We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

New Survivor Perk Idea (because I’m stoned and think it’s a cool idea LMAO)

GuidaInc Member Posts: 3
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

New Perk Idea:

”Second Chance”

-An extra chance to unhook yourself {by a slim miracle} during the Second Phase hook. “Second Chance” gives the survivor who have been hooked a second time or have reached the second phase an opportunity of three spare attempts (with basic luck of 4%) to get off the hook.

Could see it paired with “Slippery Meat” in some way, or have that perk and/or luck offerings stack with others!

I find especially in solo queue, once I reach my second hook, I end up putting my controller down when it is more than obvious I’m not going to be saved by my teammates. It definitely does seem like giving up (well, it is haha), but I feel like it could be a neat idea for solo players especially to have just a little bit more of a chance to participate in the games! Although understandable, some newer players end up waiting until the last second to try and save those that are hooked, or just not at all for their own gain, but with this “Second Chance” paired with D.S., Slippery, or even wiggle perks, I think it would be a pretty dope perk for a new hopeful survivor character down the line!

EDIT: To balance this perk for killers, it would be a neat idea to include some sort of longer and/or infinite broken status effect after the survivor successfully unhooks themselves, OR perhaps give the killer an aura reading once the unhook is successful. Credits to my partner for those ideas! :)

Thanks for listening! GG🖤

Post edited by GuidaInc on


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Do you think this should have the penalty of unsuccessfully unhooking yourself?

  • GuidaInc
    GuidaInc Member Posts: 3

    I think so! If the extra attempts failed, i think it would be fair to just be dead afterwards- I suppose if not, the buff could maybe be an extra sliver of the meter being left after the attempts in case a teammate can make the last second save? Didn’t think weigh that option! What do you think? :)

  • GuidaInc
    GuidaInc Member Posts: 3

    Whoops, I guess my initial response to you didn’t go through! My bad if you see the previous message after this one, lol.

    I do think it’s fair that you receive the second phase penalty {death} if the extra second phase attempts aren’t successful. Makes sense! If anything, maybe a small sliver of the hook meter could be left after the attempts in case another survivor CAN get the absolute last second unhook? Though, I think that could be considered unfair in some way for sure. But either way, it would be neat! Didn’t think about that! What do you think? :)