Kill rates are down. Survival rates are up.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
In my killer games, my kill rate is down quite a bit, and, conversely, my escape rates when playing survivor are way up (to the point where I'm comfortably surviving half or more of my games despite not knowing how to loop and just not being very good at survivor in general).
I think that giving survivors an onscreen status indicator in and of itself is relatively neutral, but what really changed things was giving solo queue survivors the ability to see other survivors' gen progress. Gens are getting done much more efficiently, and the healing "nerf" did next to nothing since having one dedicated healer per team or just survivors that know to find each other after being injured can completely negate any time benefits a hit-and-run strategy might otherwise have gotten.
(If there is no dedicated healer, survivors know to focus on gens, which makes the game even more painful.)
I'll note that this mostly applies to M1 killers and even mid-tier killers; I can get 4Ks with Plague just fine, but Ghostface and Myers are struggling more than they ever have in my history of playing DBD.
Before, M1 killers had serviceable slowdown metas to fall back upon. Ruin/Undying ensured that I could get in a chase early, and survivors either had to choose to deal with 200% regression every time they were scared off of a gen or else waste time hunting for the totems. After that, we had Brine/Overcharge/Pop/Eruption, which was harder to get value out of since it required direct interaction with gens to get any value, but it did compensate you generously for said interaction and gave you the ability to bring a 99'd gen back down to zero if survivors misplayed, which made up for losing out on the early chase value of Ruin/Undying.
Now, most of the even remotely decent slowndown/regression perks require a down and/or a hook before they'll do anything or else require you to spread hooks out if you want to get maximum value out of them (leading to a lot of games where you'll get seven hooks and one kill).
If you have bad luck in the early game and don't manage to find a survivor for 20 or 30 seconds, the survivor you do find knows how to loop, and the other survivors are doing gens efficiently or running gen perks/addons, you can easily lose 2-3 gens during your first couple of chases, and there's just not much you can do about it.
I've also started to see DH again, and that perk is still more annoying than every other perk put together, even after its nerf. I'd much rather see four Sprint Bursts than two Dead Hards.
Deadlock is a saving grace for M1 killers, but since it's a strong perk that's useful on every killer in almost every situation and requires zero interaction to get value out of, it's a matter of time before they decide to nerf it.
I'll point out, again, that my sample size is biased since I'm mostly playing "weak" killers and survivor solo queue, which would be most harmed by and benefit most from all of the above changes, respectively, but it still feels like there's a major difference in both cases.
I'll also note that, as survivor, I've mostly been running healing and genrushing builds due to the fact that they both feel much stronger than they did a few months ago. My most successul build as survivor has been Overcome/Botany Knowledge/Desperate Measure/Self-Care with either a good toolbox or a brown medkit with brown addons, and it can win entire games if the killer tries to capitalize on the prophesied anti-healing hit-and-run meta.
Limited sample size, but not really:
Played 8 games with Pig yesterday, 'all auras' build using brown crouching add ons with Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere to Hide, I'm All Ears and either BBQ or Darkness revealed.
7 of those games involved a survivor map offering, at least a couple were SWF and one was a last second switch to four flashlights. Those 7 games resulted in either a 4K or a 3K + hatch. The one game without a map offering, Springwood, 1K, likely a SWF but no flashlights.
This pattern is more or less reflective of all of my Pig games.
Points I'm trying to make here: If you don't stick to the 'meta' and explore other builds, you can come up with some really effective strategies. Info is incredibly underrated, particularly on stealth killers (so Ghostface and Myers also benefit form this build) and Pig's innate slowdown more than makes up for any regression. Map offerings are largely inconsequential, you can still outplay survivors on a survivor sided map, and you're just as likely to get a survivor sided map without an offering.
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No idea, I don't play anymore but I would love some official stats since I think the last ones are over a year out of date and many changes have happened in the meantime.
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My escape rate is actually at an all time low. You'd think the more you play, the better you get, but I feel like it's having the opposite effect on me. The more I play, the more skill I apparently lose lol
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Pig is a very different animal than Ghostface or Myers. People say that she's a D-tier killer because she has no chase power, but she has built-in slowdown and can afford to run information perks (and therefore benefit from them more).
And that's the thing: information builds are extremely deadly on killers that can make good use of them. I've actually done some experimenting with them lately, and my best Plague build is three info perks plus Bamboozle - no slowdown required, and I win almost every game - but Plague has a ranged attack and all four survivors are running around broken for most of the game.
Myers and Ghostface can't give survivors extra objectives or deter people from rushing gens the way Pig can. If survivors are on gens against those types of killers, they're on gens, and every info perk you run is one slowdown perk you lose out on, which was fine when there was more than one decent slowdown perk in the game.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there: If you're running Ghostface or Myers especially, and all-info build is a great way to lose every match. All the information in the world doesn't help you if the gens are done by the time you've gotten a single kill.
You're probably just going up in MMR.
I think I found a place in my survivor MMR where I wasn't moving up or down, and suddenly it feels like everything on survivor got much easier out of nowhere.
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Can't say I've really noticed much of a change at all, business as usual really.
In other words it's the invisible diceroll of matchmaking and if people in the lobby dodge/got dodged one too many times, waited 0.00082 seconds too long so the system gave them the first match possible and stuff like that that determines if it's an actual match or a predetermined cutscene where either a totally out of place weak survivor or even two get killed before 1-2 gens are done, or the killer is so vastly outmatched that there's very little they can do.
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If Nazzzak is losing she isn’t going up in MMR. She’d be losing MMR, which would make her games theoretically easier, no?
I wish I had your luck. My survival rates are below 50%. My kill rate is probably 70-80% but I don’t really use m1 killers. The couple of times I played Ghostface I honestly did okay (a couple of 3Ks and they weren’t 4Ks because the people found hatch before I did).
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I wasn't speaking theoretically. I have great success using an all info build on Ghostface too, and a 'mostly info' build on Myers. (and don't forget Mirror Myers, who sacrifices his power for info)
They can both cut chases in half with their power, bypassing the injured state and endurance effects, that saves you up to 50% of the time you would spend chasing instead of pressuring gens. That's slowdown.
If you know what gens are being worked on, you can pressure them and slow them down. If you know where survivors are hiding, you can down them quicker. On Ghostface in particular, if you know where survivors are, you can avoid being spotted, avoid being revealed, and get a great deal of stalk progress before your cover is blown. All of this gives you a time advantage against genrushing in any form.
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I cannot say that I have.
My KR is about where it usually is and my ER is also about where it usually is.
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I feel like I'm the opposite. I have been performing better as killer than survivor. Depends on the person ig
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Eh, I definitely win the vast majority of my killer games. Survivor though, I’m lucky to make it to endgame.
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i went from winning 80 to 85% of my killer games to 75%.
Survivor i went from winning 40 to 45% to around a 35% excape rate.
never use old eruption or COB but i did three gen with over charge a lot. The 3 gen strat being much easier to break now definitely lower my kill rate. As for survivor i just don't know....I just can't get any streak going unless I'm playing in my swf. Your skill doesn't matter in solo q and the whole game come down to did the match making give u a weak link. The answer is yes 70% of the time.
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My kill rate has been down for a while. Some of my matches are incredibly short but overall I believe I don't play as good recently.
I'm currently on a little break from Billy because I can't enjoy him anymore and having a blast with Blight instead.
My survivor games have been very good for a while now. I don't know what happened but for some reason I have mostly competent team mates, that make logical decisions and even pull of some nice saves here and there. The killers we go against are mostly descent as well.
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Nope. I win the vast majority of my killer games and under half of my survivor games (exclusively solo q). I would bet a significant amount of money that the kill rates aren't as low as some killer mains seem to think they are. They probably aren't significantly different than they used to be. Some people just got hard carried by being able to infinitely stall gens with the gen kick meta. Naturally the game is harder to people who crutched on perks.
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I would wager that kill rates have barely if anything moved from the 60% average they were at the last time they released stats. Sure, the gen kick meta is gone but so is dead hard and circle of healing, not to mention that medkits are heavily nerfed as well. Part of me thinks that kill rates have actually gone up if anything.
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I also run similar aura builds on weaker killers & I honestly barely lose games these days. I play against a lot of teams & TTV players and still dont really struggle that often tbh. More often I'll draw against a good team and occasionally I'll lose games with only a 1k.
I completely rely on pressure from hooks, injuries & downs in most of my games these days and you just can't do that without running aura perks. In order to win you need to be on the next person within 30 seconds of a hook to keep that pressure up. You also need good map awareness and have the ability to maximize your aura perks by taking mental notes of all survivor locations during for example barbecue & chilli or lethal pursuer. If you only focus on one person during that time and don't take a mental note of other survivor locations you can quickly end up running around lost.
It's a different type of play style & definitely more difficult to learn but it's also very fun and rewarding once you fine tune your perk setups and best of all it's pretty safe from being nerfed because most of the perks aren't really that meta. It's also very cross killer friendly meaning you can apply it to most killers if you want to switch it up and not play the same old boring OP killers all the time.
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Ive been noticing the exact opposite
except i also escape my survivor games
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I feel like my killer games have been easier as of lately but it's probably because I've been playing earlier in the day instead of at night because I've had a slight change in my schedule so not as many people are playing at 6am
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Idk about killer - but I played some surv today (after a somewhat long break/minimal playing over the past weeks) and during my seven-or-so-hours of SoloQ matches I think I escaped... six-ish* out of ... oof, many, many matches. Enough matches to go from Gold III to Iri II. (Also ######### is up with midwich? Map prevention may be in place - but every third map was that cursed indoor map)
*I remember there was a Nurse, a Wesker, a Pinhead, a Spirit, an Oni and a Ghostie - might be one or two more I forgot about. I also don't count that other Ghostie who disconnected
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Gunna have to disagree with Ghosty on that assessment there. Ghosty thrives on intel because you can get everyone 99'd before committing to a snowbally victory. Ghosty can benefit from both a slow burn victory or a large snowball, but it takes a lot of planning for the snowball wins. The main key to winning as Ghosty is using your power for 90% of downs (sneaking up on them, injured or not), and only chasing people to burn safe pallets. I call every bad Ghosty a Chaseface as a derogatory, because no good Ghosty wins through normal chases, because at that point its like picking Trapper without traps, or Knight without Guards.
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I honestly have no other explanation to what has been happening for around the last two weeks, other than that the SBMM system has been quite simply disabled.
Back with the grade based matchmaking, my escape rate was somewhere around 40-45%. Did I have bad teammates? Absolutely! Did I go up against super cracked Iri 1 killers? Oh you bet! Did I still have fun for the most part with SoloQ? Yeah, actually! And then SBMM was introduced and my escape rate slowly and steadily began to plummet. Last summer's "tweak" finally rendered my escape rate under 10% constantly. Despite the fact that I would only escape 10 out of a 100 SoloQ matches, some of which were due to lucky hatch spawns, my MMR didn't actually drop. I was still seeing the incredibly cracked Blights, Nurses that just melted my SoloQ teams with no effort. About a month ago things were so bad that I actually went for 60+ games without a single escape, gate or hatch.
And then teammates began to be competent, I actually faced killers that you see in survivor main content creator vids that you can spin around, run for five gens because they don't realize when you should abandon one and my escape rate started to grow. Now funnily enough, I was STILL going up against the prestige 100 killers that wouldn't necessarily mean that they were tippy top 1%, but the expertise that they have demonstrated using their powers and their very on point macro showed that I was still going against people above the softcap. But now, just yesterday I faced off against a Wraith that literally had two tier 1 perks and never even managed to hit me until we were in endgame and he facecamped his second hook.
I'm now basically going up against one or two highly experienced killers and then I'm back to normal matches. And the survivor skill is completely reversed. I'm getting competent loopers and people able to time flashlight and pallet stuns when I'm against decent to mediocre killers and zero prestige bush hiding Claudettes with 7 hours in the game against the P88 Wesker that has mastered his bounds. It's completely reversed, good killers get bad survivors and bad survivors get good killers.
And then there is killer. Oh boy is there killer...
For the past few months, the matches were pretty similar. One or two tough matches and then one or two somewhat more chill ones. I don't tunnel nor did I use the Eruption/CoB/etc meta. Survivors now though, are a completely different breed. No weak links, four adrenalines in almost every single match, they wait around edges/corners, don't fall for mindgames, manage hookstates really well and focus on generators, leaving most chests unopened. Unless I tunnel it's a 2 out in the best case scenario. Tunneling or a lucky snowball still gives a 4k, but unless I'm sweating for my life the maps are just too safe against M1 killers that don't tunnel. For the first time since SBMM came out, I'm actually having more fun playing SoloQ than Killer and that's not a sentence I have previously thought would be uttered.