Range of Killer Slash

jordanjustice Member Posts: 110
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The killer's range on their slash makes no sense. I understand Michael's, in Tier 3... and with add-ons... but other killer's, their slash distance makes no since. If you quick vault and land, you should (SHOULD) be out of the way of their slash, as this is a few feet away from the window.... yet alone quick vaulting and taking a step or 2.

With vaulting windows, people can claim the ping is the issue... even though its consistent... What about pallets? The survivor can vault a pallet, reach the other side with both feet on the ground and still get hit by the killer slash...... ... HOW? Ping can be claimed as the issue here too, i guess... But I don't think Ping is the issue with either of these.. The issue is the distance the game has setup for how long a killer's arm is. These slash hits are physically impossible.

I suggest/ask/implore the devs to look into the slash distance and fix it to a normal, rational reach... Because right now, it is anything but.


  • Aaronseuk
    Aaronseuk Member Posts: 77

    The one that gets me… you are through a top floor window, nearly half way down and still hit… and that happens on multiple maps. Very frustrating lol.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yep this happens to me ALL the time. I'm so far from the window after vaulting too, it's like the game defies the laws of physics haha.

    My R1 bumper works perfectly too, yet whenever I try to drop a palette it doesn't work and I also die. I'm always like what?? I'm pretty sure my button works! It is indeed frustrating haha.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    It's usually due to ping, killers might see you closer to how you see them - it is the reeason that VPN is used by some killers as it gives them that unfair advantage of weird hits. I'm pretty sure killers like Wesker have extended reach on pallets since he swings sideways but I'm not too sure about it.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    The amount of times I vault and wesker arm attack thing vaccum sucks me back over the vault, omg. They should do something about VPN if it gives unfair advantage like that, if that's what it is :(