Made For This making it to live servers

For solo players this perk will be fine. But strong premades most of the time make it to endgame. They can stack it with hope and are literally as fast as any 4,3 killer. No Deathslinger or Hag will ever catch up, it will literally be a free escape.

Endgame builds will not be possible anymore on any of these killers as you will not be able to catch survivors anymore. How is this fair exactly?


  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Most people choose Adrenaline because it is more helpful. Bloodrush doesn’t work with Adrenaline, Made For It does

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    What? It's the other way around. Adrenalin turns off made for this - probably for whole endgame, while bloodrush gets charge at adrenaline making it good synergy (paired with sprint/balanced/lithe).

    Like sure - nobody will play this, because 1x exhaustion reset is weak effect. Same as for the people (too risky/too short time to use) or soul guard (u can't force slugs) or power struggle (killers don't walk thru pallets, taking 3 perks AND needing teamplay/health state is too big price to pay). All those perks "are OP" according to killers - same as MfT right now. But still even if they are that OP, virtually nobody is willing to play it. I guess it's not so OP after all

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    People aren't necessarily wrong about Blood Rush.

    The problem with Blood Rush is that while it's an unfair perk, it's also extremely difficult to use unless you actively plan around it, compared to something simpler such as Adren.

    So you have a perk that's held back by various conditions, but removing them would make the perk extremely unfair.

    MFT is a perk that... is trivially easy to activate. What will matter is if people will know how to abuse the 3% difference to its full potential or not.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    We will see if people will even use it. 3% is not 8% weskers get w infection. I seriously wonder how much people will be able to get value out of it - but I know that everything w potential will get screamed hard from killer players and that's actually sad. I would like more perk diversity - not another thrash-tier perk...

  • jeffkillsyou96
    jeffkillsyou96 Member Posts: 249

    I can agree this can be powerful but the catch is they need to be injured and in the endgame all at once and being injured in general isn’t great unless you’re confident in looping

    why do you think no mither isn’t played all that often unless to meme or challenges and I believe any killer would be able to down anyone running said build if skilled enough like with deathslinger aim or hag trap placement

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    Trash perk? I mean, survivor perks haven't been awful lately. You got Reassurance from Project W, Vittorio brought Potential Energy (hard to use solo but genuinely powerful is the killer guards a 3-gen) and Fogwise, and Tools was more underwhelming but Background Player is nifty.

    Survivors are getting decent perks. Just nothing meta defining except Reassurance.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Playing Knight while this perks is around will be quite frustating... a survivor with this perk will be faster than the guard, will make the "hold W" gameplay much worse.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah as a killer player i think it's time to surrender 😔

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Can we please at least try the perks in live before we complain about them being "broken"?

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Quite possibly because Slinger is meant to shoot his gun??? Are you actually kidding me rn? Of course he can't catch up!

    Now we're resorting to basic misinformation in order to fearmonger more?

    And Hag... who cares about her? She uses traps anyways to anti-loop and doesn't really chase from what these forums have said.

    This is like Hyperfocus, it will go live and nothing will happen. All of your beloved streamers are wrong, move along.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    If the Killer doesn't do a 3 gen, Potential Energy is a wasted perk slot. Fogwise is the only good one and Tools came with a majority of bad perks. Background Player is too situational.

    Nice to see that "decent" means "nothing that I can't easily counter". Revealing people's true skill levels.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't see how the strength of this perk changes depending upon whether you're grouped with people or not. If I'm a good looper it's going to augment that whether or not I'm on a discord call.

    In any case my concern is just how this punishes knight/m1 killers. Guards already don't get consistent hits and I guarantee you'll be seeing 1-2 of these every game. Survivor queues have been getting much longer lately so it's more difficult to just play the other side for someone who just plays whatever the BP bonus is like me.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    These days I mostly play killer and incentives are mostly on survivor side (because soloQ still sux hard). Maybe try to play the game during day and not just at evening?

    Also - let's just see now. I am still convinced it will have about same usage rate as current DH. No other exhaustion perks is big limitation (and not being able to freely use exhaustion makes it too anti-synergistic to be worth it - same as plaything on legion or deadlock+pain res).

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313

    You won't touch Legion if this goes live? That sounds like weak quitter talk. Legion can be GOATED. Don't be weak!

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    It was tried out in the PTB. A lot of streamers made videos of it just to show how broken it can be when stacked with Hope. They also demonstrated how much longer it takes, just the perk by itself, to catch up with survivors. Scratch Mirror Myers for example (worst end of the stick), needs 150% more time to catch up.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Premades can coordinate everything including generators and heals. They finish trial way faster than the average SoloQ team. They make it to endgame significantly more. And then can also coordinate stacking. For example, one will bring dark theory and blood pacts/power of 2.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Having a job and responsibilities, I don't just get to play video games whenever I want. Evenings are what I got free. There's decent survivor queues until 8 or so then they drop off. Honestly I prefer survivor by a wide margin. I just rarely get to play it.

    I don't understand where people get this no exhaustion nonsense. Run it with balanced landing. Run it with lithe. It pairs with these things, not cancels them out.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited June 2023

    I'm fine with that because they're dedicating their whole build to run faster. That's not a big deal, it's silly fun. What's not fun is how the perk alone is going to play vs killers with no anti loop. It does nothing vs the best killers in the game and is a huge hindrance to the worst for free.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited June 2023

    Having a whole build like that across the whole team is a gimmick build tbh, same with streetwise and vigil stacking or all boons or chests, etc

    Perks are complained abt because they seem OP on paper but in actual gameplay it's too hard and inconsistent for it to actually work

    Trying to do a stacking build really just does more harm than good and mostly only used for memeing lol

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    If the killer didn't tunnel, 5 sec DS was a waste of a perk slot.

    If the killer was Slinger or Legion, DH was/is a waste of a perk slot.

    If the killer one shots or is Plague, CoH could largely be a waste of a slot.

    Just because a perk is good doesn't mean it'll give value every game and vice versa.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Except the fact over halve of the killer roster consists out of either slow killers or M1 killers with no significant antiloop. So yeah, unless you’re facing Nurse or Blight you’re going to get value from it every time.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited June 2023

    It's not a bad perk but I don't think it will be very popular. The average player won't really feel that 3% boost and will probably prefer to stick to other exhaustion perks like lithe/sprint burst.

    Stronger players especially that know how to use this well, will get a lot of value from it, but I'm not sure that it's unfair since it's mutually exclusive with sprint burst which is easily the strongest exhaustion option which is a pretty big opportunity cost IMO.

    For reference it makes a standard move speed killer gain on you 20% slower which isn't nothing but you're not untouchable by any means. If there is a 10 meter gap between the killer and you before they are in lunge range, this perk will make it so closing that gap takes 20 seconds instead of 16.

    Most loops are smaller than 10 meters in total distance. Realistically, this gets you 1 more loop on a strong loop or 2-3 on a weaker one.

    In terms of making it to the next loop it takes a killer 2.34 seconds to kick a pallet in that time you gain 9.36 meters on them and probably already had 1-3 meters of range between you. With this gap you'll be able to make it loops that are 16-20 meters further from that pallet compared to if you didn't have the perk. So 1 kindred range worth of distance after the killer breaks a pallet. Not nothing but won't always be super relevant.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I think saying endgame builds are "not possible anymore" on those killers is a pretty extreme stretch. At the very worst, even assuming everything else you've said is correct, it means endgame builds carry the risk of survivors having that very specific combo of perks, which... I don't see happening en masse.

    Further, I think people are kind of forgetting that 110% killers have, like, powers? I don't play Hag enough to know for certain, so I can't speak for her, but Huntress/Trickster/Deathslinger are all designed around not needing to catch up all the way, because they have range. I'm not saying they won't notice Made For This, 3% can definitely be the difference between getting behind cover and being caught, but they don't have to get within M1 range.

    Lastly, I think we should at least wait and see how effective anti-exhaustion ends up being, IF this new perk becomes meta. We have two reliable perk options, one less reliable perk option, one trash perk option, and a variety of addons as well, all revolving around inflicting Exhaustion- which will in turn disable MfT. Killers are far from hopeless in the face of this perk, so it's best not to overreact too early.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    What? Um, I think you might've gotten things mixed up. I'm not arguing for Made for This. I'm saying that just because a perk has a few holes and/or isn't guaranteed to give value does not make the perk bad (bad as in, ineffective).

    I hate Made for This. I don't think that perk should've hit live. I never would've let it leave the drawing board.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    I give u balanced landing, but lithe? Vaulting is the most important part of looping. The only alternative is pallet dropping, which is 1-time use = you should always use it as a last resort. This is exactly the reason why you just don't use MfT with lithe. It's too bad and you would know if you actually tried it out.

    So back to balanced - it's one of the weaker exhaustion perks (even though I run it even now if I don't play bg player - yet another weaker, but more fun alternative) and even considering this it still limits you, because you can't use harwesters, you can't use purgation-main windows, some windows on midwitch main, a windows in eyrie and so on - and all this for benefit of one of the weaker exhaustion perk...

    No. You just can't get full value with MfT and any other exhaustion perk - save maybe iron will if you consider it exhaustion (which is a good thing considering how bad the perk is now) and current butchered DH...

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    It definitely will make it to live servers, it will be the end of m1 killer. Unless you can break all the pallets, good luck with that.