Revert Long Survivor Screaming!!!!

Hey Devs,
Bring back the old short survivor screaming because this actual set up is LITERALLY giving me headaches after playing killer or survivor for more than 30 minutes. These new feature is not only unnecessary, but it is also bad for users physical health. People can claim that there are ways around, but the point is that you should never have done this since literally nobody was asking for it. I would literally pay for not listening for survivors screams at all. (This last part is just my personal indignation on how sick I am of this thing).
If you all are into accessibility, please, note that people with learning disabilities might be triggered by long time acute sounds, so please, be mindful with that.
If other people like the long screams, make that thing a Option because as I said, my ears hurt after playing this game.
I double this, hook screams became very irritating
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genuinely no clue why it's not an option. like the skillcheck wiggle too being forced over a/d wiggle. they really love forcing changes on us and giving us no options to turn them off it seems.
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I third this motion
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No please, i love the new screams
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I want them to be longer.
Constant map wide screams untill they are unhooked please. And it gets louder the closer you are
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I know that you might like. It is okay to like it, but it should be optional to switch that thing off because it is very irritating and harmful for my ears. After a long play as killer or survivor, I have to take ibuprofen tablets for headaches. This should be matter of great concern for the devs because it can be matter of a lawsuit. (You know how people are out there).
Overall, I just want to have the option to switch that thing off. Otherwise, I will have to play less and less the game.
By the way, I already have auditive limitations (I only hear about 80% of what a regular person does in my age). However, this game is the only one I have had issues, specially because of these long and extremely loud screams.
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Just hit a survivor after every hooking.
Alt+Tab as survivor for 6s.
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A survivor hit on hook removes a stack of play with your food.
I am a consoler player.
Please, analyze my points more deeply.
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Also, I should not forced to interrupt my gameplay because of a harmful game feature. They should address that.
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Play PC and stop using PWYF.
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Harmful game features such as the intentionally small FoV?
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What do you mean revert? That is not a bug but intended feature???
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I like them..
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That's a very flawed answer. Thanks for your input though.
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It is very clear what I a mean by revert on the discussion text. Therefore, I restate my writings.
Note: I never said that it was a bug.
Thanks for your contribution.
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Hi! I know that you might like it! That's why I suggest to be a optional feature.
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Yeah its really annoying and makes no sense. They remove the extra groaning sounds off survivors when they get their third hook when the entity pierces them before going to the sky which was not even annoying but think extending screams is any good. Also on top of that the entity dying music sounds when a survivor is disappearing needs to be turned down or be gone specially annoying going against a high mobility killer like spirit and cant hear anything. All this does is promotes bming from killers even if the killer is not trying to be toxic.
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They were okay for the first couple of trials when it was novel and even a little funny. However, now it's kinda pointless really. I'm up for a bit of variation in scream lengths, but when a survivor is trying to imitate that scream vocalists in many a rock band do, it's pretty absurd.
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That's a fact. I feel like my ears are bleeding after 5 games. Just listen to a couple of examples:
Refer to Demi's video (1:16) part.
another video (meme but true)
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The super long screams are pretty damned annoying, yeah.
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Yep, I don't need to hear Leon doing his best Tarzan impression every time he's hooked.
It's given me migraine's and I've had to turn off the game due to these extended screams.