What's equivalent of being tunneled out of the game for killer?

Jejune Member Posts: 795

It's not gen rushing because you can (attempt to) do something. You can't do anything on the hook and dead zone.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    Survivors can attempt to beat tunneling.

    The tunneled survivor can attempt to extend chase to make the tunneling backfire.

    Other survivors can attempt body blocks to create distance for the tunneled survivor or even get the killer to change target.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,884

    No I didn’t try to tell you to feel different. I am saying that there are multiple different situations that can make you feel like this.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,673

    1v2+ chases, where even if you down someone, you can't secure the hook due to blinds and sabos.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Had this happen with me once. Playing as jeff on rpd against a wraith. I kept first chase going for a very long time, loads of stuns and blinds. He spent the rest of the game hard tunneling me, but just held shift w in chase and took ages to actually land a hit. He lost 4 gens by the time he finally got me on second hook. Then the other 3 survs all banded together to body block in turn when I got unhooked, and i managed a clean getaway. Hid by a gate and they popped 4th gen and we had a 4 man out.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I just wanna know why y’all are arguing. Damn. There’s no need to lash out at me.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 2023

    You -can- do something when you're being tunneled though. You can attempt to loop the killer and waste some of their time.

    Also why are you in a deadzone? Your basekit BT and Haste should ensure you can reach a loop against the killer. If you use your speed boost to run into a deadzone that's pretty much on you.

    Yes, tunneling sucks and being tunneled feels awful if you're not a great looper, but can we please stop acting like tunneling someone means they just drop dead with no input?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,042

    A no mither/boil over squad was pretty miserable for maps like the old RPD library, Ormond, and dead dawg. Nothing you could really do except avoid some parts of the map once you knew.

    Similar thing for double locker flashlight squads before that got nerfed. Just annoying and not much you can really do.

    I'll never buy the 'doing gens is identical to tunneling survivors' bullshit. If the killer approaches a survivor on a gen, the survivor has to leave or lose a health state. If they stay, they get downed and at best they trade a hook for the gen progress. Either option is progressing the killer's objective to chase, down, and hook.

    A tunneling killer can't be stopped. Survivors who want to interrupt a tunneling killer can only try and slow them down, and trade health states (or even downs) in the process. At no point is the killer ever completely stopped from tunneling because there is nothing that can override the killers autonomy in that choice.

    That's completely the opposite since a survivor who chooses to stay at a pressured gen gets downed and their autonomy is taken away.

    The tunneling killer will eventually get the survivor. And any other survivors attempting to stop that just means they aren't doing gens. There's literally no way, ever, within the game mechanics to even interfere with the killer tunneling while still progressing the survivor objective. You either ignore the killer and just try to escape as fast as possible, or are forced to give the killer additional advantage by ignoring gens.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    nah its definitely gen rushing. Both tunneling and gen rushing are based around focusing entirely on your objective, to the point that nobody has fun. Except gen rushing you bring items and perks to make it happen rather than just a simple strat. A killer can do as much about gen rushing as a survivor can about tunneling. A tunneled survivor can make it to a loop with bt, sure, but their gonna be injured that whole chase and prob go down crazy fast. Sure a killer can try to pressure that generator, maybe kick it or smth. But since regression at base is worthless, and they brought things to make gens go even faster, you cant do anything. If you try to get pressure, you are spending time away from the gens. Committing to a chase means gen progress. And with gen rushing, one survivor can finish a gen in 40 seconds flat. The average chase is about 48 seconds, so if everyones gen rushing every chase means one gen goes off.

    Especially bc of BNPs. 5s to get 25% progress, 22.5 seconds. Effectively 450% speed for a few seconds. 1/4 of repair speed to regress, so 22.5=90. 90 seconds, a whole generator, to a regress a BNP that was done in 5.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    It's Gen rushing... plain and simple

    Things can happen for both sides

    Survivors can make it harder for the Killer to Tunnel... and Killers can make it harder for Survivors to complete Gens

    And it's all part of the viscous cycle known as DBD

    Tunneling Survivors means that Survivors will Tunnel the Gens to finish the match as fast as they can

    If the Gens contained checkpoints that need a part to continue repairing the Gen

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    As far as Deadzones, I think they are talking about getting hard tunnelled off hook. The area around where you got hooked typically is a deadzone because you wouldn't have gone down and utilized the resources if it wasn't. Also many Killers can force a vault grab or bodyblock the vault point even if it isn't a deadzone. Theoretically even against an M1 Killer, the Killer still runs slightly faster than the BT unhooked Surv, but most times you get tunneled by a power use like a Demo Shred/Wesker Dash/Blight Rush/Huntress Hatchet/Nurse Blink/etc.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited June 2023

    It is indeed genrushing. The easiest way to win with the less skill involved. Yeah, knowing gens location is not very hard in this game. Most killers can’t do much about it.

    Meanwhile if you are a good looper or have decent teamates, you can still answer tunneling.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,448

    That almost never happens. Yh some killer are strong and get you quick, but not bc of deadzones. You reach a loop, but against a blight or nurse it doesnt help much.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    Probably dealing with SWFs who can tell you the pixel count of the generators exact layout.

    I always feel like each game needs 20 to 24 gen spots to spread the 8 gens. Do survivors can’t just instantly know where half of them are. Same with pallets.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Well the other problem is you have to reach a normal loop, not merely a filler pallet. Even an M1 Killer can bloodlust any Borgo filler pallet, even if there are 30 of them.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,448
    edited June 2023

    Borgo filler pallet? Almost every filler pallet on borgo is strong and so close, you can chain them easily. I wish someone would try to tunnel me on borgo. They always give up (Nurse excluded).

    To be fair i use windows, so its really easy.

    There are some weak pallets in one corner, but no reason to loop there.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I legit won the other week as Pig just using stealth for a quick first hit and Bloodlusting those filler pallets. Is it fun? No. Is it effective? Yes.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    I too view tunneling as corresponding to coordinated and planned genrushing. At least when it comes to pressure and where to apply it efficiently while working toward the objective.

    When it comes to the concept of feeling helpless and just having no way to do sth about it without a very specific build / very specific perks ... I'd say the equivalent is a coordinated no-hooks-no-slugs swf. Where there's no Mither, WGLF, FTP, Breakout, Sabo, Soulguard, Boil Over and maybe some other perk combinations that work well toward that end alongside toolboxes. You can't hook them because of where they run and which tools the others employ to make it impossible for you to hook a downed survivor. You can't slug because someone will come pick them up / they pick themselves up. - And if you are patient and efficient enough and you don't mess up you will kill all of them except one by bleeding them out - just like a good, coordinated team that doesn't mess up will manage to finish the gens before the tunneled surv is completely dead.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,448

    Yh well everyone gets bad survivors. Borgo is widely known as survivor sided map and i have no trouble looping on it.

    I mean you can definitely get a hit with bloodlust 3 on this pallets, but you would lose too much time. Without even counting the safe pallets, which reset your bloodlust and after one hit they are easily reachable.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    That kinda is my point though, that even on a favored map as one of the weakest Killers, you can still force a hit (even easier tunneled) in the majority of circumstances. There most certainly were the stronger loops where I needed to kick the pallet, but most people burn them prior to going down near that hook. When I say 'Bloodlust the Borgo/Garden pallet', I mean T1 Bloodlust, so 15-24s before getting the hit.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,448

    But thats not completely true. In this case the skill of the survivor matters.

    If you loop most of this pallets on the long side and vault the pallet, the killer needs more than T1.

    So the survivor needs to make a mistake:

    - dropping the pallet, when the killer can go around the short side, while in animation

    - panicvaulting

    - looping the short side

    - etc.

    Dont get me wrong, i would gladly see bloodlust removed, bc i thinks its an unfun mechanic, but getting tunneled out by a weak killer is a skill issue. (You can die but in the time, gens get done)

    I would also like some changes, to make tunneling weaker, but its more bc of strong killer.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,383
    edited June 2023

    A feeling of a lack of agency can be caused by several things: Gen rush, pallet heavy maps with lots of second chance Perks with syringe/styptic, strong/safe loop chains.

    However this doesn’t change the fact that while it may feel like a lack of agency on the Killers part, they always have autonomy. Survivors quite literally have states where they lack autonomy to a significant degree. Such as when slugged, Hooked, carried, and completely when Killed.

    This isn’t always a bad thing, but with tunneling a Survivor it’s a feeling of a lack of agency coupled with that loss of autonomy. “I never even had the chance to escape the Killer, they were always on my arse it was just one chase and back to the Hook I go”.

    Survivors that tunnel gens may make the Killer feel like they have a lack of agency to prevent it, however the Killer still retains their autonomy.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    You can attempt to stop tunneling as well. Doesn't mean it's gonna work but you can at least try.