

    Myself and jesterkind note how SM can defend totems. My Sadako uses Gearhead and Face the Darkness for accurate teleporting, which can often interrupt gens, I've had success with a stealth build on the Doctor of all Killers.

    If slowdown isn't working maybe stalls lot Corrupt Intervention, Dead Man's Switch, or Deadlock will be more your speed. If your feel your best is getting someone out as quick as possible, focus on early game perks that allow you to find/down people fast.

    Synergize with your own playstyle, as well as your chosen Killer(s).